Chapter 7

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"GO GO GO!" Cali opened her eyes, though they fought back to stay closed, but eventually she won. Cali tried sitting up, but fell back down in pain. Her head ached imensly as well as her body. She finally sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning twice. "Yes! TOUCHDOWN!! Cali's eyes shot open that was not Marcus's voice. She slowly got out of bed and peeked out the door. Marcus and three other men were watching football in the living room. She listened into their conversation as a commercial came on. "What are you plans for Cali?" Said the one that yelled. Marcus groaned, but replied "I don't know, my first priority is to take care of this Austin kid, I swear when I get my hands on him I'll..." Cali gasped a little loud and there was a still silence. She could hear someone get up so she jumped back into bed and pretended like she was sleeping. The door creaked open, but Cali couldn't open her eyes to see who it was and frankly she didn't care. When she heard the door close she waited a few minutes and then retreated to spy on the men. "Anyways I got a plan!" Cali shivered as she could feel the cold smirk that was most definetly appearing on Marcus's face. "I am gonna tell him that Cali wants all of us, me, her and him to go to dinner and make up, you know be friends."

"That'll never work, he hates Marcus to death, even if I wanted him to go!" Cali thought. "And if he says no?" The third man asked. Marcus began to chuckle. Cali shivered once agin. "Then we hogtie Cali and use her as bait!" Cali almost fell backwards, Marcus was horrible, but he would never...would he? Cali's hand rose to her mouth. She snapped out of it though. She could hear the football game commensing once again. She quickly got dressed, she had to tell Austin Marcus's trap. She dressed in a skirt and a blue blouse. Cali peeked out the door. The football game was pretty loud and their eyes were practically glued to the tv. Cali slowly walked behind the couch. Her lips tighented into a line, her breathe as quiet as it could be and her steps were silent. A hand suddenly grasped Cali's wrist. Cali jumped and screamed. Marcus and all the men smirked at her. The man that yelled turned down the tv. "Mornin babe, where do you think your goin?" Marcu asked in a creepy tone. "I...uh just out." Marcus and all the men exchanged looks. "Come here!" he said pulling Cali around the couch and in front of him. Marcus patted his lap and Cali slowly,but surley sat down. "So... what are your plans for the day babe?" Marcus asked his hand gliding up and down Cali's leg while the other men eyed her hungrily. She was so uncomfortable, but replied "Just out...why do you care?" "Because..." Marcus said slapping her leg making Cali yelp "I like to know where you are, thats all" Cali went to get up, but Marcus pulled her down and back onto his lap. "Marcus I have to go!" Cali protested. Marcus turned the tv back on and said " come on babe we havent spent quality time together yet!" Quality time!?

He has me practically glued to his hip when he isn't hurting me or having sex with me! Even though the tv was on Marcus was the only one watching it. Cali gulped in uncomfortability. Marcus startled her as his hand slowly slid up her leg and under her skirt. She looked at him with wide eyes, but his eyes never left the tv. She tried pulling his hand away, but he was to strong, he would'nt budge. Cali winced as his hand was fully up her skirt. The men watched hungrily and tears fell from Cali's eyes. Marcus finally looked at her and wiped her tears. He began roughly kissing her neck and then her lips. She tried to push him off, but he wouldn't move. Cali gripped the couch trying not to scream...she knew Marcus loved that. Marcus hand explored her as they kissed. He pinched Cali's stomach hard making her squeal and she could feel Marcus smirk through the kiss.  All of a sudden Marcus pushed Cali off him and continued to watch tv. Cali gaped at Marcus. What the hell was that?!

He looked back at her and said "Go Im done with you." The two other men laughed "Your such an ass!" Cali stood up replying out of anger not knowing what she had just said. Marcus stood up and Cali flattened against the wall. Marcus smirked and sat back down, the men laughed at her again. She grabbed her sunglasses and left. Austin lived up on the third floor, so Cali began climbing the steps. As soon as she made it to the third floor her cell phone began to ring.

Cali Moffett: The Never Ending TortureWhere stories live. Discover now