The Art Of Not Giving A Crap

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I was humming the Star Trek theme to myself as I was browsing through the fridge. I wasn't sure whose house I was in, but I was pretty sure that it was the owner who was lying on the ground with his throat ripped out. A girl in her twenties cowered in the corner, tears streaming down her face as her body racked with the loud sobs coming from her.

I frowned suspiciously at her.

"Are you sure you don't have any Oreos?" I asked.

"Are you going to kill me?" she whimpered.

"I don't know, do you have any Oreos?" I repeated impatiently.

"Y-you killed him," she wailed, her sobs becoming loudly.

"For the love of God," I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Look, if you answer my question, I promise I'll let you live. Now think carefully. Do you have any Oreos?"

"N-no," she replied, shaking her head quickly.

I let out a loud groan and dropped my head back.

"What kind of person doesn't have Oreos?" I asked incredulously. "You suck."

"What are you?" she whispered.

I gave her a flat look. "The tooth fairy." I flashed my fangs at her, causing her to shrink into the wall. "I'm a vampire, duh."

"I-I-I won't tell anyone!" she pleaded. "You've already killed him, you don't need me too!"

I paused and squinted at her.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked.

"W-what? No!" she blurted. "Please don't kill me."

"What makes you think I'd do that?" I frowned. Her eyes flickered to the dead body a few feet from her. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, right. My bad." I sighed and leant against the bench. "You know, I almost used to care about human life. Up until recently, I'd even made sure that I spared the lives of the innocent. But where does that get you? No where. I tried playing the good guy and got stabbed in the back instead."

"Don't kill me," she sobbed quietly.

"Besides," I continued, ignoring her pleas. "Not caring is so much more fun. I don't have to worry about anything, or the consequences." I looked at the body on the ground. "It was pure chance that I picked this house, you know. But there's a purpose that's being served here, I promise." I looked at the girl. "Stand up," I compelled.

She did as she was told and pure fear showed in her eyes when I approached her.

"Look, I know I promised to let you live," I began. "And I usually keep my promises, I do." I chuckled bitterly before smiling at her. "But apparently I'm not trustworthy anymore. And besides, what do I care? I'm dying anyway."

Before she had a chance to scream, I bared my fangs and bit down into her neck, draining her dry. Once she was dead, I dropped her body. I didn't bother cleaning up after myself as I left the house. I saw no reason to. I rolled my shoulder, wincing slightly at the pain that was constantly there.

From what I knew about werewolf bites, I had about half a day before it was fatal. The hallucinations hadn't started yet, for which I was thankful. I wasn't really in the mood for seeing things that weren't there.

I knew that Klaus' blood was the cure, but there was no way in hell that I would give Klaus the satisfaction of me going to him for help. I would rather die than be in his debt, which, incidentally, was what was going to happen. The strange thing was that I was not at all bothered by the idea of death. I was sick of everything, and death seemed like such an easy way out. So I figured, why not enjoy my last few days?

Amelia SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now