xi. a·gain

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another time; once more.

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As the Arizona sun began to set, a cooler air covered the area. Julian graciously opened the hotel door to welcome Mara to the cold air. She politely nodded at him and a bashful smile played across her pursed lips.

She looked stunning

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She looked stunning. Her hair was pulled back, accenting her facial features even more. Her bronzed cheekbones lit up in what was still left of the sun. The woman wore just a black romper opting to show off her long and always tanned legs. Julian noticed the goosebumps that spread across her long limbs instantly. "Are you cold?"

"No, I'm fine," Mara insisted. She crossed her arms over her chest, doing her best to shield her exposed skin.

"Here take this," Julian said removing his jacket and offering it to Mara. She smiled at him, grateful that he was so nice to her. It lay over her shoulders, a few sizes to big but doing its job of warming her up. The duo walked to the restaurant just two blocks from the hotel, enjoying the comfortable silence that was occasionally interrupted by a passing car or wind. While walking, Mara's hand accidentally brushed up against Julian's. It suddenly sent the familiar sensation through Julian's whole body. He desperately wanted to stop their walking and pull his wife close to his body and kiss her. But he knew he couldn't. When they arrived to the elegant and empty restaurant they were guided by a boy, who looked like he was still in high school, to their table near the back of the restaurant.

The table was nearly empty with a single skinny vase with one white rose in the middle.

"I love white roses," Mara said marveling at the lone flower. She brought her hand to touch it but stopped just before she did, afraid to break the delicate beauty.

"Everyone thinks that red roses are the best but I think the white roses are more elegant," Julian said, mocking something Mara told him when she still remembered him.

"Exactly!" Mara said with an enthusiastic smile on her face.

"So I have to ask- what got you into sports journalism?" Julian asked. He took a sip of the ice cold water in front of him after he spoke. He already knew the answer to the question. Mara's face lit up every time she talked about it- just as it had now. She smiled a closed lip smile at him before beginning to speak.

"I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky. There is not a single professional sports team in the whole state. My dad was an avid sports fan and was really excited when he got us tickets to a Cincinnati Reds game when I was nine. We got front row seats and before the game Barry Larkin, my dad's favorite player, signs my glove. My dad had tears in his eyes and I had never seen him so happy. Seeing my dad show that kind of emotion towards a sport made me fall in love with the sporting world and that's how I got here," Mara explained. She remembered every detail about that experience. She practically said it word for word how she told it every time.

"So how did you end up in Boston?" Julian asked. He couldn't help but force her into remembering him.

"I followed my boyfriend from college there but we ended things a few months ago," Mara explained. Her voice lost its cheerful tone it had moments earlier and gained a sadness that Julian hated hearing.

"Why did you end things?" Julian asked. He wanted to scream and tell her that they hadn't ended things and that he was right here but breathed calmly trying to cool himself.

"I can't remember. What got you into football?" Mara asked. Choosing to change the subject than continue answering Julian's questions.

"My dad. He always threw the ball with me in the backyard and pushed me to do my best. When I got to college they told me I was too small for the NFL, but he told me if I believed in myself other people would too. When I got the call from the Patriots I think my dad was happier than I was. He cried tears of joy," Julian explained. His eyes swelled thinking about that precious moment with his dad.

"So who are you here with?" Julian asked.

"My friend Raven. She dates one of the players," Mara explained. She sipped her drink.

"Oh. I know Raven. Do you know Danny?" Julian asked. Danny had been in there wedding so of course she knew him.

"I don't know Danny. But Raven talks about him a lot," Mara explained. Her cheeks filled with red embarrassment. Julian nodded and tightened his lips. He checked his watch as it was getting late.

"We better get going before Coach catches me out past curfew," Julian explained. They stood from the table simultaneously.

"What's your prediction for the big game?" Mara asked as they began their chilly walk back to the hotel.

"Well of course I'm picking a Patriots win. If we win, you owe me another date," Julian tried.

"Okay. But if you lose?" Mara asked, clearly flirting with her estranged husband.

"Oh, honey. If a date with you is on the line, I can guarantee a win," Julian joked. They reached Mara's room and stopped in front of the door.

"You're on Edelman," Mara said holding her hand out for Julian to shake on their deal. Julian looked down at the small hand in front of him and held onto it tightly. He firmly shook her hand once but then pulled her in for a hug. Her skin against his sent fireworks through his whole body. The strawberry smell of her hair was sent whizzing through his nose and he held tightly to her, not ready to lose her again just yet.

"I'll see you after I win the Super Bowl," Julian slyly said. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to bring her back to his room. He wanted her. But his impulse told him to stop. And with that he went back to his room alone.

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