Unraveling towards A bright Light

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~Austin POV

I walked outside talking a breathe of the cool night air. I looked left when something caught my eye. Cali wasn't in the car. "Cali...being so scared of him, she would have listened to Marcus." I squinted at an object laying in the parking lot. Cali's purse! My eyes widened and I became scared. I pulled out my cellphone. "Hey... I need you here now!" I whipped around as I heard a faint scream coming from the back of the resturaunt.

My jogging sooned turned into a run. "Cali!" I yelled. I heard another noise and picked up my speed.As I turned the corner I froze in my place. Two men had one of Cali's arms and Marcus behind her with a knife to her throat. "Mhm...Mostin!" Cali cried, though it was muffled due to a hand over her mouth. "Well...there you are I thought you'd never figure it out, guess your not as big a dumbass as I thought." Marcus laughed.

"Marcus look man, whatever it is you want take it, but just leave Cali out of it!" Marcus scoffed. "I want her!" "No Cali is-" "What Cali is yours?! I don't fucking think so pal!!" Marcus passed the knife to one of the men and came in front of Austin. "Oh man I have been waiting for this!!" "Don't get so cocky, I might kick your ass!" Austin retorted. "Hoho Don't be so sure slick, If I remember correctly I almost put your ass in a coma at that cafe!" Austin swallowed and replied "What the hell do you want Marcus, Just let Cali go!" "I want my damn life back! I want you to leave us the hell alone! Cali is mine and there ain't nothing you can do about that!"

He yelled. "I can do this!" Austin raised his fist and punched Marcus in the face. Marcus's face snapped left and slowly turned to the front. Austin wide eyed moved back. "You son of a bitch...I can't belive you just fricking hit me!" Marcus yelled spitting out blood. "What do you think this is dumbass a flashmob?" Marcus's face hardened and he lunged at Austin.

He punched Austin over and over again until Cali could not bare to look anymore. Marcus stood up and Austin just layed there. "Yeah stay down boy!" Marcus laughed. Austin slowly, but surley stood up. "Well looke there, I think he wants some more boys...time to end this!!" "I will defend her!" Austin whispered. "What?" Marcus yelled. "I will defend her!" Austin yelled rushing towards Marcus. Suddenly something shiny flew past Cali's eyes.

In the blink of an eye Austin blankly stared at Marcus and then fell to the ground. Cali looked back at Marcus who held the bloody knife. "Nooooooooo!" she screamed realizing the men had removed their hands from her. Cali ran to Austin. "Oh...oh god...Austin...Austin oh god!" Cali cried while holding his hand. He spit out blood.

Cali layed her head on Austin's and cryed. "Well idn't that cute!" Marcus laughed. Cali stood up slowly turning towards Marcus. "You sick bastard...How could you?" She screamed pounding on Marcus's chest. "Oh shut the hell up, damit! Boys...take her to the truck!" Marcus breathed drunkenly. Each man grabbed one of Cali's arms.

"Noooo Austin....Marcus you asshole! I hate you I hate you!" She screamed. "Freeze!" The two men whipped around, Cali included. There stood five police officers all guns pointed at the men. "Let the woman go...now!" Barry screamed. Cali ran into his arms. "Oh thank god Barry...Barry AUSTIN AUSTIN HE...MARCUS STABBED HIM!"

Cali yelled in Panick. "Oh Cali okay everything is gonna be fine...I need an ambulance at 11225 grive street stat!! Cali where is Marcus?" "In...In the back!" "You three get them, Roberts come with me!" Barry and another officer ran to the back Cali following them. Marcus was taking a leak. "Marcus Tanner put your hands up now!! Marcus pulled up his pants and turned around. "You little bitch...you called the cops!"

Marcus yelled taking a step forward. "Take another step and you get a bullet between the eyes, now hands up and get on your knees now!" Marcus did as he was told and Roberts handcuffed him. "Well you ain't gonna be coming out of Jail for a long long time!" Barry laughed. "Uh correction Cali..."

"Ain't gonna bail you out again cause I already got your dumbass brother locked up for the next five years!!" Barry laughed even harder. "Son of a bitch!" Marcus scowled. They took him away and the ambulance pulled up. Cali went with Austin in the ambulance holding his hand the whole time. "Ca...Cali I-I lo- love you!" He stuttered.

Tears stung Cali's eyes...I I love you too Austin!!" When they got to the hospital Austin was asleep, but stable. "Cali...?" She looked up to see Maggie in the room. They ran to eachother and joined in a hug. Cali told Maggie the whole story crying together as it unfolded. "Well I am so happy your safe sis!!" Cali..." Austin said dreaily.

Cali knelt by his bedside. "Yeah hon..." She fought back tears. His hand met her face. "Marcus is- Marcus is gone Austin and...I wanna be with you more than anything in this world!" Cali wept. Austin smiled wildly and kissed her. The next few weeks were amazing. Austin was the best guy she had ever met! She loved how it felt...to be treated right and as for Marcus he could rot in hell for all Cali cared. She was just lucky that that handsome man stepped in to her apartment that faithful day!!

The End!!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well what did you guys think?! I really hope you liked it and Im sorry it was so short! I wasn't planning that! But stick around for the sequel when Austin and Cali get married!!!!! Or Do they lol wait for it!!!! COMMENT, RATE REVIEW AND PLEASE VOTE!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2013 ⏰

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