Chapter 12: Baskerville

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Hey y'all! I cannot believe that I have 140 reads!! Thank you all so much!! That's amazing you guys are great!! Anyways how did you like Mariarty (Mary+Moriarty)? My own personal ship that I made up with a friend😂 I completely 100% ship Mariarty😂 by the way for those of you who don't know, Winter Wonderland is a theme park in London.  Anyways I gtg now thanks again for 140 reads! Live long and prosper and may the force be with you! Enjoy!!

The next morning I wake up with a dull but painful ache in my left arm. At first I'm confused but then I remember my bullet wound. I sigh and sit up remembering the events of the day before. I look around for Irene but then remember that this building is filled with rooms and that she's probably in the next room. I stand up and open the door to the next room where I see Irene pinning up her hair with Bobby pins.
"Good morning," she says without turning around.
"I wouldn't call it good," I mutter "I'm still held captive by psychopaths aren't I?"
She grins slightly and says "point taken good morning though."
I half smile and nod suddenly noticing that her hair is actually dark brown instead of black like it appeared last night. Strange that I didn't realise that... I mentally shake myself wondering what is wrong with me. Why should I care what colour her hair is? I push those thoughts away and focus on the situation at hand.
"So what do we even do during the day?" I ask. She shrugs and says "Plan revenge, sleep more? I don't know it's not as if they let us go to Winter Wonderland," she replies rolling her eyes.
"So what you're saying is that they just leave us in here all day," I state already getting fidgety and twitchy; I've never been able to cope with boredom well.
"Yep," she replies sighing
Right as she says that however the door opens and Moriarty walks in.
"Hey sis I see that you've met Irene here," he says reaching over and stroking her cheek.
"Stay away from her!" I snarl smacking his hand away from her and clenching my fists.
"Ah I see you're already protective over her!" He exclaims "and of course you're already living with her! Should we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?"
I grit my teeth and choose not to respond and instead I growl "what the hell are you doing here anyways?"
"Well I've simply decided to take you to a nicer and more secure location than London so I'm transporting you there," he replies.
"There is no way in hell you are taking me anywhere," I say defiantly.
"Oh I suggest that you obey me; unless of course you want me to shoot her," he replies taking out a gun and pointing it at Irene.
"Glorious!" I reply sarcastically, "let's go."
He takes us to a car and motions for us to get in. We both enter and I note that everyone in the car has machine guns and there is bombs under the seats. If we try to get out we either get gunned down or blown up. We drive for about an hour until we arrive in a little town called Baskerville. We drive a little further onto the moor where we arrive at a place I know to be Baskerville a British Military Base.
"What are we doing here?" I ask confused "you're a criminal surely a military base is the last place we want to go."
"They're all in my pocket," Abdul Hassan replies.
I nod and try to keep control of myself to avoid clawing all their eyes out, particularly Mary's, I bite my lip and stare out the window.
They lead us into the compound and show Irene and I into an underground room I look around and see a camera in 1 corner of the room. This is irrelevant however since the room is an underground steel enforced bunker with no windows and a door that has
state-of-the-art locks on the steel door. Basically it's impossible to exit. There's a toilet and sink and a bunk bed in the room plus super high tech florescent lights on the ceiling.  In conclusion there is No. Way. Out.
I clench my teeth and swallow hard. I cannot panic! I must make a plan! I have to get out of there! I can not be stuck in this metal cage for any longer! All the sudden I realise how zoo animals must feel and I absolutely hate it! I swallow hard and scream silently while pounding my fist onto the walls. I grit my teeth and kick the wall then finally shriek "I need to get out of here! I can't stay here any longer!" I see Irene looking on in concern. She must think that I am loosing my mind but I honestly don't care I have to get out of here! Suddenly a plan pops into my head. It will take at least a month to complete but if it works it will not only get us out but also possibly destroy either Moriarty or Abdul; at the very least it will expose Moriarty to the world. I smile to myself and go over to Irene to tell her my brilliant plan.

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