Chapter 14: Our Great Escape

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Hey y'all!! I have not updated for a while and I'm sorry about that! I honestly have no excuse other than writers block and the fact that it was the weekend and I was in the mood to watch The Flash instead of update😂Anyways about this chapter ah the feels! I finally sort of got them together like I have wanted to for a while! I haven't decided yet whether I will actually have them be a couple but I had been thinking out this chapter for a while aka when I'm bored to death in algebra😂 Anyways I cannot believe that I have 171 reads!! That is awesome!! Btw just thought I'd put in a little disclaimer here since one of the main bad guys is named Abdul Hassan I DO NOT mean any disrespect towards anyone from Pakistan or anywhere else!! That was a completely random choice in name  and I do not want anyone to be offended due to my choice in his name! Anyways I got to go work on algebra homework yay! (Note the sarcasm) so live long and prosper and may the force be with you! Enjoy!

Finally the day arrives. The day that Sherlock leaves. I swallow hard. We have to succeed or Sherlock will be gone forever! I take a deep breath and ask Irene "Are we done?"
      "Yeah I think so," she replies "It isn't at full capacity but we've done all we can."
I nod and say, "ok let's do this then."
"It" does 3 things. Unlock doors, shock people, and shut down security cameras.  Because the doors and the cameras rely on a main computer system it was a simply matter of hacking into it through the computer inside the camera in our room. From there I gained power over all computers in the building which includes the doors. Because it relies on electricity to function we were able to redirect the flow into an output where if it touched anyone or anything it would shock them with 100 volts of electricity.  Enough to kill them or at the very least incapacitate them for a long while.
"Ok we need to go through our plan 1 last time," I say nervously
"Step 1: leave our room. Step 2: shock or beat up everyone in our path. Step 3: go to the main computer area. Step 4: hack into London's TV network and advertise that Moriarty is back. Step 5: find Moriarty and/or Abdul Hassan and make sure that they call off any threat to Sherlock, John, Mrs Hudson, Lestrade, and Molly using any means necessary. Step 6: get out shocking everyone in our path. Step 7: Go to London and tell Lestrade that their base is in Baskerville," Irene replies.
     "Yep correct let's begin with step 1," I say.
I take a deep breath and remind myself that I have to do this not only for Sherlock, Irene, and My sake but for the sake of all of humankind because since Moriarty is back and Sherlock is leaving everyone will be in danger.  I take a deep breath and say "let's go."
She nods and I go to press the button to unlock the door but Irene says "Andrea wait."
I look at her in confusion.
"Of course you know that this will be very dangerous and that their is a very high probability that one of us will be hurt or killed right?"
"Yeah..." I say slowly feeling confused. She couldn't be backing out after all we did could she? By this time she's looking at me intently and I notice for the first time how beautiful her dark brown eyes are. I'm torn from my thoughts by her saying, "which is why I must do this."
She grabs my head and pulls me close to her but before I can break both her arms she slams her mouth on mine. It takes me a second to realise that she's kissing me but when I do I can't pull away. I look into her beautiful, smouldering, deep brown eyes and I deepen the kiss. In the back of my mind I know that we're wasting time but I can't pull away. I'm overwhelmed by the passionate emotions I'm feeling. I've never felt this way before; it should scare me but it doesn't. I can't think, see, or hear. I'm not in control of myself all I can think about is the beautiful woman in my arms. Suddenly she pulls away.
"I had to do that at least once," she mumbles.
I nod not sure what to say. I've never felt this way before. The last time I kissed someone was when I was 15. That person broke my heart and since then I've never allowed myself to get close to anyone; however, this times different I almost feel like I might have finally found someone I can trust. I swallow hard and say "we need to go. Sherlocks plain leaves in about 20 minutes."
She nods and I press the button to open the door. The door slides open silently just as expected. I take a deep breath and step through the door. There are 2 guards outside our door plus motion sensors. I quickly disable all motion sensors and cameras then nod at Irene. She shocks the first guard while I grab the second guard and swiftly slam his head against the wall which knocks him out. Irene smiles at me and I smile back slightly. I know I need to think about how I feel about her but I push those thoughts away and focus on the task at hand. I can't afford to get distracted. We continue to walk down the hallway periodically destroying cameras and motion sensors as we go. When we get to a split in the building I turn right without a second thought. I have memorised this place backwards and forwards even before I was taken captive. I came here with Mycroft to investigate a member of the staff who was suspected of selling information to the North Koreans. Anyways we continue to walk until we reach the main computer room which is surrounded by cameras which I easily shut down. I also disable the alarm system and shock the guards. Quietly I open the modern, grey, steel door. I enter the office and am surprised to see that it looks like... An office... I'm not sure what I'm expecting. I guess since its Moriarty's office I was expecting something more flamboyant or creepy but rather it looks like an office you could find anywhere. I take a deep breath, close the door, and start to hack in.

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