A Small Sacrifice

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"What do you want, Klaus?" I scowled, ignoring Damon's incredulous look.

"I heard that your bothers are quite infatuated with my Doppelganger," Klaus replied, though his smirk suggested that he was satisfied by my anger. "I wanted to make sure they didn't do anything stupid."

Damon let out a bitter laugh, causing Klaus to shift his gaze from me to my brother.

"Yeah, about that," Damon said. "Any chance you'd want to postpone this whole thing for another month?"

Klaus' smirk dropped. "You're kidding." He looked at me. "Tell me he's kidding."

"And yet another vampire Doppelganger will roam the Earth," I smirked sarcastically, helping myself to Damon's glass of scotch.

"Let me get one thing clear," Klaus began in a threatening tone as spoke to Damon. "I've got everything I need to break this curse, and it will be happening tonight. I suggest you don't screw it up."

"No promises there," I commented. Klaus gave me a look that said, go ahead, see what happens. I rolled my eyes. "You've made your point, we're terrified," I mocked.

Klaus smirked. "So you should be." With that, Klaus stood up and went to leave, but not before turning around and saying, "I'll be seeing you soon, Amelia."

"I would rather gauge my eyes out," I replied with a pleasant smile.

As soon as Klaus left, Damon and Alaric whirled on me, both looking at me as if I was running down the middle of the street naked singing the Lion King.

"You dated Klaus?" Damon asked incredulously.

"It was the 20's! I was going through a phase," I tried to defend myself.

"How long?" Alaric asked.

I played with the empty glass. "Thirty years, give or take."

"And you only mention this now?" Damon stated.

"Does it matter?" I snapped.

"Really? You date Klaus of all people?" he asked.

"You're one to talk, Mr. I spent a hundred and fifty years pining over Katherine Pierce," I scowled.

"That doesn't compare to Klaus," Damon replied.

I made a face at him and thankfully Alaric changed the subject.

"So, any idea's on how to get Klaus to postpone tonight?" the History teacher asked.

"I don't know, maybe Amelia could seduce him to get her way," Damon suggested wryly. I elbowed him hard in the ribs. "Kidding," he defended, leaning slightly away from him. "Do you think if I took his werewolf out of the equation he'd have to postpone?"

"Damon, if you mess with this, he'll kill you," Alaric reminded him with a frown.

I snorted. "Ric, did you honestly think that we weren't going to screw Klaus' plan up?"

Alaric sighed. "No, not really."

"Damon's right, though," I added. "Klaus will have a vampire and a werewolf kept somewhere to sacrifice tonight, but if we take out his werewolf, he probably won't have time to find another one, ergo no broken curse."

"But first we have to find out where they are," Alaric pointed out.

"Katherine will know," Damon said. He looked at Alaric. "I'm going to need you invite me in though."

I stood up with them to leave.

"Well, you have fun with the Doppelganger," I stated. "I have better things to do. Text me when you find out where Klaus is keeping them."

With that, we parted ways and I called Jeremy, giving him a brief description of what was going on, so he and Bonnie weren't out of the loop.

Having encountered Klaus for the first time with my knowledge, I was tempted to just skip town to avoid having to see him again. I knew for a fact that he was going to find every possible way to irritate me.

A thought occurred to me at that moment. If our plan succeeded, then Klaus would be dead by tonight. I frowned, unsure of how I felt about that. I felt a strong hate towards Klaus, there was no denying that, but the thought of him actually being dead was odd. I had spent thirty years with him, after all.

I scowled to myself as I drove, annoyed at my thoughts. With Klaus dead, most of my worries would be gone. My frown deepened though as I realised that it wouldn't effect my worries at all, it would only be getting rid of Stefan and Damon's worries. That was, after all, the only reason I was here, to help Stefan.

Irritated at my reasoning, I was thankful when I received the awaited text from Damon.

Klaus has Caroline and Tyler Lockwood locked up in the tomb.

"Oh for the love of God," I growled.

Of course Klaus had to go after people we knew. With a scowl in place, I yanked the steering wheel to the left, tires screeching slightly as I skidded around.


It took me a while to find the tomb that was underneath the ruins of Fell's Church. I knew when I was getting close though, because I heard Damon shout in pain. I took off in a blur, assessing the situation when I arrived. A male witch had his hand thrust out, and Damon was on the ground, clasping his head with a groan.

I was just about to take action when a gunshot rang out, causing the witch to drop to his knees. A quick glance to my left revealed Matt Donovan holding a rifle. I was about to question him, but I noticed that the witch was still alive. In the blink of an eye, I was across the clearing, snapping his neck.

I turned to Damon and grabbed his hand, helping him to his feet. In unison, Damon and I turned to stare at Matt, who still had the rifle raised.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked.

"Where's Caroline?" Matt asked.

"We're here to save her," I told him, still puzzled as to what had just happened. "I take it you found out about us." I took a step forward, but Matt aimed the rifle at me.

"Hey, calm down," Damon said, raising his hands. "We're here to help."

In the blink of an eye, Damon snatched the rifle out of his hands and knocked him out. Damon unloaded the rifle until it was empty. With a frown, he crouched and picked up the bullets.

"Are those wooden?" I asked, peering at the bullets tipped with wood.

"Barbie has some explaining to do," Damon said with narrowed eyes.

Making sure that no more of Klaus' friendly witches were around, Damon and I headed into the tomb, which had apparently been unspelled thanks to Elijah. I glanced around, thinking about the vampires that had been trapped in here in 1864. Sucked to be them.

I helped Damon pull aside the huge stone door that blocked the entrance, and I was a little hesitant on entering, just in case the spell hadn't worn off. Damon didn't seem concerned by it though, so I followed him into an opening, where we found Caroline and Tyler chained to the walls.

"Amelia?" Caroline frowned. "Damon? What are you doing here?"

"We're the rescue team," I shrugged.

Damon walked over and snapped the chains binding her.

"Your boyfriend's outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets," Damon stated. "You have some explaining to do."

"Wh- Matt?" Caroline asked incredulously.

"Matt knows about you?" Tyler asked.

"No, I-"

"How about we leave the teen drama for tomorrow," I suggested. "We've got bigger problems."

Damon helped Caroline up, and I started to leave but Caroline stopped.

"No, I'm not leaving without him," the blond said adamantly, looking back at Tyler.

"Yeah... It's a full moon, having a werewolf tailing along with us isn't a good idea," I said.

"He's coming with us," Caroline insisted.

Damon let out an annoyed sigh before looking at Tyler.

"It's getting dark soon," he said. "How fast can you get the hell out of of here?"

"I need to get to get to my family's cellar," Tyler announced. "I can lock myself up there."

"I'll help," Caroline stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Great, can we leave now?"

Damon snapped Tyler's chains and the four of us headed outside, where Matt was slowly beginning to wake. I glanced down at the dead witch and took his phone out of his pocket.

"Grab Boy Wonder," Damon told Caroline. "Let's go."

Damon and I took the lead as we began to head out of the woods, and it was a couple of minutes later that the dead witch's phone began to ring. I smirked at the caller I.D and answered.

"Good evening, Klaus," I greeted pleasantly.

There was a pause.

"Amelia, where is Maddox?"

"I may have snapped his neck," I shrugged.

I heard him growl.

"Not a very wise move on your part, love," Klaus replied. "I thought I warned you not to pull something like this."

"Couldn't resist," I grinned. "You made it too easy."

"You should know better than to underestimate me."

"Ooh, I think I hit a nerve," I laughed. "You have yourself a nice night, Klaus."

And with that, I hung up. Tyler kept hunching over and I watched him warily, not feeling up for a werewolf bite.

"What's wrong with him?" Matt asked.

"Better not wolf out on us," I commented, ignoring Matt's question.

Damon's phone started ringing.

"Bad time, little bro," Damon answered. "Amelia and I are saving the day. Just make sure Elena stays put." Damon paused and then frowned. "What?" After hearing Stefan's reply, he narrowed his eyes. "I'll take care of it."

"What was that about?" I asked after he hung up.

"Klaus has Elena," Damon answered.

Before I could respond, Tyler dropped to the ground in pain, clutching his stomach as his joints started changing.

"I don't know if I can hold it much longer," he gasped, looking up at us. "You need to get out of here."

"Tyler, it'll be okay," Caroline tried to reassure him.

"Go!" he yelled.

"Really?" I muttered. "You have to wolf out now of all times?"

Another one of Tyler's joints cracked and his eyes flashed yellow before he lunged at me. Before Tyler could reach me though, Damon tackled Tyler, until Tyler got the upper hand. Damon held him at arms length as Tyler started snapping his teeth. I shot forwards and ripped Tyler off him, throwing the werewolf to the ground.

I studied Damon with a frown, looking for any bite marks.

"I'm fine," he told me.

"Get out of here!" Tyler yelled.

"Get to the Lockwood cellar, if it held him in it'll keep him out," Damon told Caroline. "Go," he urged her when the blonde didn't move. Caroline grabbed Matt's arm and they started running. Damon turned to me. "Go find Elijah and Bonnie, the plan's still on."

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'm going to go make a bargain with Klaus," he answered.

"Don't get yourself killed," I replied before taking off in a blur.


I arrived at the abandoned witch massacre house just after Stefan, Alaric and Elijah did. All three turned to me.

"What happened?" Stefan asked.

"Klaus was going to use Caroline and Tyler in the sacrifice," I announced. "Damon and I saved them. We were hoping that Klaus wouldn't have a back up werewolf so we could postpone the sacrifice. Some how I'd doubt we're that lucky."

"He'll have back ups," Elijah stated. "He's been waiting to break this curse for a thousand years."

"Where's Damon?" Stefan asked.

"Trying to bargain with Klaus," I answered. "Until we hear from him, we stick to the original plan."

"The sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets," Elijah announced. "First the werewolf is killed, then the vampire, finally the Doppelganger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken. Klaus will become a hybrid."

"So when do we attack?" Alaric asked.

"Elena's death will activate his dormant werewolf side," Elijah answered. "He'll be vulnerable during the transformation. That's were Bonnie will come in."

"And you're sure Bonnie will survive this?" Stefan asked.

"If she can deliver him to the brink of death, I'll finish the job myself," Elijah stated.

Stefan's phone rang and he walked away for a few minutes. I frowned when Stefan froze, his expression turning stressed. A moment later he hung up and joined us again.

"The sacrifice is still on," Stefan said. "But he's got Jenna. He got Katherine to lure her out of the house and he turned her."

"What?" Alaric asked incredulously.


"Why would he take Jenna?" Bonnie asked.

Alaric was inside, explaining everything to Jenna, and Bonnie had joined Stefan, Elijah and I outside.

"Punishment for meddling," Elijah answered from beside me.

"Klaus was originally going to use Caroline and Tyler," Stefan explained. "Amelia and Damon rescued them."

"Then we have to go, now," Bonnie insisted. "I'll kill Klaus before he can sacrifice her."

"No, Bonnie," Stefan said immediately. "You'll die. We've already been through this."

"Look, I'm going to go find Klaus," I announced. "I'll try and convince him to let Jenna go."

"What if he kills you?" Bonnie frowned.

"Klaus won't harm Amelia," Elijah replied automatically.

"How do you know?" Stefan frowned.

"Because she's one of the only people he actually cares about," Elijah announced.

I scowled at the Original.

"What?" Stefan and Bonnie asked simultaneously.

I let out a sigh. "Klaus and I have a long history, let's just leave it at that."


The sacrifice, as it happened, was going down at Steven's Quarry, which took me a while to find. Instead of doing the normal thing and keeping out of sight, I strolled into the clearing like I owned the place. The clearing was lit up by several little fires, but what really caught my attention were the rings made of flames with were keeping Jenna and Elena trapped.

There was a stone pedestal, where a witch was preforming the spell. I arrived just in time to see Klaus rip Jules' heart out.

"Thank God," I said loudly, getting everyone's attention. "I hated that bitch."

"Amelia," Klaus smirked. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You know, thought I'd pop by, see what all the fuss is about," I shrugged,

"And here I thought you'd come to make an attempt to save the Doppelganger," he said.

"No, I really couldn't care less," I mused. I looked at the girl in question. "No offence, Elena." I turned back to Klaus. "Actually, I came here to bargain."

Klaus chuckled. "Your brother already tried that."

"Yes, well, Damon's a terrible bargainer," I commented. I looked at Klaus evenly. "Going after Jenna was petty, even for you."

"You shouldn't have interfered then," Klaus replied.

"What can I say? It's in my nature," I stated with a shrug. "I'll tell you what. You let Jenna go, I'll even go turn someone else for you."

"Sorry, love, no can do," Klaus told me. "It's already time."

He pulled a wooden stake out from his jacket and began walking towards Jenna, who backed up slightly.

"Klaus, please," Elena pleaded. "I didn't everything you asked, I didn't run! Please don't kill her!"

"Come on Klaus, don't be a dick," I commented.

Klaus gave me a flat look before tilting his head.

"I don't recall you being on the guest list," he said before looking up at the top of the small cliff near us.

I was surprised to find Stefan there, I thought he was coming with Elijah and Bonnie.

"I'm here to talk," Stefan said, and though he was thirty or so feet away from me, I could hear him perfectly.

"Very well then," Klaus replied.

In the blink of an eye, he was on top of the cliff and after a second, I followed him. I crossed my arms, observing my twin with an arched brow.

"What are you doing here, Stefan?" I asked.

"I came to make a trade," he announced. "Me for Jenna."

"What?" I snapped. "No!"

Klaus smirked. "Well, isn't this an interesting turn of events."

I glared at Klaus. "If you agree to this, I will make your life a living hell."

He chuckled. "Quite the hero, aren't you Stefan?"

"Stop playing games," Stefan said. "You'll get what you want. Jenna doesn't have to die."

"And neither do you," I stated angrily. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Stefan?"

"Why don't we let Elena decide?" Klaus smirked.

I could literally kill my brother right now. What was he thinking? I mean sure, I didn't particularly want Jenna to die, but I would happily let that happen over Stefan taking her place. I glared furiously at him as we followed Klaus back down to where Elena and Jenna were.

"Quite the predicament," Klaus commented, looking at the Doppelganger. "Your boyfriend wants to trade placed with your aunt."

"Stefan," Elena began.

"It's okay," he reassured her.

"Well, who's it going to be, Elena?" Klaus asked.

"No," Elena said defiantly.

"Don't worry," Klaus said. "There's actually no choice."

In the blink of an eye, Klaus staked Stefan in the back of the neck. I knew it wouldn't kill him, but it would keep Stefan from interfering.

"I have other plans for your boyfriend," Klaus told Elena. "I want him alive. But for now..."

Klaus snapped Stefan's neck and he dropped to the floor.

"You are such an ass," I commented, scowling at him. Klaus obviously knew I wasn't going to do anything, as he didn't snap my neck.

"Ready when you are, Greta," Klaus said to the witch. The witch said an incantation and the flames around Jenna died out. "Your turn," Klaus told her.

He went to walk towards her but I grabbed his arm.

"Klaus, don't do this," I reasoned.

"Sorry, love," he smirked.

Before I could say anything, Jenna shocked me by attacking Greta, biting into her neck. In the blink of an eye, Klaus was behind her, shoving a stake through her heart. Elena's cries became known and I scowled at Klaus as he let Jenna's corpse drop to the ground. I was actually saddened by the woman's death. She had been nice company.

Eventually it came time for Elena to be sacrificed, but I made no move to stop it. She had to die for our plan to work. I was annoyed at the fact that she would come back a vampire, though. Stefan was still out cold, for which I was glad of. I didn't want him to see this.

Elena put on a brave face as she stalked up to the stone altar, staring down at Jenna's body.

"Thank you, Elena," Klaus said.

"Go to hell," the Doppelganger spat.

Klaus chuckled before moving behind Elena and biting into her neck. I examined my fingernails, bored already. Elena's body hit the ground and I looked up to find that Klaus' eyes had changed to a golden colour.

The curse had been broken.

I watched with a distasteful frown as Klaus' joints began to shift, much like how Tyler's had previously. And then, the moment I'd been waiting for the whole night came.

Klaus was thrown across the clearing and he roared in pain. I stood up straight and saw Bonnie walking towards us, hand outstretched as she chanted in Latin. I had to admit, she looked pretty badass.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Greta begin to move towards Bonnie, but in an instant, I was behind her, snapping her neck. Damon appeared at that moment, looking around.

"Where's Stefan?" he asked over the sound of Klaus' screaming and Bonnie's chanting. The sound of thunder clashing made it harder to hear as well.

"Over there," I told him, gesturing to where Stefan was slowly gaining consciousness. "Get Elena out of here, I'll grab Stefan!"

Damon nodded and picked up Elena's lifeless body. I made my way over to Stefan, ripping the stake out of the back of his neck. He gasped and I helped him up.

"Where's Elena?" he asked, panting slightly.

"Damon's got her," I replied.

I looked over at Klaus, who was on the ground, writhing in pain. At that moment, Elijah came out of no where looking like a badass, walking over to Klaus as if he had all the time in the world. Bonnie relaxed, having already made Klaus weak enough.

"Elijah," Klaus gasped.

"Hello brother," Elijah replied calmly. Elijah then thrust his hand into Klaus' chest, presumably gripping his heart. "In the name of our family, Niklaus-"

"I didn't bury them at sea!" Klaus gasped.

"What?" Elijah asked dangerously.

"Their bodies are safe," Klaus insisted. "If you kill me, you'll never find them."

"Elijah!" Stefan called. "Don't listen to him!"

"I can take you to them," Klaus promised Elijah. "I give you my word, brother."

At that moment, I knew we'd lost. Elijah valued his family more than anything, and he would do anything to get them back. I couldn't say I blamed him, either.

"Do it and I'll take you both out," Bonnie threatened.

"You'll die," Elijah protested.

"I don't care."

At that moment Elijah locked eyes with me.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"No!" Bonnie and Stefan yelled simultaneously.

But in an instant, Klaus and Elijah were gone.


One thing I hadn't been intending to do the next day, was attend a funeral. It was not only for Jenna, but for John Gilbert, who had given his life for Elena, who had come back to life as a human, not a vampire, much to my pleasure.

It was a sad day as all of us surrounded Jenna's and John's graves, wearing black. Damon had compelled the grave diggers, as Jenna's body would have been suspicious. I stood to the back, next to Damon as Elena placed roses on the graves, as well as her parents graves, which were close by.

I was frowning slightly, my thoughts on other things. Klaus was now a hybrid, which was going to cause a lot of problems. And though I hated to admit it, as much as I loathed Klaus, a small part of me was secretly glad that he was alive.

After a while, Damon ventured off and began to roam the rows of grave stones. With, narrowed eyes, I followed him.

"Alright, spit it out," I said. "What's going on?"

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked.

"I'm not an idiot, Damon," I scowled. "Something's up with you. What is it?"

Before Damon could answer, Stefan joined us.

"Hey, we're all heading back to Elena's house," he sighed.

"Yeah, I think I'll skip the tea and cakes," Damon mused. I was in whole hearted agreement with him there.

"Damon, Elena needs you now more than ever," Stefan commented.

"We also have bigger problems, Stefan. How does one go about killing an all powerful hybrid?" Damon asked.

I shrugged. "We could always decapitate him."

"Honestly, I have no idea," Stefan said.

"Well, we need an idea," Damon scowled.

"Klaus is more powerful than ever now," I said. "He'll kill you if you go after him."

"And the last thing Elena needs is another body to mourn," Stefan stated.

"Yeah, well it's a bit too late for that," Damon remarked irritably.

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

Damon sighed. "Tyler Lockwood bit me."

He rolled up his sleeve, revealing an ugly, purple and black patch of skin. My insides went cold as I stared at it.

No. This couldn't be happening. I wouldn't let this happen.

"We'll find something," Stefan said after a moment. It was clear that he was just as worried as I was. "A cure."

"There is no cure, Stefan," Damon told him.

"There has to be," I said. "Nature has a balance for everything."

"Well good luck finding it," Damon muttered bitterly. "Do me a favour and don't tell Elena about this. She doesn't need to deal with this."

He went to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.

"Hey, we'll find a way," I told him adamantly. "I am not letting you die."

Damon smirked slightly. "Nice to know you still care."


The next morning was not a pleasant one. I strolled into the living room, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, only to find Damon standing in front of the window, sunlight pouring over him. It took me a moment to notice what was wrong with this picture. Damon had taken his ring off, and he was burning.

In the blink of an eye, I was across the room, tackling him to the ground and out of the sunlight.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I hissed.

"Can't you just let me die in peace?" Damon asked, rolling his eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic," I snapped. "You're not dying today."

As a precaution, I locked him in the basement, where I knew he couldn't do anything stupid to get himself killed.

"So what's the plan?" he asked as I locked the door. His voice was weak, and his eyes drooped slightly. "Wait for me to wither and die?"

"Stefan's got Bonnie working on something," I told him.

Damon laughed. "Let me know how that works out for you."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. "The Damon I know would never give up without a fight."

"I'm facing reality, Amelia," he sighed.

"You're an idiot," I scowled.

I stalked upstairs, infuriated at my brother's attitude. I was angry at everything. Angry at Tyler Lockwood for doing this, and at Klaus for his existence, and angry at Damon for giving up so easily. I knew for a fact that I couldn't leave him alone here, so I pulled out my phone.

"I'm sorry, you're reached someone who's currently not operating," Alaric answered. He was obviously drunk.

"I need your help," I said. "It's Damon, he's dying. We don't have much time left."

This sobered Alaric up. "What do you need?"

"I need you to babysit him," I replied. "He tried to kill himself this morning. I need you to make sure he doesn't try anything like that again."

"I'll be there soon."


I was stressed. More stressed than I'd ever been in my life. I was sitting at the Grill, trying to think of anything I'd heard about werewolf bites. All I knew was that it was lethal to a vampire. I had half a dozen grimoires sprawled out in front of me, which I'd taken from Bonnie, trying to find anything to do with a cure.

I was so engrossed in my reading that I didn't notice when someone sat down in front of me.


I snapped my head up, surprised to find Elijah there.

"Elijah," I stated, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"You're angry with me," he observed.

I let out a sigh. "No, I'm angry with everyone." I looked at him. "I mean, yeah, you completely screwed us over... but it was your family. I understand. Speaking of, where is that arrogant as of a brother of yours?"

"Alaric's loft, if I'm not mistaken," Elijah answered. He frowned slightly as I began reading again. "Amelia, are you okay?"

I ran a hand through my hair. "No, I'm not. I'm just about ready to rip my hair out."

"What is it?" Elijah asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Damon's dying," I sighed. "Tyler Lockwood bit him the other night, and I have no idea if there's a cure or not, so I'm driving myself crazy trying to come up with some solution, because I can't let my brother die." I ran my hands down my face and groaned helplessly. "You wouldn't happen to know of a cure, would you?"

Elijah hesitated and I sat up bolt right.

"There is a cure," Elijah said.

"What is it?" I demanded.

Elijah sighed. "It's Klaus' blood."

I stared at him. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Unfortunately, I'm not."

"What am I talking about?" I muttered to myself. "This is brilliant!" Without thinking, I was up on my feet, planting a kiss on Elijah cheek. "You are amazing!"

I shoved the grimoires into my bag and walked outside, immediately dialing Stefan's number.

"Stefan!" I said when he answered. "There's a cure! It's Klaus' blood!"

"I know," Stefan replied. "I'm on my way to Klaus now. Make sure Damon doesn't do anything stupid."


Stupid didn't even begin to cover it. Sheriff Forbes had decided that now would be a fun time to raid the boarding house, as she'd found out that we were vampires. Whilst she was doing this, she conveniently let Damon loose, so now it was my job to track him down before he killed anyone.

I spent hours looking for him, but to know avail. What didn't help was that they were playing a screening of Gone With the Wind in the town square, so there were dozens of people out at night. I stalked through the crowds, trying to find my brother.

It was when I heard the ever so familiar sound of distress coming from the Doppelganger that I found him. Damon had pushed Elena against a tree and was feeding from her, and she was struggling against him. With a roll of my eyes, I pulled Damon off her and pushed him back a few steps.

"H-He think's I'm Katherine," Elena gasped.

"He's hallucinating," I corrected her.

Damon looked up at me. He really didn't look good.


"Alright, crazy pants, let's get you home," I sighed, grabbing Damon's arm and putting it around my shoulder as I supported him.

It didn't take as much effort as I thought it would to get Damon back to the boarding house and into his bed. Elena, much to my displeasure, followed. I was worried because Damon didn't seem to have much longer left, and I hadn't heard from Stefan in hours.

I'd pulled a chair up next to Damon's bed and was propping my feet up on the mattress, reading a book.

"You seem awfully calm," Damon said, observing me.

"Of course I do. Stefan's going to get the cure and you're going to be fine," I replied nonchalantly, not looking up from my book. I looked up at him. A sheen of sweat covered his forehead and his eyes were drooping. "Good God, you look terrible."

He chuckled weakly. "Only you would insult me on my death bed."

"Did you expect me to be nice?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"No." Damon frowned at that moment. "Amelia, I know you'll probably never forgive me for forcing you to turn, but I want you to know that I'm sorry."

"Damon, you're not going to die, there's no need to get all mushy with me, okay?" I told him.

"I mean it. I'm sorry."

I looked at my brother at that moment. His eyes were as sincere as I'd ever seen them, and he had this look that said he needed me to know this, and that he needed my forgiveness.

"You're forgiven," I said quietly as a horrible thought crossed my mind. What if Klaus didn't give Stefan the cure?

Elena entered at that moment, moving to sit beside Damon on the bed. I tuned out as she started getting all teary eyed and continued to read my book. I was genuinely worried that Stefan wouldn't make it back it time.

My worry was for nothing though, because a few minutes later, Katherine walked through the door.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I groaned.

"I believe you'll be wanting this," she said, ignoring my comment. She held up a vile of red liquid, which I assumed was Klaus' blood.

Complete and utter relief filled me, and I could honestly say that I'd never been so happy to see Katherine in my life. The Doppelganger walked over and pressed the vile to Damon's lips as he drank the blood.

Immediately, he began to look better, healthier. But there was one question on my mind.

"Where's Stefan?" I asked Katherine.

She smirked. "This came at a price, you know."

"What price," I snapped.

"Stefan gave himself over to Klaus," Katherine announced. "Klaus is intent on making him a ripper again." I groaned. "They're leaving town, so I suggest you hurry if you want to catch them."

A million thoughts ran through my mind and I growled under my breath.

"What?" Elena gasped. "We can't just let Stefan go off alone with Klaus!"

"I'll go with him," I said reluctantly. The last thing I wanted was Stefan going full ripper again. I looked at Damon, who was sitting up straight. "I'll keep an eye on him."

"Are you sure?" Damon asked.

I nodded. "Can't leave my dearest twin alone with a psychopath now, can I?"

"Be careful," Damon said.

I smirked. "Careful Damon, I might actually start to think you care."


Katherine was right, I only just caught up with Klaus and Stefan. They were in some sort of storage place, and Klaus was ordering people to load several coffins onto a truck. I realised that they held his siblings. Stefan was no where in sight, though.

"Amelia," Klaus stated, not turning around when I appeared. "How's Damon?"


"You're welcome," he smirked.

"What are you doing, Klaus?" I asked. "What do you want with Stefan?"

"I want it to be like old times," Klaus said. "You remember the 20's, don't you? I want your brother to realise the full potential that he has."

"By turning him back into a ripper?" I asked.

"Well, he was much more fun that way," Klaus pointed out. "We had a blast in Chicago. Not that he remembers, though."

"Yes, because you compelled him to forget you," I scowled.

"It was necessary," Klaus shrugged.

"I'm coming with you," I announced.

"Sorry?" Klaus asked.

"You really think I'm going to let my brother go on a ripper binge on his own?" I asked skeptically.

Klaus smirked. "You're more than welcome, love."

I rolled my eyes. "Where is Stefan, anyway?"

As if on cue, Stefan walked around the corner, blood dripping from his chin as he dropped the body of a young girl on the ground.

I grimaced. "Oh, Stefan. What am I going to do with you?"


Okay, so to make up for my late chapter, I power wrote this for you because I was bored. I HAVEN'T SLEPT IN TWENTY FOUR HOURS.

So, as you may have noticed, I changed the girl who plays Amelia, if you'd looked at the cover recently. I feel like it's a better fit, I dunno.

Anyhoodles, I'm heaps tired, so I'm going to go watch the Hunger Games.


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