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Crystal POV:

I drove off with the sports car. I quickly went up to the building and saw Steve,Buck, this black cat and Falcon. Falcon flew up and kick the airplane. Captain then yelling into the speakers

"CRYSTAL PLEASE ANSWER ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" he asked in a worried tone voice

I  press the ear speakers and smiled at myself because it was really cute that captain cared for me.

"yes, I'm down here" I smiled

Captain let out a relief breath.

"uh thank god" he said

I saw bucky jumping into the tunnel where they had a lot of cars. I  saw Captain jumping down. I quickly started up the car and drove off after them. I saw buck and this cat person was running like hell. Captain saw me in the car and got in. He smiled and said

"GO GO GO" he yelled

I quickly drove off to find Buck grabbed this motorcycle. He then spun himself and drove off. I sighed and put the petal into the metal. I saw that I was driving over speed limit but that doesn't matter right now! I just need to finish this mission. I heard 10 cops were behind us. The cops had there speakers and they were yell towards us. 

"STAND DOWN! STAND DOWN" they yelled,

I saw the cat guy coming over and jump on top of the car. I then started moving side to side so he can get off the car.

"UGh black panther is getting into my veins" he said between his teeth. I then spoke to falcon 

"Sam, this is crystal, I cant shake this damn cat off my the car" I spoke into the speakers 

"right behind you, sweetheart" he said

I looked into my mirrors and I saw more cops coming. Captain then broke the glass driver window. The glass came down into my skin so I covered myself in ice before it happened. I  move the car and crashed into another cars. Black Panther won't move. I saw Sam behind me. 

I suddenly saw black panther jumping off the car and jumping on bucky. Bucky then grabbed Panther neck and started choking him. Captain then opened the door. Bucky and Panther were down sliding down with the motorcycle. Buck pushed panther and panther fell.

 I quickly move to the side so I won't hit him. Sam flew over us and bumped into panther. Panther then grabbed into Falcon wing. Falcon was struggling to get out. Captain saw that Bucky had a bomb. Captain looked at me and yelled


I nodded and wait for buck to throw the bomb. After second the bomb had been thrown and we both jumped out of the car. Falcom stopped and panther jumped and pass through the other side. Me and Captain jumped off. I slide through the cement floor because I had my ice shield around my body. Captain then came and started running. I stopped with my hand and feet. I saw the sports car was rolling behind captain. I stopped the car with my ice. I turned around and saw bucky that he just fell from the bike. Panther jumped on him and right when panther was about to punch him. Captain came in and pushed him aside. I quickly ran over and form my hands into ice cubes. I came up to panther and punch him in the stomach. Panther was about to fall but he came right up jumped on me. He then scratch my mask. The mask came off so now you should see my eyes and face. Panther smirked and scratch my cheeks. I suddenly felt onto the floor with body was starting to heat up and my eyes were glowing. I then screaming and got up.

"DON'T TOUCH ME" I yelled

I made an ice wall and use my other hand as an ice blaster. I then blast the ice into the wall. The wall was moving in seconds and crashed into him. I feel on the floor and looked at my face with my mask as it was reflecting my scar face. I saw that my face that had small scratch on my cheek. I bit my lip and saw cop cars around us. Bucky came up to me with a worried look

"are you alri-I suddenly saw a cop behind him and handcuff him.

"let him go" I said standing up

"you are under arrest"cop said as another cop was behind me and handcuffed behind me

"LET ME GO" I yelled,

The cop handcuff Captain too. I then stopped moving and saw this guy that look like iron man suit.. He laughed at captain

"congratulation Captain. You're a criminal" he chuckled

Bucky and Captain were told to stand down. I looked at Captain and he looked ashamed. I was ashamed as well. They then pushed bucky down the floor. I shaked my head and felt like I should say something to Buck.


As I yelled. I felt something weird in my heart. Like I cared for him. The cop pointed the gun at me

"Shut up" he yelled

I gave him a mean stare and rolled my eyes. They then added my hands into this blue laser handcuff. I looked at bucky and he had some too. They then added me into this glass box. I saw Captain was about to say something and he didnt. I then yelled into the glass box

"STOP! LET ME GO! LET GO ME"  I yelled

I saw Buck was going into one too. I looked into his eyes and he made a small smile at me. I smiled back and felt my eyes were watery. I looked down and cried. I saw that my bracelet was still there on my wrist. The cop saw and quickly took it off. I got into this anger inside that I want to just blast the shit of him

"GIVE IT ME YOU BITCH!" I growled as I yelling in the glass box,

The Cop then close the door and threw it into his box. I then saw my eyes were turning red. I never seen my eyes turning into red. I then blasted ice from my eyes into the glass. The whole glass was frozen and cold. I then screamed and started moving around the chair


I saw Buck eyes were widen as what he had saw. He smirked and winked at me? Wait in this situation? this boy is crazy?. I rolled my eyes and looked away. Buck and I had been put in the back of this truck. Buck looked at me and said

"So" he said

¨ this is not the time" I mutter

"dont call me buck... call me bucky" he smirked, I then made a serious face

"ok Bucky..... so where are they taking us" I questioned

"I dont know, maybe a lab?" he said

"but damn, they way you got anger" he smirked

I bit my lip and looked at him. He laughed and looked into my eyes. He winked at me again... Really? Why at this time where we're GONNA GET KILLED! UGH !  

Bucky looked up and smiled at me onces more. I smiled back and looked at this huge tower that we were going too. It looked like a FBI place but I guess I had to wait and see. I really want to leave and grab my bracelet. I didnt like this glass box. I also wanted to know why I was in this glass box just like bucky?


I will do Bucky POV: in the next chapter:)

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