What Could Go Wrong

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It had been over forty years since I'd heard from Elijah. He still had the same handsome, assertive face that I remembered, though his hair was shorter now. He was dressed in an classy suit, and sat with such poise that I shifted my posture slightly.

"We need to talk," Elijah announced, cutting right to the point.

"Didn't take you for one to skip pleasantries," I commented. "Being as noble as you are."

Elijah gave me a flat look. "Are you mocking me?"

"Only a little," I smirked.

Elijah chuckled slightly. "Only you would mock an Original."

"Yolo," I shrugged.

Elijah looked perplexed. "Yolo?" I started laughing silently. He rose an eyebrow. "I believe I've missed something."

"You said yolo," I chuckled. Elijah obviously didn't see the humour in this, so I cleared my throat. "Moving on, you said we needed to talk?"

"I did," he replied. "As you are aware, a new Doppelganger has surfaced."

"And Klaus will no doubt be making an appearance soon," I nodded, my voice slightly grim. "I assume you plan to help him, as you have both the Doppelganger and the moonstone."

"Not quite," Elijah replied. His expression was almost regrettable. "Elena Gilbert and I have come to an arrangement. I keep her loved ones safe, and make sure she remains unharmed until it is time to break the curse."

I rose an eyebrow. "And she's willing to die?"

"For the people she loves, yes," Elijah nodded.

I snorted. "How heroic of her."

"You do not agree with her actions," Elijah observed, slightly surprised.

"She gave up too easily. Where's the fight to survive?" I shrugged. "If she was smart, she would pack up and run like hell."

"You and I both know that running from my brother is not a good idea," Elijah argued, giving me a pointed look."

"Still, giving yourself up is just pathetic, really."

"Wouldn't you do the same if it guaranteed your family's safety?" he asked.

I chuckled. "We Salvatore's don't work that way. If someone threatens one of us, they threaten all of us, and we fight tooth and nail until the threat is eliminated."

"Getting yourself killed in the process."

"We've survived this long," I pointed out before changing the subject. "Speaking of my brothers, I assume they don't know about this deal?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Elijah replied. "But when they do, they'll no doubt be slightly opposed to it."

"Which is why you've come to me," I assumed.

"I need you to make sure your brothers don't do anything stupid, or get in the way," Elijah told me.

I hesitated for a moment. "I can't guarantee that. The two of them are completely infatuated with the Doppelganger, and are willing to give their lives to save her. And I don't know if you've met Damon, but he doesn't play well with others."

"Yes, I gathered that when he shoved a wooden pole through my heart," Elijah said bitterly.

"Well, I appreciate you not killing him," I told him. "Although you had good reason."

"Just know, I will not show him the same kindness twice," Elijah warned.

I sighed, hoping Damon wouldn't be stupid enough to go up against Elijah again. As much as I disliked him right now, I couldn't stand the thought of him dead. Elijah seemed to notice my discomfort and changed the subject.

"I take it you have yet to tell them about the true nature of the curse?"

"They're still under the impression that the sun and the moon curse is real," I replied. "I'm afraid that if I tell them what the curse really is, they'll have more motivation to go after Klaus."

"Or perhaps they will realise how much of a threat he truly poses," Elijah suggested. "They'll find out about it soon enough."

"What view do you have of all of this?" I asked curiously. "I didn't think you'd want Klaus to break the curse."

"Niklaus is dangerous enough as it is, the last thing the world needs is for him to become more powerful," Elijah revealed, sounding slightly bitter.

I arched an eyebrow. "Yet you want to help him break the curse?"

"I have a plan of my own," Elijah admitted vaguely.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked casually.

Elijah smirked knowingly at me. "Nice try, Amelia." He frowned slightly. "Are you sure you want to stick around for Klaus to find you? Last time we spoke you had every intention of avoiding him completely."

I sighed. "Though it's not ideal, I can't just leave my brothers to get themselves killed. Klaus has taken enough from me. He's not taking my family too."


My thoughts were muddled when I got home later that evening. My conversation with Elijah was replaying through my head, and his question got to me.

What would I do when I came face to face with Klaus?

I hadn't seen him in nearly sixty years, and the last time we spoke... well, it hadn't been pleasant. Even the thought of him infuriated me. Perhaps Elijah was right, maybe I should leave. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. No, I couldn't do that to Stefan.

I cut through the living room to head to my room, and it was only when I was near the stairs did I realise that there were people in the room. Stefan and Elena were sitting on the couch, and Damon was standing, a glass of alcohol in his hand.

The blonde girl from school, Caroline, was in one of the armchairs. There were two other people in the room that I didn't know. One was a tall guy with dark hair, who looked no older than sixteen, and the other was a brown haired girl with dark skin and watchful green eyes.

All of them looked at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," I told them.

"Who are you?" the dark haired girl asked with a frown.

"The tooth fairy," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I should be asking you the same question, considering you're in my house."

"Bonnie, Jeremy, meet Amelia, our charming little sister," Damon smirked. I assumed Jeremy was the boy I didn't recognize.

"Sister?" Bonnie repeated incredulously at the same time Jeremy asked, "You have a sister?"

"Amelia, this is Jeremy, Elena's little brother-"

"Another Gilbert, wonderful."

"-and this is Bonnie Bennett," Stefan finished.

"Ah, so there's a witch as well," I observed, watching the girl. I looked at them all. "Well, I'll let you get back to your weekly book club."

I headed for the stairs, but Stefan's voice called me back.

"Wait, we need to talk."

I gave a loud, dramatic sigh, spinning around with an eye roll.

"What is with people and needing to talk to me today?" I said exasperatedly. "Can't this wait until tomorrow? I have stuff to do, like sleeping."

"We have a problem," Stefan said.

"What else could possibly be added to the list?"

"Werewolves," Damon announced. "And let's just say that I might have pissed them off."

I gave him a flat look. "You're kidding. First you piss off an Original, and now a werewolf? Is that what you do when you wake up each morning? Ask yourself, 'Oh, I wonder who I could piss off today to put my life in danger'." I scowled at him. "You're an idiot. You're going to get yourself killed."

"I'm still here, aren't I?" he asked, obviously not taking my words seriously.

"You are lucky Elijah didn't rip your head off when you tried to kill him," I snapped, aggravated with my eldest brother. "You walk around, acting as if the stupid, reckless things you do will have no consequences. One of these days you're going to piss off someone you shouldn't have, and it's going to result in your death."

Everyone watched our interaction, but I didn't look at them, I only glared at Damon. He watched me for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. I thought for a moment that my words had actually sunk in. I was wrong.

"Aw, is this your way of telling me you'd care if I die?" Damon smirked.

I could have murdered him. I wanted to. Instead, I opted for picking up a small dagger sitting on the table next to me. I threw it and it was across the room before anyone could blink. Just before the dagger sliced into Damon's left eye, he caught it, the smirk still in place.

"Guys," Stefan sighed. "Cut it out. Can we get back to the main point here? The werewolves aren't just here because Damon pissed them off. They found out about the curse, and they want to break it."

"Yes, and we must do anything and everything to keep Elena safe, blah, blah, blah," I stated with an eye roll. "Tell me something I don't know."

"It's not just that," Stefan continued. "We can't let them break the curse. The last thing we need is for werewolves to be able to turn at will."

I snorted. "Trust me, you have nothing to worry about."

"And why's that?" Bonnie asked a little skeptically.

"Because even if the werewolves did manage to break the curse, which they won't, nothing would happen," I shrugged.

Elena frowned. "What are you talking about?"

I sighed. "I may have skipped one teeny tiny detail when you asked me about the curse."

Damon's eyes narrowed. "What detail."

"It's a fake," I announced. All of the faces around me stared blankly.

"What?" Caroline repeated, looking at me as if I'd just sprouted another head.

"There's no such thing as the sun and the moon curse. It would unbalance nature too much," I shrugged.

"And you're just telling us this now?" Damon asked in an irritated tone.

I smirked at him, knowing it would piss him off. "It slipped my mind."

"You know, you could have mentioned something," Stefan stated, sounding much calmer than Damon.

"Would it have made a difference?" I asked.

"Well, yeah," Caroline spoke up. "If there's no curse, then Elena won't have to be sacrificed."

I felt pity at the sight of relief spreading over all of their faces.

"No, no, she will," I reassured them.

Jeremy frowned, speaking for the first time. "But didn't you just say-"

"I said the curse of the sun and moon was fake," I corrected the youngest Gilbert. "Not that there wasn't a curse. The sun and the moon curse is a cover up."

"For what?" Damon snapped.

I poured myself a glass of Damon's scotch, everyone awaiting my answer as I leaned casually against the wall.

"There's a reason why Klaus is known to be the strongest Original," I began, swirling the amber liquid around in my glass. "It's not just because he's the most ruthless, or the most vindictive. It's more than that."

"What is it?" Elena asked.

I sighed. "Klaus isn't just an Original vampire." I paused for dramatic effect. "He's an Original hybrid."

"Hybrid?" Damon repeated with a frown.

"What do you mean hybrid?" Bonnie asked.

"Hybrid of what?" Jeremy asked.

"He's part vampire, part werewolf," I answered.

"What?" Elena, Bonnie and Caroline asked simultaneously.

About a hundred questions were fired at me after that little announcement, and it took over five minutes to shut everyone up. These people were really bad at reacting to things.

Stefan, who'd had the most rational reaction of them all, looked to me with furrowed brows.

"How is that even possible?" he asked.

"Way back in the day, before the Originals were actually vampires, they were humans," I began. "Klaus' mother, Esther I'm pretty sure her name was, had had an affair with member of a werewolf pack living near their village, which is why Klaus had the werewolf gene in the first place."

I could tell I had everyone's attention, and I kept the details to a minimum. I didn't think Elijah would appreciate me telling them his entire family history.

"But when they became vampires, it became evident of Esther's affair, because when Klaus killed his first victim, which happened to be on a full moon, he turned." I took a sip of the scotch, staring at the liquid. "Thus creating the first hybrid. A curse was placed on Klaus, binding his werewolf side. Nature could not allow that much power to be wielded by one creature."

I remembered back to the day when I'd first heard this story, how focused I'd been. It had left me in slight awe, hearing such a tale.

"To break the curse that was placed on him, several things were needed. The two key ingredients being the moonstone and a Petrova Doppelganger. A couple of centuries ago, Klaus, with the help of Elijah, came up with the idea of the sun and the moon curse. The legend was spread all over the world, so vampires and werewolves would purposely be looking for the moonstone, and the Doppelganger, making it that much easier for Klaus to find them."

"That's why he was still hunting Katherine," Stefan murmured.

"Great, so not only do we have an Original to worry about, but we also have an Original hybrid on his way to town," Damon muttered bitterly. He looked at me accusingly. "How do you know all of this?"

I gave a shrug. "I know things."

"Don't give me that crap," he glared. "That's not just something you know."

"Guys," Caroline interrupted, her expression mixed between desperation and worry. "Have you forgotten about the werewolves? They still think the curse is real, which means they're still going to go after Elena."

I squinted at Elena. "You know, if you had a dollar for every time your life was in danger, you'd probably be rich."

"Why don't we just tell the werewolves what we know?" Bonnie suggested, ignoring my statement. "They might back off."

I snorted. "Of course, because they're fully going to believe us."

"Amelia's right," Stefan sighed. "They'll just think we're trying to trick them."

"Then what are we meant to do?" Jeremy asked.

Everyone was silent for a few moments.

"Kill them?" I offered.

"We can't just kill them," Elena frowned disapprovingly. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why not?" Damon asked. I was slightly surprised that he took my side, but he was probably thinking the same thing.

"Because they're people too!" Elena snapped.

"Fine then, Elena, go offer yourself to them so they'll stop bothering us," I urged her, an annoyed glare on my face as I stood up. "You don't get it, do you? Vampires and werewolves hate each other. We're natural enemies, so sooner or later, someone's going to end up dead."

"It doesn't have to be that way," the Doppelganger insisted.

"Tell them that!" I was seriously considering knocking her out. "They have reason enough to hate us, thanks to Damon. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather kill them before they kill one of us, and if you have a problem, you can go whinge about your morality issues to someone else, because I sincerely couldn't care less."

Damon, who was the first to react to my outburst, quickly took action.

"Alright, claws away," he said. He looked at me pointedly, earning a glare from me. "Now let's talk about this rationally and try not to kill each other."

"Look," Stefan began. "The werewolves are obviously a threat, but we can't go rushing into a fight we don't even know we can win."

"So we sit here and wait for them to make the first move?" I asked incredulously.

"We don't even know if they will make the first move," Stefan rationalized.

Damon shook his head. "I'm with Mia on this one. We need to get the jump on them while we can."

"And how many people get hurt in the process?" Elena asked. "Like Stefan said, you don't know how many you're up against."

"Then what do you suppose we do?" Damon asked, annoyed.

"Wait," Elena suggested. "They might think there's too many of us to even make a move. I say we just play it cool until something happens."

Bonnie wholeheartedly agreed with this. "It's probably the safest way to go about it."

Caroline nodded in agreement, and Damon and I shared a look before he gave them an annoyed smirk.

"Alright, we'll do it your way. For now."

Everyone then looked at me for confirmation. I had every intention of kicking up a fuss about how stupid they all were, but decided against it at the last minute.

"Fine, Elena, your way," I glared. "But if one of us gets hurt, it's on you."

Elena frowned at that, obviously not liking the thought. Having had enough of people for the day, I continued to stalk up the stairs, muttering violently under my breath as I did so.


The next day was slow, and long, and I was just about ready to kill everyone. Thanks to this new information about the werewolves, I was constantly keeping an eye out. The decision that the others had made was incredibly stupid, and there was nothing I'd like to do more than punch Elena in the head. Whilst snapping her neck in the process.

I was at the Grill, having compelled the bartender to keep my glass of whiskey full as I secretly plotted everyone's death. Elena had been a bit wary of me after last night, having seen a glimpse of my nasty side. I'd made it clear that I didn't like her.

This had made Caroline a bit hesitant around me as well, but she'd kept up the friendliness. The Bennett witch obviously hadn't taken a liking to me, but I didn't care. Witches had always seemed to righteous for my tastes anyway.

A chuckle from in front of me made me raise my head, and I found Matt Donovan, the cute boy from school, looking at me with amusement from behind the bar. His shirt suggested he worked here, and he glanced at my glass.

"Aren't you underage?" he asked.

"Not as far as he's concerned," I replied, gesturing to the compelled bartender.

"You're Amelia, right?" he asked. "I'm Matt."

"Pleasure," I replied, shaking his hand.

"Rough day?" Matt assumed.

"You've no idea," I sighed.

Matt grinned, leaning on the bar. "Try me."

"I just really hate people," I sighed. "Especially one person in particular."

"Do I know them?"

"Probably not," I lied. "And I've considered killing her, but apparently that goes against most morals."

Matt laughed. "And it's also illegal."

I resisted the urge to snort.

"Anyway, this girl made a really stupid decision, and I don't want to have to deal with the repercussions of it."

"Hopefully things turn out for the best," Matt smiled. "As for killing her, I don't advise that."

I decided I liked Matt Donovan. He seemed nice and sincere. Also completely unaware that his girlfriend was a vampire. Poor guy.

I stayed at the Grill until the sun had gone down, and when I walked outside my breath made clouds of fog in the cold air. I walked around the corner to where my car was parked, but I paused when I heard footsteps behind me. I narrowed my eyes, instantly suspicious.

I didn't have a chance to find out what the cause of the noise was, because before I could turn around, hands gripped the sides of my head and twisted sharply, causing everything to go black.


I woke with a loud groan, my neck aching as I opened my eyes. The first thing that I noticed was that I was in a cage. I sat upright, instantly alert as I took in my surroundings. It took me a moment to notice that I wasn't the only one in the cage.

Caroline was slumped on the ground, unconscious after having been shot in the forehead. I dragged myself over to her, shaking her arm.

"Caroline," I said, my voice weak. I suspected that I'd been injected with vervain. "Caroline, wake up!"

The blonde started to stir after a moment, moaning with pain. She gasped with pain as she woke properly, pulling the bullet out as she grimaced with pain. She looked up at me with wide, frightened eyes.

"Amelia?" she asked. "What's going on?"

"No idea," I replied. "Some bastard came up behind me and snapped my neck."

I looked around again, trying to figure out where the hell we were. We appeared to be in some sort of caravan, and I tried the lock on the cage, attempting to break it. The vervain in my system stopped me from doing so.

The caravan door opened, and Caroline backed up, me slightly in front of her as I glared violently at our attacker. A man in his thirties with short hair smirked at us when he entered, taking a seat in a chair by the door.

"Who the hell are you?" I snapped angrily.

"Mmm, feisty little vampire, aren't you?" he grinned.

"What do you want from us?" Caroline asked.

"I'm bored," he shrugged.

"Look, douchebag, you're keeping us here for a reason. What is it?" I asked.

"Your little vampire friends have one of our own," the man said. "We're holding you for insurance."

Caroline looked worried. "Tyler," she whispered to herself.

"Who's Tyler?" I asked.

The man kicked the cage. "Shut up."

"Bite me!" I snapped.

"Sorry, sweet heart but I prefer other tactics," the man replied.

He pulled out a gun and without hesitation, shot me point black in the chest. The force threw me back on my butt, pain exploding through me.

"Leave her alone!" Caroline pleaded.

In return, he shot her too. Anger coursed through me, as Caroline screamed, and I tried to get the attention off her.

"Listen up, asswipe, you have no idea who you're dealing with," I growled. "When I get out of this cage I'm going to rip you limb by limb, after I've killed all of your little friends. You're going to beg for death."

He fake pouted. "Aw, that's cute. But newsflash, you're still in the cage. So I get to make you beg for death."

"Cram it with walnuts, ugly," I scowled. I couldn't help it. My inner Dean came out in situations like this.

It'd been a while since I'd experienced excruciating pain, but today was a solid reminder of why I didn't enjoy it. This guy had a whole range of fun things to show us, ranging from sticking toothpicks onto our skin to using vervain as pepper spray.

The entire time I tried to keep his focus on me, so he'd forget about Caroline. I was much older than her, so I could handle pain better. The torture lasted for hours, and I was really starting to get irritated.

I let out another cry of pain as the man shot me once again, jarring my shoulder back hard. I glared, baring my fangs at the werewolf as I hissed angrily. I felt rage course through me as he sprayed vervain from a bottle, burning my skin harshly. I was helpless, and I was just about seeing red.

After a while, the pain started to get to me, and I couldn't help wincing as I moved. I had about a hundred toothpicks sticking out of my skin, and about a dozen gun shot wounds, which were very slowly healing. I wasn't doing too great. I'd taken the worst of the attacks, making sure Caroline stayed relatively unharmed.

I'd have to say the happiest moment of my life was when I heard the voice of my twin brother. It was muffled, and I couldn't make out what Stefan was saying, but he was here, that was all that mattered. He must be negotiating our safety for that Tyler guy.

A second familiar voice joined the conversation a moment later, and I could hear the anger in Damon's voice, my ears adjusting to make out the words.

"Where's Amelia?" I heard Damon ask.

"You'll get her as soon as you hand over Tyler," a female voice replied.

"If you touch my sister, I swear to God, I will rip your throat out," Damon threatened.

"You're in no position to be making threats."

"Give us Amelia and Caroline, or I'll kill Tyler
," Damon warned.

"You kill Tyler and you'll never see them again."

"We'll take you," Damon replied, obviously confident enough to pick a fight.

"I'm not so sure about that tough guy."

I heard a whistle and I could hear the sound of shuffling footsteps, and I realised with horror that there were a lot more werewolves than we anticipated. The man who had kept us captive grinned at us before walking out.

As soon as he was gone I turned to Caroline.

"Alright, Caroline, we're getting out of here," I declared.

"How?" she asked. It was obvious the girl was afraid.

That was a good question. I quickly assessed the lock and reached for it again. The angle my hand was in didn't allow me to reach it. I let out a deep sigh.

"I'm going to regret this," I muttered before snapping my wrist back.

Caroline gasped at the crack it made, staring at me horrified. I reached back to the lock, and although it took all I had not to cry out in pain, I grabbed the lock. I ignored the crippling agony that shot through my arm and twisted, letting out an anguished groan. It took a lot of effort, and I was about to give up, but suddenly the lock broke with a snap.

I let out a sigh, relaxing slightly as the pressure was taken off my wrist. I refrained from moving it as it slowly began to heal. Our work wasn't finished yet, though.

"Caroline, help me lift the latch," I said.

Both of us moved to it, grabbing a bar and heaving. Because we were on the inside, it was much harder to lift, and I was ready to admit that we couldn't do it. A stroke of luck hit us though, as the door opened and a young boy walked in.

"Tyler!" Caroline cried out, relieved. I glanced at him warily. "Help us lift this latch!"

Tyler stared at us for a moment, not moving.

"Tyler?" Caroline tried again, her voice a little less confident.

As if snapping out of something, Tyler rushed forward, helping us lift the latch. I was the first one out, and I immediately took action, bursting out of the caravan with a furious expression on my face as I stepped into the middle of the woods. Damon was closest to me, fighting off two werewolves.

With a growl, I ripped one of them off him, ignoring the pain shooting through my body. I slammed him on the ground, breaking his neck with a simple twist. Damon quickly assessed me, making sure I wasn't seriously injured before going back to the werewolves.

One of them ran at me and I responded by ripping their heart out with my hand. It was then that I spotted the man who had tortured us. He smirked at me, as if to say come and get it. Growling, I took off, appearing in front of him in a second. My anger fueled my movements, and I slammed him against the side of the caravan by the throat. I grabbed his shoulder with my free hand, popping it forward as I proceeded to dislocate it. He let out a hiss of pain and I smacked his head into the wall.

"Mmm, I'm going to enjoy this," I mused with a sadistic smile.

Everything froze at that point though, because the werewolves had gotten the upper hand. Stefan was on the verge of being staked, and the woman I assumed was in charge had Caroline against the caravan, gun pointed to her head.

"No one move!" she shouted, glaring pointedly at me. Knowing my brothers life was more important, I stepped back from the man. The woman looked around. "Kill them all."

Before we even had time to react, the werewolves suddenly dropped to the ground, crying out in agony as they grasped at their heads. Damon, Stefan and I shared a confused look, not understanding what was happening. Movement to my left revealed a man with dark skin and glasses walking out, his hands raised by his sides.

It took me a moment to realise he was a witch. I backed up a bit, towards Caroline as the witch approached. Damon stood in front of us, somewhat protectively as he eyed the witch. Stefan rose from the ground, confusion on his face.

The witch looked up and looked at us.

"Elijah promised the Doppelganger that he would keep her loved ones safe," he announced. He spared a glance at the fallen werewolves. "They won't be down for long, I suggest you get out of here."

Not needing to be told twice, Stefan nodded at the man before putting his hand on the small of Caroline's back and leading her through the trees. I followed after them, limping slightly and holding my bad wrist, wincing at the pain of each step. Damon hung back slightly, walking beside me. I didn't miss the worried glances he threw my way.

"Are you two okay?" Stefan asked, looking back at me and then to Caroline.

Caroline gave him a weak smile. "I'm fine."

Stefan looked back at me when I didn't reply and I gave him a curt nod.

"Why aren't you healing?" Stefan frowned, examining me.

"Asshole injected me with vervain," I muttered bitterly. "Does somebody wanna tell me why we were kidnapped and tortured?"

"I was trying to talk to Tyler, to make a truce," Stefan explained. "He found out about us. One of his werewolf friends called, found out I was with him. They took Caroline for leverage, to get us to hand Tyler over to them. They must have taken you to get to us."

I narrowed my eyes, scowling at the ground. Not paying attention to what I was doing, I accidentally bumped my wrist into a tree and I hissed, pain rushing through my arm.

"None of this would have happened if we'd attacked first," I muttered. "How about we don't listen to the Doppelganger's stupid ideas next time, eh?"

I walked faster, passing by Stefan and Caroline as I headed towards the main road.

"Take Caroline back to her house," Damon said to Stefan. "I'll make sure Amelia get's home alright."

I frowned at his words, as if he thought I needed to be taken care of. I was fine. Extremely pissed, but fine. I was already plotting my revenge, and nothing would make me happier than to rip that werewolf's head off.

I hated being helpless, and that's what I had been. I'd sat there for hours, literally trapped in a cage. I was quiet on the way back to the house, a glare on my face the whole time. Damon kept his eyes on me, clearly worried. I nearly snorted. So now he cared about me.

The boarding house came into view, and all I wanted was to take a hot bath, read some Johnlock fanfiction and sleep. Apparently fate had other ideas, though, because somebody was already here. I nearly socked Elena in the jaw when I saw her standing in the living room.

I glared pointedly at Damon, who seemed to understand.

"Go home, Elena," he said.

"What happened?" she exclaimed in horror when she saw my state. "Are you okay?"

"I'm dandy," I replied with thick sarcasm.

"Now's not the best time," Damon told her. "You need to leave."

"Where's Stefan?" she asked, ignoring him. "Are he and Caroline alright?"

"No thanks to you," I replied icily. She frowned, confused. "I warned you, Elena. I told you that we needed to act first, before the werewolves did. Thanks to you and your morality crap, Caroline and I were locked up and tortured."

She gasped. "I had no idea that this would happen."

"This is on you, Elena," I said coldly. "You're lucky we weren't killed."

"I- I'm sorry," she stuttered. "If I had have known-"

"Look, I've had a no good, very bad day," I interrupted her. "I suggest you leave before I really lose my temper."

She remained quiet after that, before silently leaving.

Without a word, I grabbed a bottle of Damon's whiskey before heading upstairs to my room. I gingerly shrugged out of my jacket, wincing as I did so. I stood in front of my mirror, examining the damage that had been done. There was blood running down the side of my face, and several toothpicks were sticking out of my neck. I picked them out one by one, cringing as I did so.

Taking a swig of whiskey before doing so, I dug my fingers into the bullet hole in my shoulder, pulling out the wooden bullet. I repeated this process three more times, hissing with each one. My wrist had finally healed properly, though it was still slightly tender.

I took a shower, and I must have been in there for at least an hour just standing there, exhaustion finally hitting me. I finally found the effort to get out, and I changed into some cotton pajama shorts and a light tank top.

When I left my bathroom, I found Damon leaning against my door.

"Brought you something," he said, tossing me a blood bag.

I hesitated before ripping into it, draining it in one go, immediately feeling better. The vervain in my system made me slightly sluggish, my rush of adrenaline and anger gone from before.

"Thanks," I muttered before sitting cross-legged on my bed.

Damon watched me with a frown. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine," I sighed, reaching for the whiskey.

"You're lying," Damon observed.

I gave him a flat look. "What do you want me to day, Damon? That I enjoyed having that stuff happen to me? That I was okay with almost dying? Well I wasn't, okay? But there's no use complaining about it, because the world has already moved on."

"Why do you always do that?" he asked, eyes narrowed. "Brush things off that easily?"

I snorted. "You're one to talk."

"I'm serious, Amelia."

"Look, I'm not about to get all heart felt with you and tell you a sob story," I scowled. "Do me a favour and leave me alone."

"What is it?" Damon asked.

"What's what?" I replied, annoyed.

"What could I have possibly done to make you hate me this much?" he clarified. "Something happened, and you're not telling me."

"Drop it, Damon," I glared.

"Not until you tell me what it is," Damon insisted, his ever so stubborn nature showing.

"You really want to know?" I asked. He nodded. "Fine. A couple of decades back, I ran into Katherine."

Damon narrowed his eyes. "You knew she was alive?"

"Yes," I said. "And I didn't tell you because you were going to waste your time chasing after her again. Newsflash, Damon, she doesn't care about you!"

His mouth was set in an annoyed line. "Get on with the story."

"Katherine and I had a lovely chat you see, and at first I thought she was lying, but why would she?" I asked.

"What did she tell you?" Damon demanded.

"I know, Damon," I announced. "I know what happened back in 1864. I know what you did."

Damon froze, staring at me for a moment as he took in what I said. His face slackened, and his expression turned helpless.

"You turned me," I said, shaking my head accusingly. There was almost a hurt tone in my voice. I let out a bitter laugh. "You turned me to get back at Stefan for forcing you to turn. You told me it was Katherine who fed me her blood that night, and that it was her that killed me. It was you."


"How dare you?" I asked through clenched teeth. "You had no right to do that to me. You turned me into a monster!"

"I didn't turn you to just get back at Stefan," Damon insisted, his expression guilt ridden. "I didn't want to leave you behind."

I let out a harsh laugh. "Don't give me that crap. It wasn't your call to make!"

"Amelia, I'm sorry."

"I don't care," I snapped. "Now get out!"

Damon, obviously knowing it was a bad idea to be around me at the moment, nodded before quietly leaving, closing my door behind him.

I ran my hands down my face, groaning as I tried to calm down. All the pent up anger I had directed towards Damon came rushing to the surface, and a new found hate made itself known. The fact that he even had the nerve to try and apologize made me furious.

I had sincerely hoped that Katherine had been lying when she'd told me this, and up until now a small part of me had thought it might not have been true. Damon had confirmed it though, and I felt disgusted in him.

Angrily, I threw my pillow at my door, a scowl on my face. With a sigh, I decided that sleep would be the best thing for me, and I drifted off almost instantly when my head hit the pillow.



Jokes, it's like 10pm here.

So, here I am, updating a mere week later.




So, a bit of drama in this chapter. As you could probably tell, I'm not Elena biggest fan. GOD I JUST WISH SOMEONE WOULD STAKE HER. I dunno. She seems better in season 5, but Elena has just really been annoying me lately.

How great is the Originals? IT'S MY FAVE.

What'd you guys think of this one? I'm sorry if it seems a bit rushed, I was trying to finish it as soon as I could. I was even hooking up to my phone's wifi on my laptop at school just so I could write it.


Well, I'm going to go sleep now. I'm tired.

Ooh, what'd you think about the whole Damon and Amelia thing? DRAMA.

I need a life.

And some pizza. Somebody please just bring me pizza. I just really love food.


Amelia SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now