Chapter 34: Nessie, I Mean Mycroft

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I really don't have anything to say today other than I'm tired and I'm going home tomorrow so I'll be able to update more soon. That's all so live long and prosper and may the force be with you🖖🖖

          "I've been a bloody idiot!"
It's John speaking. We are back in England now in Baker Street. Since it will take a lot more research to discover the third clue we decided to go back to England early instead of staying in Egypt. That plus the fact that we managed to get caught in a riot in Egypt. Our car and hotel windows got smashed and we got beat up. That sort of ruined Egypt for us. Now I'm in 221B looking down at London.
"Oh is that something new?" Sherlock drawls.
John glares at Sherlock but continues, "What if "Lock" is a homonym. It could mean Loch as in a Scottish Loch! That would make a lot more sense! We are trying to track down some bloody stupid painting when this makes a whole lot more sense!"
"I suppose that makes sense," I say slowly looking out at the dreary rainy street. People are huddling over in raincoats and fumbling with umbrellas. It's nearing winter now. Soon we will have the first snow.
"All the rest have been places so I suppose that it is logical to assume that this one is a place also," I murmur thoughtfully. 
I pick up my phone and five minutes later exclaim, "ok flight reservations for tomorrow from Heathrow to Edinburgh Airport."
The flights at 11:30am.  One hour and 34 minutes long.  Arrival time: 12:04pm.  Pack enough clothes for 5 days.  I don't expect we will be there longer than that.
           "Wait," John asks "there are many Lochs.   Which one will be to to?"
          "Loch Ness," Sherlock and I respond in unison.
Just as we finish saying that the walls explode towards us.
          "Bloody hell!" John exclaims once the initial shock wave is over.
John got the worst of it and was knocked into the table.  He has a few minor cuts and bruises as well as a possible sprained finger.
Sherlock and I are still sitting calmly in our chairs.  When Sherlock and I give no reaction John huffs in frustration and glares at Sherlock.
           "I'm going to get some milk and biscuits from the shops.  I'll be back later," he snarls.
I nod.
          "Mycroft should be here in," I consult my watch "ten minutes time.  I think I'll put some tea on in the meantime."
Sherlock nods and acting as if there's nothing wrong, as if the windows aren't smashed in, I put a kettle of tea on.
Finally Mycroft arrives. 
          "Thank goodness you're ok," he exclaims looking around the destroyed flat.
           "Tea?" I ask.
He looks rather taken back by my unperturbed air but shakes his head and takes the tea.
           "So I believe we all know why you're here Mycroft so why don't you get on with it?" I say mildly but with a hint of annoyance.
         "What do you mean?" He asks "can't I check up on my siblings once in a while? Especially when they were just one building over from an explosion."
            "No you can't.  We all know that you are not prone to outbursts of brotherly concern, thus if you would make the effort to come all the way to Baker Street you must want something so what is it? If you don't wish to tell me then here's the door," I snap.  I glance over at Sherlock who is smirking at Mycroft and holding back laughter.  Mycroft is pinching his lips together in frustration. 
            "Very well," he says eventually making his irritation with me quite clear in his tone "you know the explosion? Gas leak right?  Well it turns out no.  It was a bomb and all that was left standing was a safe.  We haven't looked in it yet but carved into it was the names 'Andrea' and 'Sherlock' of course it's obvious who did this and why but I still wish for you two to be the ones to take a look at it."
I nod.
            "Ok I'll be there in 10," I respond right as Sherlock says, "nope."
I glare at him.
          "You'd better take that back," I snarl "you'll come with me even if I have to knock you out and drag you along."
           "What's the point?" He asks "you're the one who works for Mycroft.  You should be the one who has to deal with this."
           "Because," I say coldly "the safe had your name on it.  Unless you're name isn't William, Sherlock Scott Holmes then I highly suggest you come with me unless you want me to break your nose."
He rolls his eyes but nods and grabs his coat.  As we walk to the building next door I ask Sherlock, "what have you done this time?"
          "What do you mean?" He asks baffled.
I roll my eyes at his ignorance.
            "Haven't you noticed that Johns been angry with you.  You've barely spoken all week.  He's been avoiding you and unless you make up with him he's going to break it off," I sigh impatiently.
            "I...uh..." He mutters completely confused.
            "Have you spent any time together just the two of you in the last month?" I ask.
             "We've gone on cases when you're at the office..." He murmurs trailing off.
I roll my eyes.
           "Let me get this through your thick skull.  A.  Case.  Is.  Not.  A.  Date," I exclaim in exasperation "I am going to go to the office tonight and you too are going to go out and do something fun together that does NOT involve work or cases in any way.  Watch a movie together, go see a film, go out to the theatre, whatever but spend some time together ok? I'll pack for you two so that you don't have to worry about that ok?"
He nods.
           "Right.  Ok," he sighs.
           "Now let's go open this safe," I say confidently.

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