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Crystal POV: 

I saw Steve was climbing up the rope of the elevator. I looked around again to see if I can help him. I found this long metal stick. I grabbed it and drop it to Steve. Steve looked up and grabbed on the metal stick. I got up and pull the metal stick with all my strength. I started pulling up Steve and he was slowly started getting up.  I smiled and saw getting up the cement.. I pulled up with my hand. He grabbed my warm hands. He quickly looked up and saw my getting sweaty.

¨Crystal you need to cool yourself" he said in worried tone. I shaked my head

¨I'm fine.. we need to get bucky" I said getting up, 

He quickly grabbed my arm and spun me around. I felt my heart was racing. He looked into my eyes and gave me something into my warm hands. I looked down and saw the black bracelet that Cint gave me. I smiled and looked up. 

¨Crystal, we need to get you cool soon.. or else you get into a bad fever¨ he said,

I nodded and said

¨I can jump into a pot of ice or cold water¨ I said

He then nodded and we both ran after Bucky. I quickly put my bracelet on and heard alarms going off. Captain grabbed his suit went into a room. After 1 minutes, he came back with his suit. I started to feel dizzy. I felt my body was heating slowy and slowy. I started to cough as we saw bucky fighting with iron man. I quickly felt my heart was pumping kinda slow. I looked at captain,

¨steve, I need to cool myself fast! I thought I could make it" I said 

Captain turned around, He then had a worried face. I saw Bucky fight with his blonde girl. 

¨Crystal I told you to get into ice room upstairs" he said, 

I made a small laugh and got serious again

 Captain shaked his head. I moved my head and saw Bucky was choking at Natasha. I quickly ran up and pushed Bucky. Bucky looked at me and made a mean look. I moved my hands up and stare into bucky's baby blue eyes. 

¨Bucky.. Stop this is not you" I said 

Bucky stopped and looked into my eyes, He then smiled for a second and then shaked his head. He grabbed his head and suddenly made his pain look. I suddenly hugged him. Bucky then started pushing me. Bucky was spinning in cycle as I was still hugging him but I had my grip on him good. Bucky then pushed me which made me fell on the floor. 

I started to feel my heart was pumping even more slower. I started to choke because my heart wasnt pumping right. Bucky then held me screaming at everyone in the build.

¨I TOLD YOU THAT NO ONE CAN HURT HER¨ he yelled as he got to the ground and smash his metal fist onto the ground that made a loud sound and made the ground shake.

I saw Captain that his eyes were widen, Bucky then started to get angry even more. I could feel it in his heart.

¨AHH YOU HURT HER DIDN YOU" he said yelling at captain

Captain shaked his head, 

¨Buck calm down, I didnt hurt her. She need to be in cold water or ice soon" Captain said putting his shield into his back.

 Bucky turned around while I quickly felt his arounds me and started running towards the glass. I suddenly started to feel dizzy. Bucky then jump out of the glass. Bucky jumped over into the helicopter landing center. Bucky  walked up to corner. He then let go out his arm. 

I suddenly hear someone yelling my name. After a split second, I felt myself into freezing water. 

I felt my body was cooling by the seconds as I was in the water. I smiled into the water and blasted myself out of the cold water. I blast the ice with my hands. I saw the captain was holding on the helicopter. I saw that bucky was in the helicopter trying to fly away. I then jumped into cement ground. Captain looked at me with smiled. I smiled and froze the tip of the helicopter. Captain then ripped the metal part of the helicopter. I saw that the helicopter fell into the cold water that I was just in. Captain yelled Bucky name and jumped after him. I gasp and ran up the them. After second of just worried and shock. I didnt see both of them jumping out of the water. 

¨no no no no" I mumble, 

I heard Natasha running behinds me. I turned around and made my hands into ice and made my body into ice shield.

¨I'm not going to arrest you" she said

I stopped my ice powers and looked down again. Natasha ran towards me again and looked down. 

¨dont worry, They are goin-After she was pausing by the sound of both of them getting up,

I smiled, Bucky looked unconscious. I made a ice rope and wrap them around there bodys. I use my muscles and pulled them up. They were both heavy but that didnt matter to me. I just want them safe. Natasha gasped and put her hands into her ears. I saw Captain and bucky were flying up in the air, as I let go of the ice rope. I made a ice shield to cover around them. They were both frozen for second and then they were back to normal as they fell into the cement floor. 

Natasha didnt like the news that someone gave to her. She looked at me and said

¨We got someone here on earth" she said

¨who?" I questioned

¨Loki" she said

I then froze and started thinking of who he is... I started to feel something that I knew him but... I didnt?? Natasha got up and ran after captain and Bucky. Captain got up and looked at Bucky. Bucky had his eyes close. I got up and ran towards Bucky. 

¨is he alright?" I questioned

¨I dont know, But I think he is unconscious." he said, Captain came up to me and felt my hands. My hands were back to normal and they were cold. Captain let go and started shaking his head

¨Ow, ok thats cold" he laughed 

¨thank god you're ok" he said in as he let go a relief sigh

¨Captain, we have someone that came into earth.. it's not good" Natasha said

Bucky was still on the ground without even a single move. I walked up to Bucky and felt his heart beat. I felt little pumping motion which he was still alive. I smiled and said

¨We need bucky into medical room fast" I said

¨Captain, Natasha, You guys find about who is on earth. Ill help bucky"  I said as I picked up bucky, Captain came up to me and said

¨Listen crystal, I think Bucky you had the healing power of him spotting him as he was getting out of control.... " he said, I raise my eyebrow

¨What?" I said as I put bucky's arm around my neck

¨The way he grabbed you, The way he listens to you instead of us" he said

¨He has something in heart that you have the control to calm him down when he is control of HYDRA" he said

¨HYDRA? who is HYDRA" I questioned 

I saw Natasha and Captain running towards the door. I then sigh and walked up to the door with heavy bucky around me. I started to feel this feeling for bucky.. like if I like him.. I never had this feeling for 6 years.. and now is coming back? but how? why?.. After I got to to the door, I saw this room with medical stuff and a white bed. I quickly walked up to medical room. I open the door with my eyes blasting eyes. 

I quickly set bucky in the white bed. I quickly grabbed some medical supplies. I remember that I had been into medical school when I first came into earth. I quickly add a shot that can make him wake up quickly. I add oxygen makes on him I ripped his shirt off to see if he has any burns. As I ripped his shirt  I saw that he has some burns I also saw that he had his abs I had this weird shiver in my back.


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