xvii. search

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try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

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What was it about Julian that made Mara believe him? Was it his piercing blue eyes? Was it the way he made her feel needed? Or the way he half smiled when he spoke? Maybe it was because how easy to relate to? Or his intriguing story?

Whatever it was... Worked. Mara trusted him. Sure, he was married. But maybe they were separated. Or getting a divorce. Maybe she was sick and he was feeling lonely. She had so many questions she just wanted answers to but knew that he wouldn't give. Maybe Raven would know? Or her boyfriend.... What was his name again? Donny? David? Danny.... Yeah that was it Danny.

Mara was going to go back to the hotel after her conversation with Julian. But he would be there shortly and she needed some time to think. He was irresistible and Mara knew just being in the same hotel with him she would want to go running to him. The whole city of Phoenix, Arizona was covered in NFL merchandise and memorabilia so it was kind of hard to stop thinking about Julian, even if she wasn't back at the hotel. He was one of the main players on the Patriots so of course they had his face plastered everywhere.

It was so sunny and Mara needed a break from the heat and stumbled upon a shop selling gear for the big game. She didn't know why But she felt like she needed to buy something. The shop was half red and navy blue and half lime green and blue in honor of the teams playing. Without even thinking about it Mara went to the side of red. There were jerseys and hats, bumper stickers and wallets, t shirts and sweatpants, and so much more. There piles and racks of merchandise going all the way up to the ceiling, putting most of them out of Mara's reach.

She picked up a white jersey. It was blank not having a number or a name on it, meaning it was customizable. She spun it around as she pursed her lips. The jersey intrigued her and was begging for her to buy it.

"Mara Rose! Where the hell have you been?!" Raven's raspy voice called to her.

"What?" Mara whipped around at the voice.

"We have been looking around this whole city for you," Raven said angrily. She fished for her phone.


"Shh." Raven said strictly. "Yeah, I found her. I'll just bring her back to the hotel," Raven said madly into the phone before disconnecting. She put the phone back in her purse before finally looking to Mara.

"Who was looking for me?" Mara asked confused.

"Who do you think? Me and Julian," Raven said snakily. She was clearly annoyed with Mara.

"Why was he looking for me?" Mara asked her eyes getting wide.

"Because that's what hus- because that's what friends do," Raven quickly corrected herself.

"Well I was with him but didn't feel like going back to the hotel. I found this shop and felt like I should buy something for tomorrow," Mara explained, trying to ease the tension between her and Raven.

"So you were going to get a blank jersey?" Raven asked pointing at the white jersey in Mara's hand.

"No. I was going to get it customized," Mara pouted.

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