The Sweet Taste Of Betrayal

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"Well, this looks cozy," I remarked.

Apparently, when I have having such a fun time with Magdalena, Stefan was also having the time of his life. Elena and Lexi, who I was thoroughly pissed at for not visiting me from the grave, had kidnapped Stefan and locked him up in the basement underneath one of the buildings in town.

Bill Forbes, Caroline's father, had thought it would be nice to lock Caroline down here and force her to try and resist her vampire nature. Obviously, this hadn't worked, and after some threatening from Damon, Bill had left town.

Stefan was chained to a chair, his deprival of blood giving him a dark look and a sheen of sweat showed on his face. In the past, when Lexi dragged Stefan back to humanity, it took a couple of decades. Thanks to Lexi's mystical spirit powers, she had been able to fast forward the process, but only got about half way because Bonnie had put up the veil that had allowed her to be here.

Stefan looked up at me, looking haggard.

"Don't suppose you came to break me out," he said.

"No can do, brother," I replied. "I promised Damon I'd let him give this a go."

Stefan sighed. "Why?"

"Because as much as I love you being all ripper again, I don't like Klaus using you as his little puppet," I explained. I looked around. "I must say though, I'm almost jealous of the hospitality here."

"Heard you had a pretty interesting day yesterday," Stefan said, changing the subject.

"Yep," I replied. "While you were having girl talk with Lexi, I was possessed by a psychopathic witch spirit." My phone buzzed and I glanced at it. "And that is my cue to leave. See you later, Stef."

"Bye," he sighed in response, and I ruffled his hair as I walked out.

I paused at the door though, looking back at him.

"Look, if I get bored within the next few days, I'll break you out," I promised. "And knowing me, that'll probably be tonight."

I flashed a grin at Stefan before leaving him to the comforts of the basement.


"Amelia!" Caroline exclaimed, answering her front door. "Thank God!"

She grabbed my hand, and pulled me inside, her demeanour urgent as she dragged me towards her bedroom. I arched an eyebrow, wondering what the hell was happening.

"What's the emergency?" I asked. "Your text said you really needed help."

"I do!" the blonde cried. "What am I meant to wear to Homecoming?"

I did a double take, not expecting that answer at all.

"Homecoming?" I repeated.

"Yes, and I have no idea what dress to wear," Caroline pouted.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "You gotta be kidding me," I muttered under my breath.

"Have you picked one out yet?" she asked me.

"Uh, no. I plan on spending Homecoming eating pizza and watching Game of Thrones," I told her.

"What?" she cried in protest. "No! You're coming to the dance!"

"Last time there was a dance, Klaus showed up and Bonnie died for a while," I said doubtfully, frowning. "I think I'll pass."

"Come on! It'll be fun," Caroline insisted.

I snorted. "Right."

"Pleaaassseee," she begged. "Everyone will be there."

"Yeah, but pizza," I stated.

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