Chapter 22

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"ELAINE!" I shouted back. Zayn got bottle of water. "Drink El." He muttered. She took a gulp. "So---sorry guys...I--I'm just ta---tired." She replied back still gasping for air. "Alright. Let's go home now." I replied back rubbing her back. "I'll carry you El. Come on." Zayn muttered. He carried Elaine on his back while we were going to the parking lot.

Zayn drove the car while me and Elaine were at the backseat. Elaine came near me and leaned her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder in return. She closed her eyes and took a nap. I was brushing her hair with my hand while thinking about the day that she will be gone. I don't want my cousin to leave me. I'm gonna miss her so much. I felt a tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it immediately when I heard my phone ring. It was Harry. "Hey Niall!" He muttered. "We're already here at Elaine's." He added. "Alright. We're on our way." I replied back. "See you!" He exclaimed then hung up.

"Zayn, Lou and Harry are already there waiting." I said. "oh alright. We're almost there." He replied back.

After few minutes, "We're here!" He muttered. "El....wake up now.."I muttered shaking her shoulder gently. She opened her eyes and rubbed them gently. Zayn assisted her to the house.


"Louis, Harry, we're home!" Zayn exclaimed. We heard footsteps running. "Hey sis!" Louis exclaimed giving me a hug. "Elaine!" Harry muttered also pulling me into a hug and spun me around. I was giggling. I playfully bit his ear in order for him to put me down. "Aahh...Aahh." He muttered giggling then put me down. "What was that for?" He muttered giggling holding his ear. We all laughed at him. "Is Liam here?" I asked. "Huh? No. He's not here. Why? Did he go somewhere?" Louis replied back.

Why is he not still here? I'm getting really worried. He should have told me where he went. On the back of my mind, It says maybe he already left me...NO..He wouldn't be able to do that to me. "I'm sure he'll be back." Niall replied back his hand around my shoulder. "Smile now coz okay?" He added. I let out a smile. He smiled back at me.. "Yeah. Smile El!" Harry exclaimed tickling me on my sides. I began laughing so hard. "Ha----harry!" I cried. "Take this EL!" Zayn exclaimed tickling me on my neck too. I just went giggling louder and louder. They began to laugh too. It's as if my laugh was contagious.

"El, can you make ChocoLocoMocho again?" Louis muttered. "Sure! Liam already knows how to make this too." I replied back. After I made our drink, we went to the living room. I think this is the best time to tell them. "Guys, I need to tell you something." I muttered looking each of them. They looked at each other. "What is it El?" Niall muttered taking a sip of his choco drink. How can I make it easier for them? I took a deep breath. "A---I'm dying guys....I know Liam already told you because these past days, you made me very happy. I thank you all for that." I exclaimed with a smile.

I looked at their faces and they all looked sad. Niall started to cry. He wiped his tears immediately. "Don't cry coz." I went beside him and wiped his tears that where still flowing down continuously. "Oh El!" Zayn muttered giving me a tight hug. I rubbed his back. I noticed also that Louis and Harry were now crying silently. I tried to control my tears. I went beside them and gave them hugs. I could no longer hold my tears. It hurts me more knowing that I will leave them.


"Stop crying now guys. I already accepted that I'm dying. You should too. It would be easier for all of you." Elaine muttered wiping her tears away. "Take good care of each other okay?" She added. We all nodded. "Take good care also of Liam." She said with a smile. "I love you all guys! So much. Thank you for everything." She said smiling to us.

While we were watching a film, "AAAHH!" Elaine exclaimed. She was holding her head. "AAAAAAHHH!" She again shouted. She closed her eyes tightly. "Elaine! What's wrong?!" Zayn muttered helping Elaine. "Ta---take her to her room!" Niall muttered looking so hysterical. "What do we do?? What do we do?!" Louis exclaimed walking back and forth in panic. "Louis, take pain relievers!" I exclaimed shaking.

We went to her room and we found Zayn holding Elaine in his arms and Niall crying at the corner. "Here...Take this EL." Louis muttered. "I----it---it-s--still hu---hurts. Aaahh.!" She exclaimed holding her head so hard.

Liam...Where the hell is Liam??! I dialed his number. "Come on Liam..pick it up..pick it up." I told myself. "Liam!! Where are you!!" I half-shouted. "Come home now! Please! Elaine needs you! COME HOME!" I exclaimed being so panic-stricken. "A-----I'm so---sorry Harry.."

♡My Angel *A Liam PayneFan Fiction |FINISH!!|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora