Chapter 22: Abdul Hassan

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Hey everyone! I'm probably going to update several times today because I'm stuck in a car for 3.5 hours today so I figured why not! Btw check out my The Flash fanfic called Gravity! It would mean a lot! I have nothing more to say now so byeeeee!!!

Finally I reach the top secret prison.  I take a deep breath before stepping out of the car.  To get to it I have to take a 1 hour car ride to a private airstrip where I take a 2 hour private plane ride to an abandoned island.  From there I drive about 30 minutes to the middle of the island to the prison.  The car has to pass through about 5 different check in points with various passwords, several 100 foot electric fences, and through 1 mile of minefields.  Once I get to the prison I have to provide proof that I have top security clearance then get X-rayed and have all of my weapons taken away.  The prison is surrounded by a total of 10 electric and barbed wire fences which each have a mine field in between them plus every square inch is monitored closely by cameras and motion sensors.  On top of all that the prison is actually deep underground.  Each of the prisoners is stripped of everything they own and put in solitary confinement.  They are in metal cells that have electrical wiring.  That means that the entire cage will become electric if the prisoner attempts anything. It will shock them hard enough to at least incapacitate them if not kill them.  On top of all that they all wear shock collars on their neck; except these ones are much more powerful than the ones that are put on dogs.  I take a deep breath then make my way down the stairs.  As someone who does not like closed in spaces at all I absolutely despise going down here.  I hate hate hate being closed in anywhere! My throat tightens up and I clench my fists and remind me that I'm here for a purpose. I cannot let anything get between me and my goal. I take a deep breath, narrow my eyes and prepare myself for what's about to occur. Finally I enter his cell.
"Hello Hassan long time no see," I snarl.
He looks awful. His dark black hair looks brown with the amount of mud it has on it. He has 2 black eyes, a tooth knocked out, he recently had a broken jaw, a sprained ankle, and a bullet wound in his arm.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He asks "if you think you are going to get answers from me then you are wrong."
"Oh really?" I ask "whys that?"
"Because 25 different MI6 people have tried. If they've failed what makes you any different?" He asks smugly.
"You want to know what makes me different?" I snarl savagely, my green eyes as hard and cruel as a fanged serpent, "I'm different because I am willing to do anything. I will fight, I will kill, I will die if it means wiping out every trace of your and Moriarty's pathetic existence. I will do whatever I have to to ensure that your entire organisation is wiped off the face of this planet so don't you fucking try me. Tell me where the headquarters of your organisation is. Tell me everything about it now or I swear I will do everything in my power to make your pathetic life absolute hell."
This entire time I am getting closer and closer to him and now I'm standing strongly over him. He's chained to a chair and I am standing threateningly over him. With any other criminal they'd already be spilling their deepest secrets to me but this is James Moriarty's third in command. He won't be intimidated so easily.
       "Spill!" I shout.
He stays silent.  I step forward, consider for a moment, then grab his arm.  I'm not only grabbing his arm though.  I'm grabbing the arm with the bullet wound.  I roughly rip off his bandages then grab the bullet wound.  He screams in agony.
       "Tell me now!" I shout.
He shakes his head and I look him straight in the eyes and say "tuetih li 'aw 'annani sawf mizq qalbik"
I then stand over him glaring but not saying a word. I have learned that silence can be a powerful motivation.  People in general hate silence and also staring at them can make them feel uncomfortable. So both together can often get people to let something slip.  This lasts at least 30 minutes before he finally says "you know that your little silence trick won't work on me so you'd might as well stop it.
        "Ok fine I will.  How about this, if you tell me what I need to know then I promise I will let you get some decent food and sleep.  Remember sleep? I also will do all I can to get you out of here.  Your wife is going to give birth any day now but if you don't tell me what I need to know then you will never see your wife or kid again.  I have a lot of influence here.  I can get you locked up forever or let go this minute.  It's your choice? If I'm in a particularly bad mood I can even make you 'disappear.' It's your choice." I explain viciously.  I know every single persons pressure point.  For example Sherlocks is John, Johns is Sherlock and his sister, Mrs Hudson's is her marijuana habit, and Abdul's is his wife.  I see his face form into a strange mixture of anger, guilt, sadness, and hope and I know I struck him right where it hurt.
       "Fine I'll tell you if you let me go," he snarls.
       "Good tell me," I reply, my voice as cold as ice.
       "Ok our main headquarters is in America," he spits.
        "Give me an address," I snarl.
       "It's in California. Underground.  It's hard to describe where it is but I'll try.  Essentially it's in the middle of the Tehachapi Mountains.  Hardly anyone knows it's there.  The CIA does of course but they are all in Moriarty's pocket so they protect us," he says quickly.
       "Very well. Give me the computer code.  The very top one," I tell him.
       "Ok ok I will.  It's BC4T6PYQ773HJQ38R," he mutters.
       "Ok here is a pen and paper.  Write everything you just told me.  Here is a map. Mark the location of the headquarters," I say while throwing down the aforementioned things
He quickly does everything I say.
      "Here you go. Now will you please let me go?" He asks.
I look at him quizzically "of course not!" I exclaim "you are third in command of Jim Moriarty's network! That is one of the most valuable pieces,"
      "You promised!" He cries.
      "Let me explain," I say coldly "life is like a game of chess.  If you want to win you will stay several moves ahead of your opponent.  Strike them where they are weakest and if you can't find any weaknesses then create some.  You are like the queen.  If you're out of commission then the game is lost.  Just because the King is still on the board it doesn't mean he has any chance.  Take out a few pawns and the game can still be won but take out the queen and you have no chance.  You are the queen and this is my move. I have a chance and I've decided to take it."
I turn around and walk out.
      "Nooooo get back here now!" He shouts and starts banging against the door.
I ignore him and stalk out.
      "Success?" Mycroft asks as soon as I get out."
I hand him the papers, "definitely." I reply then get in the car to head back to Baker Street.

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