Giggles and Cuddles

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(long chapter...) 

Crystal POV: 

I was all awake in the day with Bucky. I was happy that I get to hang out with him the whole day. The meeting was canceled in the morning so we had to be at with the team in the evening. Bucky sneak himself into the bed. He put his right metal around my waist. I was still in the medical but the shot pain has gone slowy and slowy. I put my body next to him. I put my head on his chest. I felt his heart was pumping normal. I looked up and smiled

¨I can hear your heart¨ i smiled, he smiled and smirked

¨is it pumping fast??" he asked, I suddenly heard his heart was pumping.

¨yea¨ i laughed

¨well, you are the one who is making my heart pumping fast¨ he said as he kissed my forehead. 

I blushed and felt myself was getting tired. Bucky grabbed the string of my hair and started playing with my long wavy hair. It felt relax that made my eyes were closing with tiredness. Bucky stop and rubbed my back with his metal arm. I was now starting to fall asleep. I close my eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

(after 2 hours of sleeping)

I woke in Bucky chest I saw that Bucky flesh arms was on my cold body. He put his on my waist. I looked up and I saw him sleeping. I giggled and looked at the time. It was 2:00pm, we still had time. I got up slowy so I won't wake up Bucky. As I got he quickly grab my waist and push me up close to his warm body. I screamed and then laughed. Bucky laughed too

¨Bucky, you scared me¨ I laughed

¨oh did I?¨ he smirked

¨so, tell what loki told you?¨ Bucky ask, I sigh and turned the other way on the bed. Bucky stop me and turned me over so I can face him again. He had this worried and wanting look. 

¨tell me¨ he asked

¨Bucky, I just dont want to talk about¨ I said as I felt my throat was losing breath 

I then felt my eyes were watery again. I cried and let go a sigh. Bucky frowned and hugged me. I hugged him back. Bucky didnt say anything back to me. Bucky kissed my forehead and laid me down next to him again. I did the same and cuddle into his muscular arms. Bucky looked into my eyes. He laughed and looked at my lips. He close his eyes moved his lips up close to mine. I did the same. As were about to put our lips together. We heard the knocking, we quickly looked at the door and froze. Bucky quickly got up and sat on the chair like nothing . I quickly made the bed and roll up the white blanket. I smiled and looked at the door.

¨uh, Come in¨ i yelled

I saw Captain smiling at us. He close the door behind him, He then walked towards up and gave me my black bracelet. I smiled and gave him a hug. As he hugged me back, he quickly back away. he shake his hands

¨ow, Geez that shot turn your body really cold¨ he said

I laughed and made mini snowflakes with my hands. I saw Bucky watching my moves as I was making them. I smiled and remember my dad makings snowflakes when I was just alittle girl. I smiled and looked at Cap.

¨We have news in Lab" he said,

Bucky and I nodded, 

¨is it good?¨ i asked, Captain frowned,  

¨no¨ he said in a serious tone

¨Bruce will talk about it more¨ he said,

He nodded at the both of us and headed out the door as he close the door behind him. I got up with my sleeping shorts up to my waist and my shirt was rolled up. I pulled it down and turned around to look at Bucky. Bucky smirked and got up. I knew the smirk that he wanted to make me laugh. He started to walked  up slowy towards me. I started to slowy walk back. He laughed and ran towards. I turned around and opened the door. I heard him laugh, which is me laugh. I made my feet to ice and start skating down the hall. As i use my powers, I felt much better, more faster and stronger. 

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