I'm the kind of woman

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I’m the type of woman who will love you, but only when I’m ready. I’m not the type of woman who will sit around and jump at the first person who shows interest in me. I’m not the type of woman to go out and look for love. I’m not the type of woman who will settle. I’m not the type of woman who fears being alone.

I’m the type of woman who will love whole-heartedly when I meet the right person. I’m the type of woman who will care for you, surprise you, treat you well and let you know how much you mean to me.

I’m the kind of woman who always wants to love deeper. I want to learn your strengths and weaknesses. I want to know your favorite way to spend Sunday afternoons and what you like to do in thunderstorms. I want to know about your childhood and how your past shaped you into who you are today.

I’m the kind of woman who wants to know every little thing about you, so I can love every fragile piece of you.
But I’m also the woman who will stand up for myself, every time. I won’t let you push me around. I won’t let you walk all over me. I won’t stand for being treated any less than I know I’m worth. I won’t let you tell me what I can and cannot do.

I’m the kind of woman who hates anything and anyone that tries to control me or belittle me. I won’t let you try to hide who I really am in front of your friends or your boss. I’m not the kind of woman to hide in the background. I’m not the kind of woman to sit back and watch you do all the work. I’m going to be next to you, I’m going to be sitting by your side. I want to be sitting by your side. I want to walk hand in hand with you through every step of the world.

I will stand by you when things get tough. I will support you when you don’t know if you can handle what life is throwing at you.
I’m the kind of woman that will never make you question if I’ll be there for you.

I’m also the kind of woman who will push you. Who will help you strive to be the best version of yourself, to live up to your full potential. I won’t let you sit on the sideline and let life pass you by without getting in the game. I want you to know how strong you are, how great you are. I want you to love yourself like I will love you. I’m the kind of woman who will make you challenge yourself.

I want you to face your fears and I’ll be by your side the whole time because I know how much growth can come out of looking fear straight in the face and working through it.
I’m the kind of woman who will always be as I am. I’m not the kind of woman who will change to please someone else. I’m not going to play dress up to make you happy; I will only do it if it makes me happy. I’m not the kind of woman to force a fake smile when something is eating me on the inside. I’m the kind of woman that will tell you and work through it with you.

Most importantly, I’m the type of woman who will love you with every fiber in me, but I won’t put up with your shit. That’s the kind of woman I am.

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