xv. an·ger

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a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

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A short woman standing towards the back of his now shrinking crowd, rose her hand. Julian nodded at her. "How is your wife?" Mara's eyes widened. She froze. How is your wife? What does that have to do with football? Why was he being asked this?

Her head began spinning. She didn't know what to do she just looked down. If Julian was married she couldn't stand the thought of even looking at him. She held a tight staring contest with the floor trying to get everything straight. Why would he take her out on a date if he was married? She clenched her teeth and got an angry chill down her spine. Mara finally broke her stare with the hard concrete floor and looked back up to the booth, hoping to get some answers. But Julian was gone. His booth was empty and the other reporters looked around curiously at each other. They all shared the same confused look that Mara had with their eyebrows knitted together and eyes searching for answers they weren't given.

She began scanning the crowd looking for #11. The bearded man was out of sight. He was the only person she came here for and now he was gone. She picked her purse up off of the concrete floor. "Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me," she politely spoke as she weaved her way through the chaos. She put her arms up to avoid touching people as much as possible. She had never realized how many people attended Media Day in hopes of getting their questions answered. Once she was freed from the large crowd she saw the neon red 'EXIT' sign shining brightly above a set of doors towards the back of the auditorium.

She pushed one of the eight cold doors open. Her mind was still thinking about Julian not telling her he was married. She thought he was such a good guy and then this happens. She was fuming with anger but also dying with sadness. She felt foolish for getting her hopes up about him and wanting to see him. She shook her head trying to get rid of her thoughts.

The room she walked into was nearly empty. The walls were bare and white with posters hanging. In the corner there was a man in a white long sleeve shirt leaning against the wall. Mara wrinkled her eyebrows together not in rage but confusion, uncertain if it was him. "Julian?" She asked curiously.

Julian whipped around quickly revealing his face to Mara, assuring that it was him. He wiped at the little drops under his eyes. "Mara!"

"What happened out there?" She asked confused. Julian was walking towards her now and she could finally see the bloodshot eyes.

"It was just a bit overwhelming. There were a lot of people and a lot of questions. I couldn't take it," Julian explained. He ran his hand through his hair, straightening it out. He tried to act cool but Mara could see right through it.

"You left one of the questions unanswered..." Mara said shyly. Talking to him made her forget about her anger.

"I did?" Julian said in his flirty voice. He smiled sideways at her.

"They asked how your wife was and then you left before you answered," Mara explained. She crossed her arms over her chest. The door behind her creaked open. She spun around quickly to see Tom Brady turning back around once he saw who was in the room.

"I-it it's just complicated," Julian stuttered.

"So you are married?" Mara said angrily with disappointment in her voice. She narrowed her eyes and bit her cheek.


"Why would you take me on a date if you were married?" Mara asked. Her small figure was shaking with anger.

"It's not like that. I want to tell you so badly but I can't. Trust me! It's not what you think! I'm not cheating on my wife. I swear to God," Julian yelled. He was getting louder as he spoke. How could he explain this to Mara? How could he expect her to believe him?

"Why can't you tell me?" Mara said sassily.

"Hopefully you will understand one day but just trust me," Julian said in a now calming manner. Mara blinked hard. Something about the look in his eye made her believe him.

"When is one day?" Mara asked. She softly tapped her foot on the floor, getting impatient for her answers.

"Only time will tell. I promise though, one day this will all make sense to you," Julian answered much calmer. He placed his hands on Mara's arms. Mara looked up at him with apologetic eyes. She bit her lower lip and Julian pulled her in for a hug. Mara melted into him, and Julian knew she trusted him. Touching her so close like this was all he needed. Their bodies together and nothing coming between them. Unbreakable. Mara pulled away from the hug and smiled softly at Julian.

Their faces were just inches apart

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Their faces were just inches apart. The smile upon Mara's face was driving Julian wild. He needed her kiss on his lips. He leaned in slightly and so did she. Julian could practically feel her lips against his before the moment was abruptly interrupted.

"I've got to go," Mara exclaimed as she scurried out of the second set of doors and into the Arizona sun.

Julian quickly turned and hit his fist against the wall. "God Damnit!" He yelled as his fingers crunched against the plaster.

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