Untold Mission

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Crystal POV: 

I woke alarm clock that had almost made me scream and freeze someone. I got up slowy and didnt feel my sharp pains anymore. It has been 3 weeks that I haven't had a mission yet. Wanda was acting really weird too? like she was afraid and shocked. I also haven't been out for 3 weeks because I sad about that Clint had felt and also my injury. I couldn't use my powers for 2 weeks. I also noticed that the news was blasting up news about Someone blowing up the tower in Nigeria. But I didnt really pay attention to it.  Captain and the other didnt say anything about? Everyone was acting so... weird? 

I saw my 3 long claws that were all healed. I smiled and thought about Clint that he was super excited for me to be in the team. I got up and walked to my large bathroom. I had my toothbrush ready. As I was about to pick my toothbrush, I heard a loud knock on my door. I raised an eyebrow and thought who it was? Maybe Wanda? or Natasha? 

I walked up to my metal door and opened the door. Captain smiled and had this hat with glasses like if he was finding from someone?  I smiled and close the door behind him. He quickly sat on my bed with an excited and worried look.

"Crystal I need your help" he said as he lower his voice down.

I quickly put my finger up because I wanted to finish to brush my teeth. I quickly rinse my teeth and wiped my mouth with my towel. I head out of my mini bathroom and sat next to Captain. He looked at me again and said

"Listen Crystal, I need your help on Saving someone" he said letting out a worried sigh

I raised my eyebrow and looked confused 

"wait what? save who? when? right now?" I questioned

He nodded and laughed,

"Crystal, I know you are new to the team but I had this feeling that I can trust you on what am I going to say" he said

I smiled and felt the same way as Clint and I talked couple of year ago when we use to be in the same school. I nodded 

"I feel the same way as Clint and I did" I smiled, 

He smiled 

"I know, he told me that He didnt want to leave because of you. He want wanted to stay because you were the only person for him to talk to and laugh too. He told me couple of year ago that he had a crush on you" he laugh

My eyes widen and laughed 

"oh brother..... I knew it" I laughed

Captain chuckled and shake his head. He took off his fake glasses and looked at me,

"but please crystal dont tell anyone, not even our teammates" he said as he his face got into a serious mood 

"We had a mission 1 week ago but we didnt tell you because well, you were injured and also you couldn't use your powers" he paused,

"Wanda had blew up the tower, but she didnt mean too. She blew up the tower in nigeria" he explained

"my friend is in needs help" he called

"people were saying it was him that blew up the nigeria tower and they are after him" he called,

"but it wasnt him, it was Wanda. Wanda is now afraid to go outside" he said feeling ashamed 

I then had knew that why she was acting weird,afraid and shocked.

"I need your help to save my friend... Now" he said getting up quickly

I nodded and grabbed my suit. I didnt have anytime to talk or to even explain who is his friend? but the only thing I know is that I need to help Captain with his friend, now matter what. I added my suit in my backpack. I added my other things into my bag. I grabbed my sweater and legging and put it on. I grabbed my mini gun and put it in my backpack. I headed out and saw Captain grabbed somethings. I didnt see anyone, expect for Wanda and Vision cooking something. Captain made a Shhh Face with his finger. We both got down and quickly ran into the jet. Captain pushed me in and then himself.

"So where are you going?" I questioned

He started up the jet by pressing buttons.  He set his stuff in back and grabbed his suit outfit and put it in front of him.

"We are going to germany" he said starting up the jet 

He quickly opened the gate from the Garage. The jet had quickly flew up in the blue skies and headed our way to German. I didnt know what was going on after we have his friend. I really want to know who is his friend? I hope that we can save him without getting attack by any other heros. I looked at my wrist and had the bracelet that Clint had gave me. 

Captain set the jet in Auto-mode and looked at me

"Falcon is going to join us" he said

He quickly threw the ear speakers at me. I quickly grabbed the ear speaker and put it on my ear. He then added it on his ear and nod at me. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. We both laughed and Captain turned around to face the huge window in front of him.


Do you know who is the person that they are going to say.............;) 

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