Lots of Love, Kayla xXx ;)

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So, new year and a new diary. This one is an ancient, silver covered book, with the Slytherin crest engraved into the cold metal cover. I run my fingers over the patterns. It was a birthday present from Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, similar to last years but older, more precious, and I know Lucius has enchanted it to only open at my touch; to use the memories in my head to write what has happened. It's like a pensive but in book form. I open it and graze my fingertips over the parchment pages. I put my wand to my head and then pull it away, strands of iridescent memories coming with it. I touch my wand to the page and words appear, and same as every diary I have ever owned, it'll start the same way they always do - with a few facts about moi.

I'm Kayla Ashton, what more need I say? You really want to know who I am? I'm that girl you envy. You fear me; you hate me; you all know me; you all want to be me. I wouldn't want to be you. You. I have everything - I have friends, I am intelligent, I am powerful, I am hot and what's more, I know it. You do too. No, I wouldn't want to be you when I am me.

I'm not mean. I'm honest. I'll tell you the brutally honest truth, even if it's going to hurt you. And with my sources, I'm sure I have something on you that will hurt you. I can find out anything if I ask the right people. And I do. I ask guys; I bat my eyelashes and smooth my skirt, wink, and giggle and they tell all. They think they stand a chance. Cute really.

I'm not always so cruel though. I laugh all the time. And I can be really nice if I want to. Especially with my friends. They adore me, because unlike some of the others I will listen. And I won't gossip. I have as much fun as the rest of you do too, probably more. You don't have the privileges I do. That we do rather, as Snape's group of perfect protégées. Us Snakes.

You've probably seen us in the halls before; me sauntering along with my people, the other elite Slytherin students - Pansy, Maeve from the year above, another true Snake; Natalie, she's my best friend, and my worst enemy, Aurelia, my cousin and Daphne. Then there's me, Kayla: blonde haired, green eyed, pretty little me. There are the boys too: Blaise, Theodore and Draco. Lucky me, right?

My life seems perfect to you. It's not. I'm missing one thing. Him. My own Slytherin Prince. There is competition for him I know. You think I don't see the other girls looking at him as he walks by. How they stop and stare and whisper. He's mine. Back off. I want him and I'll get him. Trust me on that one, if nothing else. If those other girls get hurt, it's their own fault; shouldn't mess with something that isn't theirs to mess with. Get out of the fire if you don't want to get burnt. So this is only going to go one way - and that is my way; I deserve my fairytale ending and I will get it too. Whatever it takes, I will get it.

Unlike my family, whose life is anything but a fairytale. My Father is gone. He went a while a go. We don't know how really; his work was top secret and the Ministry "weren't in a position to disclose that information to us". What a load of garbage. So what if he was an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries, don't we have a right to know? Or does blood count for nothing now?

It certainly shouldn't count if it's dirtied. You dirty little mudbloods and blood traitors disgust me. You don't deserve anything - the magic; the education at Hogwarts; the jobs you basically steal - nothing. The only thing you are worthy of is the pain and the anger and the hatred. He's back too now, so you'll get what's coming to you one way or another. In the end.

There are so many traitors and mudbloods at Hogwarts it's unreal, I swear. Like that CharlotteRosenthal in Gryffindor. And OliveBeaumont. She's your typical stuck up Ravenclaw if ever I saw one. We have a competition going on: to see who can get the most guys. There's no way I won't win. There wouldn't be one Slytherin guy who'd go with that dirty-blooded Raven. Unlike me - I know I can get everyone I want; they say I'm evil and a vicious Snake but I know they all want me. And I still don't get how someone who didn't even know what a witch or wizard was before they got their acceptance letter; can be top in magical classes. There must be something dodgy there. Cheats. Liars. All of them.

Then you've got 'The Chosen One'. Potter and his blood traitor friend Weasley and that mudblood scum Granger. Or 'The Golden Trio' as they have become known recently. Really? What a pathetic nickname; at least Draco's is regal and sexy - The Slytherin Prince. And with me as his Princess, we can't go wrong.

So there you have it. That's me. No doubt you'll see me soon, and if not, it'll be because I've seen you first...so watch your back.

Lots of Love,



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