Loki Portal

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Crystal POV: 

Me and Steve were sitting next to each other on the Jet. He sighed and look worried and desperate. He rubbed his neck and looked at me. I frowned my eyebrows in confusion. He grabbed his shield and put it next to him. He then faced me again. 

"we have this plan that me and Fury talked about" he sighed

"and I hate this plan" he sighed

"but I guess this is the right thing" he said

"listen, Crystal... you know that guy that has been controlling Bucky" he asked

I nodded and knew what he was talking about. It was that german guy that had glasses. He was the one that turned Bucky out of control. I just wanted to know why Captain is talking about him?

"yeah?" I said

"well... We had put him to jail but I got the book" he worried

"Me and Fury were talking" he said

"what about it?" I asked getting confusing

"if the portal is open and Robots come down to earth.. We have him be in control... He will kill more robots" he said

"what?" I asked frowning my eyes brown

"what your saying is that.. you want me to control Bucky and let him destroy the robots that Loki will sending through the portal" I said as I putting thing together in my mind 

he nodded. I shaked my head saying no... I dont want to do that... I just dont!! I dont want him getting hurt! 

"no, no no, Captain are you cRAZY" I said as I was raising my voice 

"but you're the only one that can stop to! Listen Crystal just think about it when we get to land" he sighed

I started to think about it.... I mean what happened if I stop him and he cant stop... What if I do it and he goes out of control with not even telling him what I want to do... I Just cant! I dont him to get hurt like last time... But maybe is the good thing to do... I mean he's going to destroy all robots with Hulk and the team... right? Should I?.. As I was thinking about it... I kept having these "What if" Question on my mind over and over again.... I just dont know...

Bucky POV: 

Me and Thor quickly ran to the city to meet up Team. Captain told me that they had Crystal.. I was worried about her! I was just worried that he got hurt or even GOT KILL! I heard that hulk was dropped from the Ship. I didnt know if he was ok or not? As we got to the City. Thor picked me up and Flew up there. As we got to New York City. They were a bunch of cars and people. As we arrived I saw Iron and Loki was fighting up where Tony billonaire tower was. Thor looked at me and said

"i'm going up.... you wanna start here?" he asked

I nodded

"yeah, ill stay here and wait for the team... Be careful" I said, 

Thor smirked and said

"That's what my middle name is.... Dangerous" he laughed and swung his hammer and flew up to the Tower. 

I quickly ran to see if I could see Captain Jet with the others. As I spoke through my speakers, I heard Crystal laughing with Someone. I didnt know who? but I knew it was a male voice

"hello? Cap" I spoke

"Bucky, can you copy?" Captain asked

"yeah, I can hear you.... and who is Crystal Talking too?" I worried

"uh pshhhhh what? no one?" Captain joked

I rolled my eyes,

"Where is the jet?" I asked as I looked up in the Sky

I saw The Jet with This male driving the jet. Crystal was sitting to him.. I didnt see Captain or Natasha. Crystal smiled through the glass. As we looked at each other, I saw people were running and screaming. I quickly looked up and there was this huge blue portal that was opening. I looked at Jet and it was gone. I quickly ran into this building. I want to go upstairs and see if i can get a better chance with the them. As I was running upstairs, I heard people were screaming and running the opposite way as me. I quickly ran up and got up to the tower. I got up to the tower and saw the jet was flying up higher. I looked down and saw these mini jets with these weird looking robot flying around New York. As I was about to speak to the ear speakers. I saw Iron man flying above me. Clint and Crystal through into New York Streets. I wanted to go down but I had to run down the long white stairs

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