Part 21

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I looked up at Taylor, "So? let them in" That moment Alex walked into the room, his hand flew to his mouth like he was shocked, "omg" was all he managed to say. He went round to other side of the bed opposite me, "Babe" He said quietly, reaching out to touch her shoulder.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her, you think this is bad? You're to blame for her been in this state" I spat, I couldn't control my anger how dare he come here and act like he cared, all he ever did was lie to her.

"TO BLAME? I FUCKING LOVED HER, which is more than you ever did, you LEFT her remember" Why was he trying to turn this around on me.

"LOVED Alex, loved, but I still love her always have" Taylor cut me off

"Look Zack I invited him, I think he deserved to know the girl he had a baby with, at the worst could die today"

"Well you shouldn't have done, he's not welcome"

"Says who Zack? You? All I want is 2 minutes to say sorry to her and I'm gone"

I walked out of the room I couldn't believe all this bullshit, Alex acting like he cared, Taylor telling him to come, oh and the love of my life in Coma.

When Alex eventually came back out he smiled and began walking away, I couldnt help myself, "OI gaskarth don't act like you ever cared, Kara was just a one night stand who ended up going wrong to you wasnt she? you never loved her, you just felt like you had to stick around"

"Zack, maybe your right, maybe she was just another girl another one night stand who went wrong, but at least I did stick around cause I never wanted to break her heart and if sticking around yet lying to her kept her happy then thats what I did, but you Zack, well you took the easy option, you just took off, and left me to pick up all the pieces and trust me it wasn't easy, for the first 2 months all she did was cry, and who was there? me, who stayed up with her all the nights she couldn't sleep worrying sick about where you were hoping you weren't in any trouble in this new place hoping you were enjoying yourself, so don't you dare tell me I didn't care because I cared more anything, but you can't force love Zack even though we were having a baby, I knew and she knew, she still loved you, you don't know how horrible that felt, knowing both our hearts were in different places but pretending they weren't. And maybe what I did was wrong and should have told her properly but I couldn't bring myself to tell her because guess what I cared too much"

"Maybe so Alex, but that still doesn't change the fact you're the reason she's laying there"


AHHHH sorry for not uploading for like a while :( So yeah I didn't want Alex to left the total bad guy :) ALSO MERRY CHRISTMAS, well kinda of, its Christmas eve where I live, hope you all have a great holiday and stuff and I'll upload within the next few days :D P.S I LOVE EVERYONE WHO'S READ THIS FANFIC SO FAR :)

Proof read later :) my battery on my laptops nearly gone and I really want to upload now! 

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