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At the moment Sam and Dean were fighting off a nest of vamps when Sam was cornered by threee of them. One cut his arm while the other two held Sam down.

" No!" He cried and suddely all three vamps' heads fell off. He looked over to see Castiel running towards him.

" Are you okay?" Cas worried. Sam nodded and kissed the small angel. He missed the taste of his lips so much. It had been two weeks. He transported Dean and him back to the motel.

" If you came back then where is Elijah?" Dean asked. He missed Elijah ever so much.

" She's warded big time but that's not of import. Angels are in this town and we need to go get info on heaven's next move." Cas explained. We grabbed our angel blades and headed to where the angels were. We walked in expecting to see angels waiting for them but they heard dead silence. Till they heard someone scream. They ran down the hall to see an unidenifible person standing with a blade to another angels throat. The blade seemed familiar.

" What is Michal planning!" The voice spat. The angel looked terrified.

" That's above my paygrade you will have to find him yourself." The angel whimpered. The boys all thought the same thing : we need her on our team.

" Then today is your unlucky day." She spat and shoved the blade across the angel's throat. Suddenly angels were running towards her. She automatically started to fight. It all seemed so familiar. The girl fought the angels and quickly started to draw a sigil on the wall. Then it hit him. The blade, the fighting, the sigil which was actually her trade mark for the rebellion.

" Ellijah." He whispered. She turned and looked at him but didn't smile or go to kiss him she just stepped back. Sam and Cas sent each other a confused look.

" What do you want ?" She asked. Dean took a step forward but she raised the blade.

" I'm sorry." He whispered. She held her stare.

" Wow I'm sorry? Really, Dean. You stab me in the damn knee and all you say is sorry.I got seriously punished in heaven for being with you. I was killed and brought back again and again until Michael was satisfied. I had to swear my loyalty to heaven. So let's get one thing straight. Sorry fixes nothing. I don't serve heaven nor man and I definetly don't serve you." She spat.

" Does that mean you are a part of the rebellion?" Dean managed to ask.

" Yes and this is more than about free will. To the rebellion, from what I have heard, they want anyone who serves heavens head on a plate. Including you Dean." She explained coldly.

" How did you know about that?" Dean asked. Elijah walked over. He noticed a strange mak on her hand. Cas saw it to.

" Because the angels found it kinda funny to have a winchester as their bitch." She whispered and with that she wad gone.

" Guys that was the mark of the garrison." Castiel cautioned.

" So?" Dean asked hurt clouding his thoughts.

" She is being controlled by another angel."

My Heaven is with You ( Sastiel)Where stories live. Discover now