Part 13

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I feel like i ain't uploaded in ages, sorry if i haven't I'm not even sure when i last did, oh, i'll upload again tomorrow hopefully :) anyways enjoy x


--------3 Months later-----

"Alex the appoiment is in half an hour, I guess we need to get going" I said pulling away from the our kiss and getting up. We were going to our baby scan, over the past 3 months I hadn't seen or heard from Zack, I'd come to terms with the fact Alex was the babies farther and I was actually really excited and happy now, I couldn't wait to have the baby and know that its mine. Our parents were really supportive, and me and Alex had both really matured knowing what a responsiblity having a baby meant but we were both prepared, we'd even thought of names we were that excited, for a girl we were gonna have, Jasey-Maria as a first name Rae as a middle and obviously Gaskarth as the last name and for a boy were gonna have Devin-Taylor Gaskarth. I guess me and Alex were kinda together now aswell, though Alex was only around a few days out of the week since he worked a lot, it seems selfish to say this because of the pain I'd caused some people, but my life was perfect, sometimes I'd have an off day when I'd think about Zack and how much pain I'd caused him but Alex was always there to cheer me up. In the first month I'd look at my tiny bump and hate it, I wanted to beat myself caused the bump was a reminder of the pain I'd caused, but Alex helped me get over that and now I must say I love my bump its still pretty smallish but it looks kinda big on me since I'm skinny.

(A/N - i was actually gonna finish it here but it just didn't seem right to, just thought I'd tell you all that) :)

It felt like we were in the waiting room forever but thats because we were both so excited to see our baby. When they finally called us in, I settled on the bed and Alex held my hand, the nurse lifted up my top and put some very cold ewwwy jelly stuff on it, I looked at Alex he smiled and kissed my hand, "I love you...both more than I've ever loved anything" he whispered, the nurse put the scanner thing as I liked to call it to my belly and rubbed it around.


I shall proof read later :) x

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