Chapter 43: Shell Company

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As soon as I get to the office it's obvious what's happened. In the centre of MI6 headquarters there's a corpse hung from one of the light fixtures. Or rather part of it. The body has been brutally cut up and twisted and tied up to form 3 letters, IOU. My stomach churns and despite solving murders for a living and seen more gruesome murders than you can possibly imagine this sadistic form of murder churns my stomach. Taking a deep breath I walk over to the corpse to examine it. Of course there are police all over but all I have to do is flash my Scotland Yard badge to examine the body. I text Sherlock quickly to come down here then look at my phone quickly.
"Victim is named Johanna Bridge. She's 63 years old. She lives in Yorkshire with her husband and dog. She has 4 children and 10 grandchildren between the ages of 1 and 10. I crossed referenced her with the previous Moriarty victims to establish if there is any correlation and there isn't. None of them have anything in common. She is a retired nurse and her husband is a doctor. I have her full files here," I tell the Lestrade "Sherlock should be here in 5 minutes to analyse the case. Yes I know I could do it but I have things to do and remember I'm technically on holiday."
Lestrade nods and I quickly hurry to Mycrofts office.
"Tell Mycroft to get his pompous ass out here," I snarl at his 'secretary' who is actually an intelligence agent trained in multiple martial arts and weaponry so I suppose bodyguard might be a better description. The young man nods quickly and goes into Mycrofts office. A few minutes later he comes out.
"Pompous ass?" He inquires.
I roll my eyes in response and get straight to the point.
"You know about the murder today right? Well there is a correlation between the victims. Unlike what I told Lestrade. They all drink the same brand of tea.  I know that that seems insignificant but I have a theory that this has to do with one of Moriarty's shell companies. I think that he's not just killing innocent people randomly but rather killing them for some reason having to do with one of his shell companies. I'll have to do some research and undercover work to confirm it but from what I've got so far it definitely seems fishy. I think that we might be getting deep into Moriarty's network. Deeper than we've been before and if we play this right we could end it once and for all," I tell him quickly.
Mycroft nods deep in thought.
"But of a long shot isn't it?" Mycroft asks. 
           "The tea company is called Moriar Tea.  Do you still think it's a long shot?" I ask grimly.
            "I'll put them under maximum surveillance and keep you updated.  What's the name of the company?" he finally decides "if this really is the centre of Moriarty's web then be careful. As Sherlock so elegantly put it Moriarty is the spider of the web and he knows how each and every string dances."
I nod and walk out of the office and catch a cab back to Baker Street.
              "So basically she came into London intending to stay for a week to visit her sister, got kidnapped by one of Moriarty's men on her way to the theatre.  Got killed by a sliced throat then was later brought to MI6 headquarters where where was strung up to form the letters IOU. She has a husband, dog, 4 kids, 10 grandkids, and 5 chickens. She has type 2 diabetes, a knee transplant, and her second cousin is paraplegic," Sherlock concludes.
I raise my eyebrows mildly impressed with his deductions while John mutters, "incredible!"
Sherlock scoffs in his smug way and I purse my lips in disapproval while John shakes his bid not even bothering to reply.
            "What's the point of this?" John asks "his plan failed.  He won't get immunity so what's the point of all this?"
          "He's telling me to get a move on," I mutter to myself.
         "What?" John asks.
          "Nothing," I reply quickly.
John bites his lip and narrows his eyes and Sherlock gives me a suspicious look but doesn't push the subject which I'm thankful for.  I glance at my phone and realise that I have a text from an unknown number.
I'm coming over in an hour if you know what's good for you you won't tell anyone
Ubel I've changed a lot since I was 15 I'm not scared of you anymore. As far as I'm concerned you can go to hell
You should be scared of me you know what I'm capable of
Well you have no idea what I'm capable of
I'll be there in an hour
I look forward to it
          "Hey guys can you go get some milk and eggs? I'm going to make pancakes but I need milk and eggs," I ask.
            "We have eggs," John murmurs quizzically "and milk for the first time ever."
            "It's been contaminated with Sherlocks experiments," I lie "I had it tested by Molly and it isn't safe for human consumption."
John nods quickly and shouts to Sherlock, "We are going out now.  We need milk and butter."  For once in his life Sherlock doesn't argue and follows John out the door.  Ten minutes after they leave I'm playing my violin when I hear someone walk into the flat.
          "Ubel Hassan," I greet without looking up "how's dad?"
              "Wishing he could put a bullet in your brain," he replies.
              "Well tell him that I feel the same towards him and you," I snarl.
         "Ah that's no way to talk to the love of your life," he laughs in a sing song voice.
             "We are way over Ubel," I growl "we are past over.  I made a mistake when I was a stupid teenager and it's a mistake that I will never make again."
               "I  don't know about that," he laughs "you tried sentiment again recently.  How is Irene?"
With an angry snarl I launch myself at him.  With a flick of his wrist he throws me across the room and I fall in a heap in the corner of the room.  Wincing I pull myself up and manage to stand up. 
       "As you were at 15 you are now.  Still a weak little girl who can't see beyond her own victimisation.  Are you going go go running to Mycroft now?" He mocks.
          "Leave Mycroft out of this," I hiss angrily.
           "I'd be nice if I were you or I might be tempted to harm your precious John," he laughs.
That's it.  Despite knowing that he is a better fighter and can break me in half I can't hold myself back.  I reel my arm back and punch him as hard as I can and succeed in breaking his nose.
             "You bitch!" He screams angrily.  He catches my hand as soon as it makes contact and twists it around nearly breaking my wrist
              "Ah!!" I shout through clenched teeth.  I had forgotten how strong he is.  And what a good fighter.  Even better than me.
             "Why are you her?" I question sighing.
             "Oh yeah I alms of forgot," he replies "Moriarty told me to tell you to get a move on.  You know what you have to do.  He owes you a fall and you will oblige him unless you want your whole world turned upside down.  You have until tomorrow."
I bite my lip and look back up at the face I used to think I loved.  The tanned skin, deep brown eyes, cropped black hair, hooked nose, and facial hair stubbles make up a face I used to love.  Even now my heart aches when I see what he's become.  In some deep part of me I still care about him.  I don't show any of this on my face however.
            "Get out of my house.  Please.  Leave now," I quietly tell him holding back my tears.
He laughs sadistically, "see you in the morgue."
Then walks out.

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