Guardian Angel

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That morning when Sam woke up Cat had gotten a bit bigger, looking about 6 months old. He carried the baby to the kitchen to get her some food. After he fed her he made himself some coffee but still noticed how Cat grabbed at his thumb. Cas soon trudged in tiredly.

" Good morning." He mumbled sleepily. Sam smiled and wrapped one arm around him.

" Morning." He replied. Dean came in and out for coffee but other then that it was just the three of them.

"So what are we gonna do?" Cas asked, holding Cat. Sam thought about it for a moment.

" I think Gabriel should teach her. Heaven time is slower than it is here any way so she could grow up in two days there but really an hour here." Sam replied, getting more coffee. Cas nodded and soon Gabriel appeared, angel blade in hand. He relaxed when he saw they we okay.

"What's up?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Sam squeezed Cas's hand slightly.

"We want you to take Cat with you and teach her what she needs to know so she will be safe." Cas explained, looking down at the blue eyed girl.

" I promise I will take care of her, Cassie. With heaven time I would give her maybe two days until she is back and trained and ready Plus she's a Winchester, she'll be alright." Gabriel reassured and Cas cracked a smile. He looked down at the little baby in his arms.

" Good luck, Cat. I'll see you soon. I love you baby." He murmured softly, kissing her forehead and handing her to Sam.

" Bye, baby girl. I know you're gonna be awesome. I love you, honey." Sam muttered, kissing her forehead. Cat finally smiled, looking up at her father's face. Sam and Cas found themselves smiling at the little girl in their arms. Sam handed Cat to Gabe and she took his thumb, searching for reassurance in his touch. Something about her was different from other babies. She was calm and never cried and always needed to be reassured. Gabriel smiled at the tiny child in his hands. She had Castiel's bright blue eyes and Sam's fair skin. She had a little bit of brown hair growing on her head and she had Sam's cheek bones from what Gabe could tell. He gave the two men a small hug before grabbing the baby's bag and toys and with that, he was gone.

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