My man in blue

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Today I am driving home
Tuned in to the radio
I hear stories of crime,
I hear stories of pain,
I hear stories....

I try not to let my mind
Escape me.... But
Before I realized it
I was already thinking about you.

I'm not sure if it was thinking
Or it was praying but pretty much both.
Stories you told me about your line of duty
Always gave me shivers
And when I hear it on the news
It gives me tears.

I can't help but pray for you
Pray that you are always safe.
Pray that you are always warm.
Pray that you are always healthy
Pray that God never leaves you.

Although I may never tell you this in person
But I care for you,
and always wish you safety.
Honestly, at time I always wish
I am angel myself so that I will
Personal guard you myself

But none the less,
I choose to be an angel that guards
You with praying.
I love you Sihle
and sometime the thought of you
in blue scares me
But it's comforts me
knowing that you are a man in blue
That trust in God
And your passion is to make
the world a safer and peaceful place.

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