Chapter 16

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   When we were done eating our food, we walked back to our dorm. Serena and Lona soon warmed up after Lona showed Serena what she could do with her magic. Witches can do their magic when they are here, and every other creature can do any of their special abilities or be in their real form. I rather not be in my form because then I can't fit in a doorway and I would like to do that. But if anyone wants to be rude to me I will show them my true form, I'll go there. I'm not afraid. Plus Lona can probably do some magic if anyone messes with me.
"I saw that we were in the same dorm when I got here," Serena said when she saw the look on our faces as she went into her room. I didn't even notice that all of the doors had names on them, if I had noticed that I would have known Lona was here. How could I be so stupid?
"I'm going to take a nap if anyone needs me," I said as I went into my room. I laid down on my bed and was out as soon as I closed my eyes.
You're going to die if you stay here. You should just leave while you still can," said a mysterious voice. I looked around but no one was there, where could it be coming from? Then I saw it. A figure in the dark corner of the room. He was wearing all black except for his shoes that were white. He was wearing some sort of mask on his face but I couldn't see his face. The mask looked as if it has came from Egypt itself. It was the Mask of Anubis. The God of the Underworld.
When I woke up both Serena and Lona were next to me looking as if they had just seen a ghost.
"What is it?" I asked still shaken by the dream. What was that all about? I literally had a dream about the god of the underworld. What wasn't weird about that?
"You were talking in your sleep, something about you going to die if you stay here. Did you just have a bad dream or something because this is a safe place. We can't just die here and you know that," Serena hugged me, I guess trying to make me feel better. I hugged her back and then got out of my bed.
"Wanna go and see if there are other hybrids and witches on campus so far? I just want to get out of this place for a while," I said as I walked out the door. Serena and Lona were soon close behind.  

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