Part 18

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Sorry its kinda short, i will upload again today at the latest tomorrow :) Enjoy x

-------------Zacks POV-------

I woke up, Kara wasn't in the bed anymore, I walked to the top of the staircase and sat on the top step, hearing talking down stairs., ~Kara was telling Jack that she still loved me more than anything, she still loved me? You have no idea how happy that made me after everything we both still loved each other.

-----------Karas POV-----

1 week later.

Zack had left to go back to college, when he drove away it felt like someone was just stabbing me in the heart over and over again, it wasn't as bad as the first time he left but it came close.

Today was the day of Devins funeral the day i dreaded more than anything. Rian picked me up and we drove there, the car ride was silent apart from the sound of me sniffing and crying.

When we arrived, I saw his casket, it was so small, my baby, my own baby was in there, I buried my head into Rians shoulder, I just wanted today over with. I shared a few words with my mum who felt gulity about not ever seeing her only grandson, it wasn't her fault though, we thought he was gonna live a long and healthy life. The funeral was a complete blur, my head was a mess and I felt like I was gonna throw up from crying, Alex showed up but I didn't say a word to him, I couldn't even look at him, he made me feel sick.

I got home, rooted throught the cupboard for a bottle of vodka and found some paracetamol, my life was worthless, I felt like I was at the bottom of this deep dark hole and nothing I ever do will get me out of it, everything around me was falling apart, I felt like seeing the sun rise and sun set was a taunt to remind of this pain, I couldn't make other around me happy nevermind myself and I couldn't face another day.

I pulled out my phone and text Rian since I didn't have Zacks number: Rian, please tell Zack i remember every great moment i have spent with him, i even remember the bad because it was a moment spent with him and he made me so happy, if i could take back what i did i would any day i'd do anything, he was my world tell him i'm sorry, i love him so much, and i never stopped but my life isn't worth living anymore xxx and hit send, so this is it I thought, I stared at the photos of me and Zack and me and Devin, then downed the vodka and pills, my whole body grew weak and everything felt heavy, everything around me began blur and spin I felt darkness fill my eyes, my body hit the floor.


Proof read later :) 

If it hurts this much then it must be love. - All time low fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now