Bad Jokes

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The whole reunion with Rebekah had been about as fun as I expected, not that I really paid attention. Klaus had compelled Stefan to remember everything he'd compelled him to forget, and I could tell Stefan was relieved to finally be in the loop. And as it turned out, Gloria needed to contact the Original witch to find out why Klaus' hybrid's weren't working. The problem was, though, that in order to do that, she needed Rebekah's necklace, which she had incidently lost. 

But I knew exactly where it was. Ironically enough, it was the same necklace that Stefan had given Elena, not that Stefan knew it was Rebekah's at the time. I found the whole thing hilarious, but it obvious that Stefan didn't take the same approach as me.

Today was a day that took me by surprise, because among all the other things we could be doing, such as trying to locate the 'lost' necklace, we were shopping. Apparently Rebekah's attire from the twenties wasn't exactly suitable for the modern age. That and her dress had a blood stain on it. People would find that rather alarming, I'd imagine.

So here we were, in some fancy clothing store, waiting as Rebekah tried on clothes. Stefan occupied the single waiting chair, whilst I sprawled out on the lounge, playing Candy Crush Saga on my phone. Klaus returned from talking to the sales assistant, carrying a glass of champagne. Like I said, fancy.

Instead of being a gentleman and politely asking me to move my feet, he pushed them off the lounge and sat down where they were. I glared viciously at him but he didn't notice. With a scowl, I pulled my feet back up, using his lap as a foot rest.

Klaus turned to me with a flat look and rose his eyebrows, as if to say, 'really?'.

"I was here first," I said stubbornly.

Klaus rolled his eyes, leaving my feet where they were. At that moment, Rebekah walked out, wearing a short black dress.

"There has got to be more to this dress!" the blonde claimed.

"There's not," Klaus sighed boredly.

"So women in the twenty-first century dress like prostitutes then?" Rebekah asked.

"Pretty much," I said, not looking up from my phone.

"You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing," Klaus reminded her. 

"And what is this music?" she asked distastefully. "It sounds like a cable car accident."

"It's dance music," Stefan answered.

"People dance to this?" Rebekah asked skeptically. Stefan nodded in reply.

"Just wait until you see twerking," I chuckled to myself.

"Are we done?" Klaus asked, obviously annoyed with his sister. 

"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah asked him.

"I needed one thing from you, Rebekah, and you lost it," Klaus told her.

"I didn't lose it," she defended. "It's just been missing for ninety years." She turned to Stefan and gestured to her dress. "So? What do you think?"

I snorted. "You're asking Stefan for fashion advice?" I looked at Stefan. "No offence."

Stefan ignored me. "It looks good."

Rebekah glared at him. "I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan."

I hid a smirk as she stalked back into the change room and Klaus gave Stefan a flat look.

"Well done, mate," he said sarcastically.

Amelia SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now