Part 14.

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SORRY i haven't uploaded in FOREVER! Waaaaa i HATED writing this chapter :'( Also Jack will be in maybe the next chapter I think?


"Everything fine with the baby, would you like to know its sex?"

I looked at Alex, he shrugged, ah he's useless sometimes. I decided i wanted a suprise.

"Erm no thanks, it can be a suprise"

Me and alex walked back to the car, I couldn't stop smiling, it was strange.

We both spent the rest of the day painting the spare room for when the baby arrives and putting the cot up. The room was so cute, and so was Alex in his painting clothes.

----------- 6 and half month later-------

I craddled 2 weeks old Devin-Taylor in my arms, he was perfect, he had green eyes like me, his hair was light brown and he had lots of it I'm guessing he got that from his dad. I put Devin down in his cot and went to bed. Devin stayed in my room at the moment when he gets older he will sleep in his. Alex still worked a lot, night shifts and sometimes during the day, so I stayed at home looking after Devin, I didn't mind it was hard during the pregnancy sometimes but I never complained. Devin woke me up most nights crying, I guess Iexpected that though its all part of being a mum, it felt strange been a mum.

I woke up most morning around 4am because of Devin crying, even when he didn't cry I still wake up cause it was normally part of my sleeping pattern. I walked over to the cot, I could barely see him it was so dark, I picked him up to place him on the bed to get ready to feed and change him. Then I realised, I flew over and turned the light on, he wasn't breathing. I screamed calling 911 as fast as I could, I couldn't stop the tears from falling, what was the matter with him? The ambulance arrived so quick.

I looked down at him in the ambulance watching medics work on him, he didn't look like my Devin with all this equipment and tubes on him, this was wrong, he's only a baby. I ran through the hospital to the floor where he was been taken. I waited for what felt a life time for doctors to tell me something, I sat with my head in my hands, crying. Hearing  the door open from the room Devin was in, I jumped up.

"He's gonna be ok, right?" I managed to whisper weakly through my crying

"Were so sorry, Mrs but your baby has stopped breathing, there was nothing we could do, were very sorry" A doctor explained.

"HOW?" I couldn't control myself

"Sudden death syndrome, its common in babys under 3 months and can't be stopped"

I felt like my world was been torn from underneith me. Was this karma? I caused pain so now pain is brought back to me. I sat down again on the hospital floor, the one thing I loved more than anything in the world was taken away from me after 2 weeks.


waa hated writing this :( proof read later. x

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