Chapter 15

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     As soon as started eating I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Serena. Serena was one of my friends last year, she helped me prank back the Imps. She was the one who come up with it in the first place. She's a master at pranking people, together we pranked almost half of the people that went last year. But we got caught and had to everyone we pranked throw cream pies in our face. That was a lot of pies, I had to wash my hair over 20 times that day. Serena had to throw away her clothes completely, they were that ruined.
"Lona, this is Serena. She was my friend during camp last year," I introduced them to one another. Serena sat down next to me and smiled towards Lona. Out the corner of my eye I saw Serena trying to study Lona.
"What kind of monster are you?" Serena asked Lona, looking a bit curious and suspicious. I wonder why, Lona isn't scary looking; not even half as bad as the other creatures here. They were way worse, I mean what if you just woke up to a snake in your face how would you feel then? That's how scary they are, that you want to scream and run away every chance you get. But even one of the most gruesome creatures have a kind heart, well some of them do anyway.
"I'm a witch, what creature are you?" Lona asked back, I could see her trying not to roll her eyes. This was going to be a long summer if they don't get along quickly.
"I'm a hybrid mix between a siren and a vampire," Serena smirked when she saw Lona's surprised face. That was my face too when I found out. I didn't know there were such a thing. But hybrids do exist, like werewolves mixing with vampires, but that combination was the most common.
"I wish I was mixed with some other creature, that would be cool," Lona looked down as if to say I don't want to talk about this subject anymore. Poor Lona.  

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