Cali Moffett: The Never Ending Torture

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Hey guys! It took me a while to write this so yeah and there will definetly be more coming!! I really hope you like this because I worked really hard on it so without further or do enjoy!!

Chapter 1

Cali walked down the stairs and observed the others around her. They had stories of their own, all of them. Probably worse than her's, but she still hated "The Story of Cali Moffett." It was a sad and pathetic story really. She broke out of her thoughts when a tall, rain covered man ran into Cali. "Im sorry" he called as he and his breifcase ran around the corner. Cali tryed to invision his story. He was probably late to work due to traffic and the rain, where he would'nt get the promotion he had hoped for. Then go home to more mouths he couldnt feed. It was sad, but the world was a cruel place and that is how things worked. She looked back at the building she had just left, another great pysch appointment basically where she sat and told Dr. Max how her life sucked and how she loathed almost everyone.

Cali looked at a woman with a young child. She smiled as she picked up the young boy. They shared a laugh as they hauled themselves into the rain. Cali could only dream for a life like that. To be happy with a big family in a nice warm house. Instead she lived in a small, dirty apartment , away from her grandma who Cali took care of often. Grandma Sofie was like the mom Cali never had, but she was getting ready to let go of life and Cali wouldnt stand for it! "Just another thing to cry my eyes out about!"  she thought. She stepped out into the rain gripping her coat and waved a taxi down. As Cali climbed in , she told him where to go and then vacated into her thoughts. She thought about alot of things that probably wouldnt happen, but would in her mind. Thinking just got her depressed, but she was used to it. The past ten years used to it. She already knew what she was going to do when she got home. She would get into comfortable clothes and sit on the couch wth her best friend, Alchohol. She would put on her depressing music to really set in the mood and cry about how her ex, whom she would have died for could care less if her body was on the side of the road dead. Cali had almost face planted into the seat when she realized she was home. She tossed the driver a twenty, got her change and left.

She was wet, but she liked the rain because no one could see her cry. She climbed up the stairs and flung open the light weight door forgetting how fast it swung open. She stopped to admire the shithole she lived in. The floor was covered in green grime and the walls were smoky brown and other colors Cali thought probably didnt even exist. She climbed the cheap crumby steps that led to the first floor and went to her glorious apartment. She flung open the door. The short hallway that led to the living room was piled with boxes of stuff she couldnt fit in her apartment, while the living room was cascaded with old food, clothes and more boxes. She went directly to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Jack. She promised Max she wouldnt drink, and she felt bad about breaking that promise, she really did, but she wanted to. She popped off the top and drank down the hall to her bedroom where empty bottles covered her floor. She flicked on her sterio and fell to her bed. She slumped her back against the wall and got to the half way mark on her bottle. Cali wiped her mouth and looked to her nightstand.

There sat a picture of the one she loved still to this day. Dale. She missed him soooo much, but she had Marcus. Well, really Marcus had her. He was abusive and a pig when he was drunk, but she was scared of him, scared to breakup with him. Cali clung to the picture and cried. Her usual routine. She had chugged the bottle and threw it to the floor, then leaned over to her nightstand drawer and pulled out a fresh bottle. She zoned out in her thoughts about Dale, and Marcus. She let Marcus use her. To her she didnt matter, obviosuly not to Dale...and if he didnt care neither did she. This really started during her childhood. Her dad always beat her when he got drunk and her mother... her sweet beautiful mother was too frightened of him to do anything. Her grades were never good mainly because she didnt really try. Than her dad...Tears filled Cali's eyes as she thought about this perticular memory. One night in a drunken rage her father shot her mother. She had gotten shot in the head and died instantly. Cali grabbed a box of tissues and bawled her eyes out. Her Grandmother than took her in due to her fathers death in a car accident. When she moved in with Sofie things looked better. Plus Cali started dating Dale, a super cute country boy. But somehow there realtionship fell and Dale broke her heart. After that Cali brought up a drinking problem. She met Marcus at a bar and he seemed nice, but that ended quite fast. Sofie had a heartattack when Cali was 17 and has had health problems since, now she is in a nursing home practically dying and Cali was losing her bestfriend. She wiped her tears and drank more Jack. She looked at the clock. She had a visit scheduled with her grandmother at five and it was four fourty five. Cali wiped her face again and pulled her wet shirt off.

Cali screamed as cold hands wrapped around her, she flew around and saw Marcus. "God you scared me..." she uttered. "Come here" he said drunkly and smiled. "Stop Marcus your drunk and I have to go to..." Marcus drew Cali closer, but she tryed to get away. He slammed his lips to hers and kissed her rough and hard."Stop Marcus" she called. She pushed him back onto the bed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he yelled. "I have to go Mar..." He drew closer and Cali backed away. "Come here now!" He said sternly.  "No!" she said opening the door. Marcus yanked her into his arms by her hair. Cali screamed "let go of me!" He threw her onto the floor and climbed ontop of her unzipping his pants. "Marcus please stop!!! Please" She wailed. "Get off of her!!!" someone yelled. Cali watched Marcus's head go up and heard footsteps in the apartment. Marcus stood up pulling Cali up with him. "Why the fuck are you in my apartment?" he questioned tightly wrapping his arm around Cali. "She said stop so get off her!" the man said. Cali knew him, not really, but he lived upstairs and has seen him around. Tears fell down her cheeks and she tried to pull Marcus's hand off her shoulder, but he looked at her and hugged her tighter. "Get off her now!" "This is my girlfriend and you get the hell out of my apartment!" Marcus screamed. "Miss take my hand and I will get you out of here." He gently said. Cali cried harder. She so badly wished to reach her hand out to his, but was so afraid what Marcus might do. He leaned down to kiss her neck roughly and she quickly reached out to grab his hand. Marcus's head flew up and he threw Cali back hard, the back of her head hitting the nightstand knocking it aside. "You son of a bitch!" The man screamed and ran towards Marcus.

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