...The Hurt...

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Jasper's POV

- - - - - Flashback - - - - -

Thirteen years old

My mom drove around in the rain, looking for dad. I didn't understand why she was driving, looking for him after everything he's done.

"Why mom?" I whispered, looking at her with the orange glow of the street lights lighting her face. "Why are we going after him? After everything…"

"Jasper," she said, at a red light. "I know that he isn't the greatest father, but we're suppose to love others even if they hate you, treat you horrible. Remember that always."

She pulled up to my father's regular pub that he normally drank at when he came home. Mom parked and opened her door.

"I'm coming," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"No, Jasper," she said, looking at me. "You're too young. Stay here."

She locked the doors and closed her door. I watched her through the rain as she entered the pub. I kept watch of the time, knowing that if she doesn't come out then I was going in to check up on her.

I heard a door open. I squinted through the rain and saw that the side door of the pub was open. I saw a group of what seem like drunks pushing a small person. I then felt my blood go cold as I recognized the red and white jackets

"NO!" I said, getting out of the car.

I didn't have time to put my hood up of my jacket, so the bone chilling rain hit me as I ran to protect the one in white.

"Leave her alone," I shouted, watching one of the drunks in dull gray push my mom into one of the huge trash bens along the wall.

The one in red turned around to look at me.

"Well, well, the scary cat left the car," Dad said, his words slurred with alcohol.

I ground my teeth at him. I was tired of him and his remarks about me, about how I wasn't good, about how I acted like a girl than a boy. I hated my father.

"No," I said as one of the drunks went to hit my mom.

My father grabbed me by the collar of my jacket. I struggled against his hold, and, when I couldn't get away from him, I slipped out of my jacket. He held up the jacket, looking at it, while my white simple shirt was getting drenched in the Texas storm.

I stepped between the drunks and my mom, protecting her. She didn't deserve this.

"If you have to hit anyone…hit me," I said, standing as tall as I could.

My father laughed. "Now he decides to be a man," he slurred.

The drunks laughed. One of the drunks pushed me away from the trash bens. I stumbled and landed in a large amount of broken glass that use to be bottles that had been smashed. I felt the glass cut into me, through my shirt. I felt the blows from the drunks as they hit me, the glass digging harder and deeper into me.

I heard my mother's cries and my father's harsh words to her. The rain was wet against my face, and I felt nothing as I slipped into the black that was overcoming me.

- - - - - End of Flashback - - - - -

I remained quiet for a moment. Remembering what happened next.

"I was left there, my father took my mother home, making her drive," I whispered. "The pub manager was the one who found me about half and hour later. I was taken to the hospital. I had a…a few broken ribs, some major cuts, and a concussion. They couldn't reach my mom yet…so they called Rosalie's family, who at the time, was living in New York. They came down right away. The Hale family never liked my father, Rosalie's mom didn't talk to my mom for awhile after my mom's wedding but they would always come for me.

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