Edward (temporarily) at Forks High School

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Bella's POV

I was starting to wonder if bring Edward to school the next day was a smart idea or not. Why? Because of the swarm of students wanted to know who he was, what he was doing here, and if he was single (that last question was from girls clearly). I was about to pull my hair out after one class period.

Edward was very polite to the teachers and the teachers liked him. Even my math teacher totally forgot that Edward wasn't a student at Forks High School, and Edward answered the question…correctly! I felt my jaw drop when my teacher actually smiled!

Edward just seemed to fit into the school. We were on our way to lunch when I asked Edward thought of the school.

"I like it here," Edward said, smiling at me.

A few girls stopped and actually seemed dazzled at Edward smile. I bit back the urge to wrap my arm around Edward, claiming him as mine…which actually was less…eloquent than yanking Edward's face down towards me to claim his lips. But either way, the female population wouldnot like me.

"Yeah, you seemed to fit in rather nicely," I stated.

Edward smiled again and wrapped his arm around me. I went scarlet at the sight a few students stopping to stare with little jealous green monsters on their shoulders.

"Aw!" Alice said, stopped just outside the cafeteria as we approached it. She fanned her eyes like she was about cry. "You guys look…so cute!"

"Alice," I hissed, trying to shrug Edward's arm off my shoulders which only tightened around me.

"Come on you, guys," Alice said, smiling.

I was torn between seething at Alice and blushing as Edward's thumb actually managed –somehow I might add—to brush gently along my neck and along my shoulder.

Edward bought his and my lunch from the line and carried the tray to our normal little table.

"Where's Emmett?" Edward asked as we sat down.

"Emmett brings a lunch," Alice stated. "And he normally has to…fight with his locker to get it."

"Huh?" Edward went, getting this cute little puzzled look on his face that I just wanted to go "aw!"

Alice snickered as I told the story of how Emmett's locker somehow, everyday manages to get caught on Emmett's lunch bag and it takes Emmett a good five to eleven minutes to get his lunch out without hurting the locker.

Edward laughed just as Emmett came jogging through the cafeteria, his lunch bag in hand.

"Sorry guys I had to—"

"—Wrestle with your locker," Edward, Alice, and I said together. "We know."

Emmett blinked at us before glaring at Alice and me. "You told him the story didn't you?"

Alice and I burst out laughing while Emmett went red and plopped down besides Alice. Edward smiled. "Its okay, Emmett, I totally understand. When I was eight, my lunch box got stuck in my locker because I put it in wrong. I ended up crying on the floor because the locker was "being mean" to me." 

"AW!" Alice went while I smiled.

"Whew, at least I know it hasn't just happened to me," Emmett said, whipping his forehead as though he was sweaty and trying to clear it up.

Edward smiled and knocked the fist that Emmett brought up.

"Men," Alice muttered.

"Anyways," Emmett said, "how do you like Forks High School so far?"

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