Chapter 41: The Betrayal

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First of all I would like to warn everyone about this chapter.  It deals with sensitive issues and I have absolutely no intentions of  offending ANYONE.  Depression and panic attacks are very serious issues and please if you are experiencing any of those things please get some help.  You all deserve better.  You are all wonderful, amazing people and deserve the best life possible.  I'm always here if you need/want to talk to someone.  In this story I am simply trying to portray the anguish that Andrea is feeling when Irene betrays her.  Please don't get offended at anything I put in this chapter.  I have absolutely no intention of that.  Ok now that that's done I want your guys opinion.  Should I write a sequel to this story or should I write a Star Trek fanfiction? I haven't decided yet and I would LOVE your opinions.  Anyways that's all for now so live long and prosper and may the force be with you🖖
I trusted you,
when you told me it wasn't true,
I didn't know that behind those beautiful brown eyes
was a person capable of telling all these lies.

Those beautiful brown eyes soon turned to Satan's red,
as I realized you were fake one night as I lay in bed.

The person behind those beautiful brown eyes
made me suicidal with all the lies they told,
leaving my heart beaten and cold.

The person behind those beautiful brown eyes
left without a sound,
leaving me lost, waiting to be found.

Source: #FamilyFriendPoems

Several hours later I wake up in my bed in 221C.  As I get oriented I struggle to piece together what happened.  My sheets are twisted around me and I feel like I'm being suffocated.  Panicked I manage to unravel myself from them and sit up.  Slowly I remember last night
I wake up from the drugged sleep groggy and disoriented.
"Irene?" I croak.
"I'm right here," she replies.
"What happened? Why did you do this? What's going on?" I ask as I get oriented. I realise that I'm tied down.
"Let me explain," she replies looking coldly amused "you first met me in Moriarty's prison yes? Well I was planted there only a day before you arrived.  I was never Moriarty's prisoner I only pretended to be.  After the case you know as A Scandal In Belgravia I went back to Moriarty and we came up with this plan. I pretended to be a prisoner of Moriarty in order to gain your sympathy, to help you to gain your trust, and get emotionally close to you to gain your love. I needed you to completely, utterly, and wholeheartedly trust and love me for our plan to work. Well it worked. Slowly I gained information and gave it to Moriarty. You wonder how he knew every step of your plan and every move you made? That was me. I told him every bit of your plan until finally Moriarty "kidnapped" me in order to get me back. This whole clue leading was part of the plan and now we've won. But you know what love? It's ok it will be over soon. Moriarty told me to give you a message. It's "IOU a fall" and he also told me to tell you not to be scared because fallings like flying only with a more permanent destination. This fall is why we are letting you go. You'll be gone in a few hours. Until then adios!"
She leans down and kisses me but instead of the flutters and passion that used to erupt in my heart when she kissed be I feel nothing but anger and betrayal. She sticks me with another needle and I drift back out of consciousness.
End of Flashback
Oh god.  Irene.  The one person I thought I loved betrayed me.  How could she do that?  Vaguely I realise I'm laying on the floor.  How did that happen? I must have fallen.  The walls are caving in on me slowly crushing the life out of me.  I'm falling into a never ending pit of darkness.  I feel like I'm being suffocated.  No.  This can't be happening.  My brain refuses to believe it.  I start to hyperventilate and panic.  I'm breathing short rapid breaths and feel like I'm going crazy.  I'm being smothered.  I'm dying.  Is this what going crazy feels like?  All I feel is absolute terror and misery.  My calms are cold and clammy and I feel tingling chills throughout my entire body.  What did I do to deserve this?  My entire life's been hell.  Finally I find one person I thought I loved and she betrayed me to my arch enemy.  God this can't be happening!  Suddenly someone bursts in the door.  I vaguely hear the door being kicked in and suddenly someone's arms are around me and a voice is speaking comfortingly to me.  John.
            "It's ok.  You're ok.  You can get through this," he murmurs comfortingly. 
He's wrapping his arms around me and I'm leaning up against him. 
             "I promise everything will be ok.  I want you to raise your arms above your head 10 times ok?" He tells me gently.
I manage to hear him through my panic and slowly the physical exertion helps me focus and I slowly calm down. 
He hugs me tightly.
            "It's ok I promise," he murmurs.
I feel shaken by what happened.
             "What happened?" I ask feeling vulnerable.
              "You had a panic attack," he says gently "I promise that you're ok though."
I nod.
            "I haven't had one of those for years," I mutter "I'd forgotten how horrible they were."
            "They are terrifying," John agrees "any idea what triggered it?"
             "Irene," I mutter "she... She... She betrayed me.  Sold me out to Moriarty.  She never loved me.  Only pretended to to get close to me so that she could give information to Moriarty."
I feel like I'm going to throw up as I bitterly spit the words out. 
John doesn't say anything he just hugs me tightly until suddenly someone walks in.  Actually 2 people.  Sherlock and Mycroft.
          "What are you doing here Mycroft?" I ask trying but failing for my usual brusque, cold voice.
           "I'm here to keep you from doing anything rash," he snaps "I heard what happened with Irene and I'm not going to let you do anything you may regret.
          "Speak clearly Mycroft," I mutter rolling my eyes.
          "Ok.  You're moving in with me to my house in Southhampton," he sighs "I want you to be in my sight as to avoid you doing anything stupid."
          "No," I reply instantly "my home is 221B not your mansion.  I'll fully move into 221B if that's what you wish but I'm not moving into your mansion."
            "Andrea..." He starts.
           "Save it," I reply "I'll move into 221B but that's all."
He sighs.
           "Fine.  But if I head of anything like what happened today..." He relents.
I nod.
           "Ok I'm sorry Mycroft," I mutter unused to the words.
            "I'll send some workers to move your stuff tonight," he adds then walks out.

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