Dinner Date With Death

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If there was one thing I hadn't been expecting to find myself doing at two in the morning, it was eating Ben and Jerry's with Doritos. I dug out a spoonful of the chocolate chip cookie dough flavoured ice cream and smeared it between two original flavoured Doritos, before eating it. It was the perfect mix of sweet and savory.

So here I was, sitting in the dark kitchen, eating my feelings away as I browsed through a Walking Dead fic. There were several reason's why I was doing this, and the main one was that I just really loved food, and all the pizza places were shut at this hour.

I looked up, blinking in surprise when the light suddenly turned on. Stefan stood by the door, a frown on his face as he observed me.

"Don't judge me," I said, noting his expression when he saw the ice cream and Doritos.

"What are you doing up?" Stefan asked, rubbing his eye sleepily. "It's like two in the morning."

I shrugged. "Food." I held up the tub of ice cream and the chip packet. "Want some?"

Stefan considered this for a moment before sitting across the bench from me.

"Ice cream and corn chips?" he questioned.

"It was the closest thing we had to pizza," I replied. "Try it."

So he did. He frowned, unable to make up his mind.


"Great, isn't it?" I asked.

We sat there in silence for a while, the only noise being the crunch of the Doritos.

"So," Stefan began. "Wanna tell me why you and Damon aren't talking?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied ignorantly.

Stefan gave me a pointed look. "Don't think I haven't noticed you leaving the room whenever he walks in."

I sighed. "It's a long, complicated story."

"I'm sure I'll manage."

So I told him. I knew he wouldn't stop bothering me unless I did. Stefan was surprisingly quiet after I finished, and I watched him with an arched eyebrow. He frowned, examining his hands, until he finally looked up at me.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I stared at him incredulously. "Uh, Stefan, I know you're all for humanity and stuff now, but don't you think apologizing for something you didn't do is a bit too much?"

Stefan sighed. "Damon did it to get back at me. It's my fault."

"No, it's not," I scolded. 

The frown still stayed. "Are you okay?"

I thought about this for a moment. "I've known about this for over twenty years, but confronting him about it just brought up this kind of anger that I haven't felt in a long time."

"Well, it's only natural," Stefan reasoned.

I sighed, shaking my head. "It feels like more than that, though. I'm just angry at everything, and I have this urge to just, I don't know... hit someone."

Stefan tilted his head. "Are you sure this is just about Damon?"

I ran a hand through my messy hair. "It's about everything. It's about Damon, about those werewolves, about Klaus coming to town, and that bloody Doppelganger..." I looked at him. "I know you love the girl, Stef, but she is more trouble than she's worth. I've been here a week and I've almost died thanks to her. Not to mention all of the other threats she's bringing to town."

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