Worth Fighting For

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There was a loud war cry as the preists tried to protect Spandam. Usopp didn't fight back, he maneuvered through them up to Zoro. A dark Ora was surrounding him as he buried his head in Sanji's neck.

"Zoro, come with me." Usopp said.

He turned to Chopper and the woman.

"You guys too. Bring Sanji."

Zoro scooped up Sanji as they walked into the church. He opened a trap door under the carpet in the church floor. Zoro went down first before Robin and Chopper. Usopp looked around before going down himself shutting the door and lighting a match. They walked down a dark tunnel with the brief light of the match.

"Robin, it's good to see you after all this time." Usopp said.

"Yes, I am, glad, to be back with you all. In my home town. I came back to help. But. I was too late." Robin said.
Usopp hissed as the match burned his fingers. He lit another as Zoro held Sanji closer to him a tear rolled down his cheek onto Sanji's forehead. It all seemed like a bad dream he couldn't wake up from. Usopp pushed open a door leading them behind the church to the forest.

"Hurry, this way." Usopp said.

They followed him down into the forest. Usopp seemed to be following something, a very faint transparent string. It wrapped around tree's and lead deeper into the forest. Until they got to a small pool of crystal clear water kept together by white stone and a few leaves floating in the water. Usopp stood aside and looked up at Zoro.

"It's, for Sanji. Put him in there." Usopp said.

Zoro walked up the few steps before the pool of water. Zoro stepped in trudging to the middle and set Sanji in the cool water. Usopp stepped up to him handing him a dagger. A holy dagger. Zoro looked at the weapon before up to Usopp.

"I need you to mix your blood with the water."

He took the knife cutting his palm open, dripping his blood into the water. Before Zoro stepped back out of the water, it turned into a deep red. Sanji lied in the red water, eyes shut and his hands on his stomach.

"You idiot!"

They turned to Spandam walking up to them. Zoro pulled out one his swords and pointed it at him.

"Take one more step, and I'll cut your head off."

Robin pulled on her hood and pulled out a little book, "Distract him, Usopp forgot one final ingredient. Just keep him away from me. Chopper. I nodded you to stitch up his wound."

"Got it."

Zoro and Usopp stood before Spandam, Usopp drew his sling shot and pointed it at Spandam. Chopper got into the water pulling out his little medical kit bag. Spandam pointed a gun at Chopper and fired. Only to have the bullet be split in two and drop to the ground. Zoro placed the third sword in his mouth, his teeth gritting the fabric and anger seething through him.

"You son of a bitch." Zoro growled.

"Now you don't have a reason to stay up here. You can go be with the rest of your people and stay out of our way!"
Zoro slashed at Spandam only to have him get away just in time. Spandam looked back to the broken ground and swallowed thickly. Zoro pointed his sword at him and looked up to Chopper and Robin. She was chanting out spells as a bubble formed around the pool. Sanji lifted up along with the water. The water surrounded Sanji engulfing him in the water as he was lifted above the pool. Spandam shot at Zoro's head, having Zoro stumble off as Usopp shot at him. Zoro rubbed at his head seeing his blood smear on his hand.

"That's it. Usopp. Move." Zoro growled.

A dark menicing Ora surrounded Zoro.

"Zoro! Don't do it! You can't control that form! You may have defeated Mihawk with that form but you still can't control it!" Chopper cried.

Zoro glared over at Chopper, "What do I have to live for? Once I take care of him, tranquilize me."  

Chopper nodded slightly as Zoro roared and the black Ora engulfed him. There was a low growl as Usopp backed up as the darkness grew bigger and bigger. Then it started to die down. There eyes widened to Zoro with three heads and nine arms. He howled with a dark look on his face outstretching his wings. He placed back the third sword in all of his mouthes before glaring down at Spandam.

"Asura." Usopp muttered.

"Usopp! Get out of his way!" Chopper cried.

He staggered up as Spandam tried to shoot at him. But it seemed to fail, he held out his hand chanting spells and firing the golden light at him but. It seemed to deflect off his dark red skin. Spandam started to panic as Asura started to approach him. He struck at him, creating the ground to crumble and Spandam just to dodge in time. He looked over to Asura growling. He sheathed his swords before grabbing each of his limbs.

"Don't! I didn't! He just broke our rules I had to do what we were bond to law to do." Spandam cried.

Asura started to pull at his limbs when a ball of shocking light struck Asura's back. He turned to the other priests holding weapons at him all lined up next to Sengoku.

"Set Spandam down and let him go and we will forget about this whole mess."

Another of Asura's hands took Spandam's head, and started to squeeze slowly.

"He can't hear you, you can't reason with him in this form." Chopper cried.

They started to fire at Asura having him growl and throw Spandam at them. They were knocked down at Asura drew his swords. Just before he could reach them. A large wall of fire broke out before him, he turned to a blonde holding out his hand with red skin curled horns and a set of smaller ones before them. His wings outstretched and a tail with a heart end flicking slowly behind him. He opened his blue eyes and looked down to Asura. He wore the same vest, spandex shorts and thigh high boots as he stepped up to the ledge of the pool.

"Diable Jambe." Asura muttered.

He stepped down approaching Asura, and removed the sword from his lips. He smiled softly before kissing him softly.

"Asura." Jambe said, "After all these years, I've finally awoken. I'm glad to see you haven't changed."

"Robin, what's going on?" Usopp asked.

Robin smiled softly, "Long long ago, there lived two types of demons. Sodomy and Libidine races. The ruler of the Sodomy demons was in fact, Asura, and the ruler of the Libidine was Diable Jambe. They grew a strong hate for one another and there hatred only grew stronger."

"Then why are they-"

"One day in the battle, Asura, had pinned down Jambe and held his sword above his head. Ready to pierce through his skull. Jambe asked one wish before he was to be killed before his enemy. He wished to see his face. Of course Asura thought it was stupid wish for a demon to see the face of his killer. But Asura removed his helmet and. Instantly Jambe fell in love with him. Asura thought that if he should see his face why can't he see his? And Asura removed the skull mask and they were both taken by each other. The war had ended and Jambe and Asura had been together for a long time. Until. Jambe was killed one night while Asura was away training his troops."

Usopp looked back to them embracing and clutching each other for dear life.

"When Asura Lost Jambe, he lost control of his power and became."

"Zoro." Usopp muttered.

Robin smiled, "And since we brought back Sanji, we also brought back Diable Jambe."

"So, they really were meant to be together after all."

She giggled, as the fire wall faded as Asura and Jambe turned to the cowering priests. There was a dark Ora around them before they shrunk to there normal size. Sanji stood holding Zoro's hand with both of there tails batting angerly.

"We shall forget what had happened as we will live on the surface and also in the underworld." Zoro said.

There was a loud cheering as the Warriors cried out in victory. Zoro wrapped an arm around Sanji's shoulders and pulled out a glass orb. A portal opened as Zoro lead him up to it.

"Let me show you our new home." Zoro cocked a smile, "Jambe."

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