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-Age 6-

Today has been a good day. I stole a cookie from the cookie jar, I had pancakes, I got a new shirt, and Kyo from 2 beds over and I painted our nails purple.

However, one thing made this day the best of my life.

I had been running into Riju a lot lately, and I began seeing him as a father. Then, he became my father, That's right, he adopted me. I am now Kitani Hiraka.

When I heard I was being adopted, I stared. Who would adopt me? I was someone people couldn't look at in the eyes, and I was friends with Naru, who people dislike. Then, Riju walked in, and I smiled. Riju went from my father figure, to my father.

Riju Hiraka is of the male gender, with dark brown hair and grey eyes. His skin is tan and he is a Jonin.

I may have liked Riju, but someone was jealous.

'You don't need him! You have me!' Kurama whined in my head.

He was so jealous.

-Age 12-


I psyched myself up, jumping up and down in front of my mirror, looking at my reflection. My long, orange, tied up hair bobbed up and down, and my striking crimson eyes shone with joy.

"Who's the woMAN!?!" I asked my mirror, then pointed at it,"YOU ARE!!!"

Needless to say I was genuinely excited. My mind scurried to my classmates. They'd probably pass easily to be honest. Lee will probably pass due to his taijutsu alone, and the prodigy, Neji, will breeze through it. That one girl Tenten, will most likey do well, possibly above average. The playboy, Nakazo, will most likely do OK, but then flaunt his skills using his special word language that makes him sound smart. My friend, Aneko, will most likely pass by the skin of her teeth, seeing as she's as lazy as an inanimate object.

I threw on clothing that would allow me flexibility and charged out of my door, seeing Riju raise an eyebrow at me and smile,"Excited?" He asked, sipping coffee to keep him up. He had gotten up early to make sure I went in the right direction, but had to do a mission report late last night.

I nodded, jumping up and down,"I'm gonna be a ninja!!" I cheered, smiling bigger than I thought I could.

He pat my head,"Remember, it's not all fun and games." He told me sternly.

I nodded quickly,"Ya, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it." I waved off his warning he'd told me many times.

"Let's go, let's go, let's gooooo..." I forced, pulling his arm towards the door. However, this was a jonin, one does not simply move a jonin. He stayed still in his spot,"Kit, we'll be 30 minutes early." He smiled,"Or are you also getting bad with time?" He teased.

I blushed,"I swear, it's because of these pupils of mine! I mean, they're slits! How am I supposed to get a good sense of direction with these?" I defended.

"The Hyuga have no pu-"

I cut him off with a 'shhh', then continued in a desperate whisper,"Don't think about the details."

Needless to say, he was amused with me.

Since Riju wasn't helping with my boredom, I decided the being who still hasn't explained what he is yet, would be more fun.

We had come to a compromise that once I became a ninja we could have 'The talk'. Yes, we both know that there is another type of 'The talk', but it's something I never want to have. I'm pretty sure it just goes into further detail about the babies coming from the magical gardens, but it's supposed to be really awkward.

'Yeah, I'm not giving you that one.'

I honestly don't see the big deal.

'Sooo, Kurama?' I asked him.


'I'm gonna be a ninja today, can you at least tell me a TINY bit?' I begged.

'...Okay.. I'm an animal.'

I blinked, waiting for more details, then internally pouted,'That was lame.'

I pouted, sitting on the couch and just waiting for it to be time to leave. Time ticked on and on and on, before,"Are you ready, Kit?" Riju asked.

I sat up quicker then I thought was physically possible,"I was born ready." I answered, looking at him with wide eyes, which he just chuckled to and ruffled my hair.

We walked out the door to walk to the Academy, and I waved at everyone I saw. Pretty much everyone avoided my eyes, but a few small children waved merrily back before being guided away by their mothers.

My strides were longer, wanting to get to the Academy as fast as possible. Riju smiled at me, and I smiled back, but we mostly just walked. we were the type that liked to enjoy the company instead of chatter.

Soon, we arrived at the Academy. My heart jumped in joy, and I hugged Riju before running to the Academy door, tuning around and waving goodbye as I stumbled. I dashed inside, running to my class, before taking a deep breath outside of the door, and calmly walking in, even though my heart pounded in my ears.

I greeted everyone normally, and took my seat as if it was another ordinary day. I could see everyone's impatience shining through their facades. They were tapping something, either with their foot or finger, and some were biting their lips. Others darted their eyes around the room to keep their mind busy. We were all extremely hyped up.

I was kind of disappointed I couldn't see Naruto before class, so I made a mental note to buy him a ton of ramen later. Or maybe I should continue getting him barbecue to save him from his ramen obsession.

Rei-sensei walked in, as Iruka took care of the kids 1 year younger, we got Rei. Rei-sensei smiled at us and said,"Okay class, we've already done techniques and other justu, now it's time for the last test. The Clone Jutsu. I know you can all do it." She smiled at us,"Once your name is called, please leave this room, and go to the room next door. Once you enter, you may close the door, but please remember to leave it open when you walk out."

We all nodded, storing that in our brains.

Then, you could hear everyone's breath bait as the first name was called,"Akihiko Nimi!"

Sorry for the short chapter, but the next one will be longer, I 'Naruto promise'. Also, I talked about Traveler, but that is not my only upcoming story. Just a reminder, I need to work on multiple stories at once.

My Friend, Kurama (Naruto Fanfiction) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now