Hi There, It's Olive :P x

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Well, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Olive Beaumont. Daughter of muggles, Rosetta and Marcus Beaumont, niece of Sybill Trelawney, yes, my mother is the sister of the Divination professor. It was strange, at first, knowing that I had a family inside of Hogwarts, as I never exactly knew I was a witch until the age of ten. You've heard of me though, right? Of course you have, there is always one student from each house that is known by anyone and everyone, and I am the greatest Ravenclaw to step foot in this school. Conceited? I guess, but if you live life with fifth years, you get used to being the more mature, superior one.    

Don't get me wrong, I love my friends to pieces, but it just gets tedious when the only friends you have in lessons are the pranking kings, and only one of my many girl-friends. Dani is the giddy, happy-go-lucky one. Thankfully, she's in my year and we've been friends since the first day I stepped inside Hogwarts. No one can compare to her, she's my saviour, the shoulder to cry on. God knows where I'd be without Dani pulling me back from a nearly drunken mistake or just when my temper goes into overdrive.    

Then there is Charlotte, the outrageously funny one. She's like the little sister I've always wanted, the one I can protect from harms way. We both share many things in common, one of them being that we are both Muggle-borns. But dont let that fool you, we are nothing like goody two shoes Hermione. We actually live our life. I have too many friends, I can't even begin to count. Most of them only like me for the plain and simple fact that I'm Hogwarts Cupid. Give me a guy and a girl and I can match them together in an instant. I love the power over my peers, expecting me to give them the guys attention when I always ask for something in return. That something normally consists of doing my homework or taking my books to my next class. It's pretty fun, actually, but I never boast about my fame. No, I'm not like the Slytherins.    

Kayla, we are worst enemies. If I had the choice of injuring her, I wouldn't even hesitate in finding the highest tower to push her off. We have a competition going on, one where we both have to find as many guys as possible to flirt with. Obviously, knowing that I am two years older than that slimy good-for-nothing brat, I am winning by miles. It's gives me pride in knowing I have nearly every student wrapped around my finger.    

As you can tell, I am pretty much full of myself, I'm not going to lie. However, I don't boast, I just state the obvious. Im good at some subjects, which is why I'm a Ravenclaw, along with the fact that I'm witty as hell and the come back genius.    

To me, my life is perfect. I couldn't have thought of a better way to live it, but sometimes being a seer isn't all it's cracked up to be. I dwell into the future too much, always wanting to know what comes next. However, for some unknown reason, I can't see my own future. It was strange at first, and stressful, but I learned to cope with it. I think it might be to do with the fact that I have too good of a life to spoil it by looking too far ahead, but how could I know? If I did, I wouldn't be in Hogwarts right now, I would be travelling the world with Charlie, searching the many types of beautiful Dragons.    

Well, I guess that's my cue to go. ADIOS!

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