Chapter 21: The Second Message

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Hey y'all!! Another update in the same day yeah! Basically I finished all my homework but then had several classes where we were doing nothing so I decided to update!! Anyways did any of you notice that I put the PSOS in the last chapter lol😂 Anyways check out my Flash fanfic!! It's called Gravity.  Well that's it for now live long and prosper and may the force be with you! Enjoy!!

Andreas POV
        "So how did it go?" I ask immediately the next morning. I am absolutely exhausted. I just got home 10 minutes ago which means I have gotten absolutely no sleep. Mycroft and I spent half the night discussing the Korean elections as well as the American ones.  God I swear Donald Trump is giving me migraines!  I also had to interrogate 3 suspected terrorist leaders. Ones who are so up high with such secret info that barely anyone can see them. Only people with DV (Developed Vetting) clearance (the highest possible level of security clearance) even know that they exist. I sigh. I really hate interrogating criminals. I have been trained not to feel any sympathy for these people which is good considering that I often have to use, let's say, unconventional methods of interrogation. Honestly it drains me though; sometimes afterwords I wonder if I'm really human or if there is any humanity in me. I sigh and push my mind away away from that and try to pay attention to John. Right now he's talking about the food.
         "So did you tell him?" I break in
Yes I had been talking to John on the side as well as Sherlock, not that either of them know that I was talking to the other, which means that I knew that both of them had feelings for each other which was why I purposely threw them together like that. 
       "Yep I did," he replies.
       "And?" I question although I already know the answer.
       "He said he felt the same way!" John exclaimed looking exulted.
        "So are you guys together now?" I ask John.
        "Yep!" He replies looking happier than I have seen him in a long while.
         "That's great!" I exclaim feeling happy for him despite everything.
         "I need to go now!" I say.
         "Why?" Sherlock asks.
         "I work at Scotland Yard you idiot," I reply rolling my eyes.
          "You've been up all night though!" John says looking confused.
         "Yep too bad," I say yawning "I need to go.  Please don't destroy the flat while I'm gone."
Even though I technically live in 221C I only sleep in there and even then I sometimes spend the night in 221B so honestly I mostly live in 221B. I grab my usual weapons, walk out of the flat, and head to Scotland Yard. 
         "So what's up?" I ask Lestrade as soon as I get there "you said it's important?"
         "Yes our favourite consulting criminal has left another message," he replies.
He leads me into the office of the dead woman and I see another message written in blood it reads: You have 5 more days to leave on your little trip or it will happen again.  Hurry unless you want another one dead!
I sigh "ok well thanks for telling me Lestrade although I fail to see why you couldn't have simply texted me a picture.  Is it ok if I take some time off of work? I believe I have quite enough holiday time to use."
       "Yes of course. And I thought that by showing you you might see some clues or something that the rest of us missed."
       "Thanks but it's obvious who it is writing the message and truthfully you always miss everything, so there isn't really much else to do, " I reply brusquely and catch a cab back to 221B.
As soon as I get back to the flat I tell Sherlock about the message. 
        "So five days then," he replies "any ideas?"
        "A few.  If you get any tell me once I wake up.  If you wake me up for any reason other than an emergency then I will rearrange your face," I mutter completely exhausted. 
I grab a sheet and barely lay down on the couch to sleep but then suddenly my phone dings.
I look at it and see that it is Mycroft.
I need you to come down to the office right now. I can't say much over text but it's important.
Damn you Mycroft I haven't slept in 24 hours! And my phone is a government issued secure phone. It's practically impossible to hack! The only person who could is me!
Too bad about your sleep.  It has to do with HIM. You know who I'm talking about get down here now!
Fine but if you are lying...
Good I'm sending a car to pick you up.
I'm perfectly capable of catching a cab!
Not to this place and you know it so stop acting like a child sister dear and get into the damn car.
I sigh and get up. 
      "I got to go now Mycroft is texting me," I mutter.
       "Oh please if he is texting you it can't be to serious. I wonder if he has a cavity or a filling?" He questions rolling his eyes
        "It's a filling that is now over.  Trust me I need to go," I say "this is important."
        "No you will stay here. Doctors orders," John says.
I give him my icy glare and ask "are you really trying to tell me what to do John Hamish Watson?"
He swallows hard suddenly looking nervous.
       "Oh um no sorry," he mutters
I press my lips together and say "will you guys start packing for a long trip? We will likely be gone at least a month probably more."
       "Why?" John asks.
       "I'll explain everything when I get back. I have to go now," I reply then walk out the door.
Right as soon as I step outside a sleek black car pulls up in front.  Inside I see Anthea and some guy that I don't know. I do know however that he recently got a divorce to his husband of 10 years, has no children, is trained in at least 5 martial arts, is an expert shooter, and has 2 small dogs probably chihuahuas.  He has dark skin and curly black hair cropped in a fade style and clearly spends many hours a day in a gym.  I sigh and get into the car which pulls away from 221B taking me to my brother. 
This better be worth it
I text Mycroft.
Oh sister dear I assure you it will
Mycroft texts back.  I sigh and prepare to meet my enemy yet again.

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