Its All You're Fault

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There is a small town were demons and human's walked among one another. The demons hide there true selves by drinking a potion that will turn them human for three days. This potion has a special name, what they call Glint. But if they wish to stay human forever, they must get a kiss from true loves kiss from a human. But. If they don't love them, the human turns into a demon and stays that way. There is no reverse for them. There is a law in this town, if the demon is not in there human form within 24 hours they will be sent back to the underworld until they are able to get the potion. If the demons from the underworld wanted to come to the surface they would have to be sent to a church where they would get there potion and be ridden of there sins. They are also are held to follow the rules that the priests give them. If not and a demon harms or kills a human. Then they are torn of there surface abilities and stay in the underworld. In the underworld there is a king, he is a great King mending ways between human and demon. He has never been seen by a human or demon. Rumors go around saying he has three heads and nine arms. Also a scar cut across each of his left eye's along with a long nasty one down his chest. They say he got that one from battle with the previous King. But these are all rumors.

"Usopp! Stop making up nonsense!" Sanji snapped.

Sanji and Usopp were priests at the church between surface and the underworld. They granted those who were worthy of the human body for demons who begged for it.

"It's true!" Usopp said.
Sanji adjusted his glasses looking at a clipboard. Names of demons appeared on the blank sheet of paper.

"Our new arrivals will be here soon so shut up. Before you get us killed."

Usopp grunted picking up his clipboard. There was a broken chime as a loud howl and laugh broke through the room. The bottom of the church floor pooled open with demons with red skin and dark hair. They all laughed and howled like the animals they were.

"Alright you animals two single file lines before my friend and I hurry up so we can get you all out of here and out of my church." Sanji spat.

And they followed the orders of the twisted eyebrowed priest. Sanji checked one by one handing them purple bottles and they turned human before leaving. The days like this were long, at least these were only once a week.

"Hey Sanji, I can finish up here you can go on home." Usopp said.

Sanji looked up to him, "You sure?"

"Yeah go home and enjoy yourself."

Sanji closed his book, "Thanks I'll see you tomorrow."
He packed his bag before leaving, some demons were seen at night roaming around. Which was alright they would go at night to get more of Glint. Sanji stuffed his hands in his pockets getting up to his apartment. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. He froze, a pungent smell of metal and sweat lingered in his apartment. Sanji pulled out his dagger flicking on the light. Sitting on his couch was a demon. Sanji stepped closer as his head rose looking up at the blonde. The demon cracked a smirk showing off his sharp teeth. There was a scar across his left eye and only one red eye gleamed at him. Sanji swallowed shutting the door. The green haired demon chuckled petting the fluffy white cat that purred in his arms.

"How did you get in here?" Sanji asked.

"The King granted me this wish." He said.

"The King?"

The demon nodded stretching his arms on the back of the couch. He had two smaller horns and beside them was two longer ones. Was this the King that Usopp was talking about? It couldn't. What would a King want with him?

"So, why are you here?" Sanji asked.

He chuckled, "I've heard a lot about a blonde priest so I figured he was you. I wanted to experience what you were like for myself. Why don't you have a seat? I won't bite. Hard."
Sanji sighed taking off his glasses and set down his bag putting the dagger inside. He sat next to the demon and pursed his lips.

"Do I get your name or?" Sanji asked.

"You can call me Zoro."

"I'm Sanji."

Sanji felt something snake around him and watched as the blood red tail wrapped around his hips.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Sanji gulped.

Zoro chuckled, "I want you Sanji."

Sanji furrowed turning to Zoro, his sharp tongue licked his lips.

"I-if you kill me you'll be sent to the underworld and you'll never be able to-"

"Relax I won't hurt you."

Zoro grabbed Sanji and pulled him in close. Sanji flailed in his grip trying to get away. Zoro pinned him down to the couch, his tail flicked away from Sanji's waist and traced down Sanji's jawline. Before cutting down Sanji's shirt and exposed his pale chest. Zoro went down to kiss his neck but, Sanji moved. There eyes widened as lips pressed against lips. Zoro pulled back and swallowed hard. Sanji sat up across from him. His skin as red as blood, his eye was red and horns curled around the sides of his face like a ram's. Zoro was in awe, Sanji looked so much more appealing to him. His eyes trailed to the skin tight black leather vest and shorts.

"Well this turned out better then I expected." Zoro smirked.

Sanji blinked at him, "What are you talking about?"

Sanji noticed out of the corner of his eye a flicking red tail. He turned to it but it wasn't Zoro's. It was his, he grabbed the red tail with a heart tip. He noticed his arms and hands blood red. Sanji staggered up and away from Zoro. Looking at himself.

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE, YOU YOU MARIMO!" Sanji cried holding his tail in a tight fist.

Zoro took he liberty to take a better look at Sanji's new form.

"I never expected you to be a lust demon." Zoro chuckled.

"A what?"

"You know how you have different races here on the surface? Well we have different races in the underworld. Which is your greatest sin."

"Then what are you?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Well it's still your fault! I can't change back! I'll stay a demon forever!"

Zoro chuckled, "Well, there is one thing."

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