The Boy

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Sanji and Zoro dried off and redressed themselves before they headed up the mountain. Zoro pulled out one of his swords attached to his hip and cut down branches and vines that got in there way. Sanji's heart sank, knowing that he and Zoro couldn't be together anymore. Both of there homes being torn apart by differences and sins.

"Zoro." Sanji said.

He stopped and turned to Sanji, "What is it?"

"I want to stay with you. Live in the underworld. Rule beside you, and take up my dream of being a cook. But. If I have to return human to save you. I'd do it."

Zoro chuckled slightly, pulling Sanji closer and kissed him softly.

"Don't worry, I'll come back to visit you. In secret of course." He winked.

Zoro took his hand as they made it up the mountain. He groaned sheathing his sword.

"I'll just fly us up." Zoro said.

He took off hovering above Sanji and held out his hands. Sanji took them as Zoro lifted them up and took him high above the  forest and sitting on top of the mountain was a small house. It was strange as Zoro brought them closer to it. He set Sanji down before landing next to him.

"Welcome to Choppers." Zoro said.


The door was thrown wide when a little boy with large antlers on his head stepped out. He crossed his arms and frowned.

"I am the great Chopper! Please come inside!"

"He's just a boy." Sanji whispered.

"Don't underestimate him. He may seem small. But. He can do more then the average human." Zoro said.

He took Sanji's hand leading Sanji inside the small house. Sanji admired all the things in jars and powders and all sorts of things. The boy rummaged in his cupboards before frantically going around.

"Where did I put that?" He huffed.

The boy pouted thinking.

"Why did we see him as a reindeer?" Sanji asked.

"Because that's what he wants you to think he is. When he was younger he saved a reindeer and that reindeer dedicated his own life to Chopper. But. A hunter. Took him away. And. Left Chopper all alone. Well until I took him in." Zoro said.

Chopper lit up running up the stairs. Sanji slipped his hand into Zoro's and rested his head on his shoulder. He chuckled wrapping there tails together and kissed his head.

"I'm going to miss you." Zoro muttered.

"I know. But. I hope you win." Sanji said.

"You know I will."

Sanji wrapped his arms around Zoro's neck as Zoro snaked his hands around his hips. Sanji stared up into his only eye as it was filled with passion and love.

"Zoro." Chopper said.

They turned to the boy holding a blue glowing liquid.

"You love him don't you?" Chopper asked.

They pulled apart looking at the small boy. Chopper looked up at him sadness and a heartbroken expression was plastered on his face.

"Chopper, I know. But. It's the only way we can save both of our kind. A war is to break out between the demons and the humans. If I don't get back to the underworld to help settle things down. Then. All hell will break lose. Sanji. He has to stay here to talk to the humans and help fix this." Zoro explained taking a knee.

"It's not fair! You two love each other! I've waited 600 years for you to find someone Zoro! And. Now that you have only to be torn from him!"

Choppers eyes filled with tears clutching tight to the bottle. Sanji knelt down as Chopper sniffled.

"Look, it's the only way we can save all of us from a war that is unnecessary for all of us." Sanji said, "We are both willing to risk our relationship to have both of our kind to live in peace."

Chopper looked at the bottle before looking up at the two.

"Just hand it over Chopper." Zoro said.

The boy nodded wiping his freckled cheeks and handed the glowing bottle to Zoro. He smiled and ruffled Choppers curly brown hair.

"That's my boy. Thank you Chopper. You saved the human and demon race."

"Win the war Zoro." Chopper whimpered.

The boy cried as Sanji and Zoro soothed him to sleep and Zoro brought him up to his room. Sanji sat on the couch and looked at the bottle.

"You gonna drink it or what?" Zoro asked.

Sanji looked up to Zoro leaning against the doorframe.

"Come here." Sanji said.

He chuckled walking up and sat next to Sanji. He set down the bottle on the coffee table and pulled Zoro close.

"I just. One last time. Before I turn human." Sanji said.

"Sure." Zoro chuckled.

Sanji leaned in and kissed him softly, before nipping at his bottom lip making Zoro hum. The kiss grew deeper and deeper as Sanji's hands weaved into Zoro's moss hair. But he soon pulled back after his heart started to crave for more. Sanji embraced Zoro nuzzling in his neck.

"I'm going to miss this." Sanji muttered.

"Yeah. I know." Zoro sighed embracing Sanji back.

They pulled apart as Sanji picked up the bottle and uncorked it. He paused for a moment as Zoro reached out and stroked his hair. Sanji chugged the bottle having him drop it and groan. He held his head as the horns, tail, skin all changed back to his normal. Human. Form. Sanji pulled back looking at his pale palms.

"I can't believe, something I wanted so bad. Was something I now I loath." Sanji said.

Zoros hand never left his head, "It's the you I fell in love with. Come on. Let's go stop this war."

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