Chapter 5

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There in the middle of the sidewalk stood a tall, angry, horrible man. Marcus. "Let go of her now!" Before she knew what she was doing Cali was running towards Marcus. "Marcus I..." "Shut up now!" he said in a deep voice. "I'll deal with you later!" he yelled. He walked over towards Austin. "Marcus please don't!!" Cali cryed grabbing his arm. Marcus threw Cali off into a nearby parked car. A woman from the cafe ran over to help her. "What the fuck did I tell you about staying away from Cali?" He screamed.

"I am helping her from you! You are the biggest asshole on the face of the earth! You deserve to rot in hell!Cali is a beautiful woman and she does'nt deserve to be treated like shit everyday especially from the likes of you!" Austin screamed back. "Don't fuckin tell me how to deal with her!" he yelled through gritted teeth. "He physically abuses her everyday!" he said looking at everyone around them. There were gasps and swearing all around. "You son of a bitc..."Marcus yelled leaping at Austin. Austin was laid out on his back while Marcus with no hesitation repeatidly punched Austin in the stomach. "Noooooo!" Cali shreiked!!

The woman who helped her up held her back. Austin rolled over, got away from Marcus and kicked him in the face. Marcus pulled Austin back and punched him in the face. A group of men came and held Marcus back knowing he would end up killing Austin. Cali got loose and ran to to Austin. "Oh my god Aus...Austin I... Im so sorry." she cried. Blood painted his face and clothes. He slowly raised his hand to Cali's face. "Cali... I'll be fine... but promise me you won't go back...promise me" "Ok...I" And before she could even get the words out of her mouth Marcus yanked her up by her arm and pulled her away. "Austin!" she screamed. Austin lifted his hand to grab hers, but his hand was bloody and she slipped away. "Marcus what have you done?" she cried. He stopped abruptly and twisted her to face him and replied "What have I done... you done this is your fault! You swore to me you were'nt goin to see him, all you is is a lyin whore! And when we get home your gonna get yours!" With that he pulled Cali onward.

"Let go of me!!" Cali cried tugging at Marcus's shirt. He grabbed Cali's waist and threw her over his shoulder. "Marcus please!" Cali pleaded pounding on his back. When they got up the stairs and to their door he threw Cali inside. She tryed crawling away, but Marcus grabbed her leg and pulled her in. He pulled her off the carpet by her hair. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" He screamed in her face. "Im sorry...Im sorry!" Cali wailed. "Sorry aint about to get you out of this!" he screamed. Marcus pulled back his arm.

Suddenly the door flung open. "Freeze!" Two police officers burst in the door. "Marcus Tanner your under arrest for Domestic Abuse against Ms. Cali Franklin!" A third officer came in and handcuffed Marcus. As they took him away he yelled "Cali use our bank account and bail me out!" "Hey are you ok?" Cali was so deep in shock she could barely hear the officer. She did notice though it was Barry, he had known Cali's father for years.

"Hon let's sit you down m'kay?" Cali looked at the officer and replied " Barry what's going on... where's Marcus? "He is under arrest for Domestic abuse towards you." "Bu...but he did'nt.." "Cali save it we know it was him. Why are you defending him?" "I...I don't know!" Cali said bursting into tears. Barry put his hand on her back. "If you don't mind we have a few questions for you..." Cali collected herself and lisented to him. "How long has this been going on?" She wiped her face and replied "About a year now." "Has anyone witnessed this?" "Uh...Yes Austin...Austin Greene, he is in the hospital because of Marcus." "Thanks Cali."

Cali closed the door and cryed on the floor. Was it over? What happens when he gets out? What if she didnt bail him out? Questions fired off in her mind. Cali's fingers ran threw her hair as tears dripped off her face. She looked around her and crawled to the fridge only to welcome a bottle of whiskey to her lips. Cali crawled to the couch. She chugged the bottle wanting silence to think in. She took a breath. Knock Knock Knock. Cali's eye's raced to the door. She slowly got up, still holding her bottle and her hand grasped the doornob.

Slowly opening the door she peeked out her eyes widening. "Ma...Maggie" Maggie ran in and gave Cali a unexpected hug. "Oh Cali you had'nt called in a month and I had to know you were ok!" They both sat on the couch and Cali continued to drink. "Cali stop!" Maggie said raising her hand towards the bottle. "I deserve this!" she argued back. Mag's hand pulled Cali's face over to get a better look at it. "Oh Cal..." She had a bruised eye and forehead, dried blood beneath her nose and a split big lip. Noticing the silence Maggie looked around. "Whe...where is Marcus anyways?" There was a long silence. "Cali...please don't cry." Maggie said wiping the tears from her eyes. "He...he went to jail"


Well its all over now Marcus is in jail and things will get better right? NOT! Keep reading to uncover Cali's Fate!!

Cali Moffett: The Never Ending TortureWhere stories live. Discover now