The Emmett mark

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Emmett's POV

The end of Spring Break came rather quick and I was pouting as I shoved the last of the bags into the van. Really couldn't believe that the entire week had past and I had yet to be really me. Sure I managed to leave "Emmett" on all the slots of the baseball game back when we first came here, scores that wouldn't be beaten again until I went back here. But besides that—

The trunk of the van finally closed with a snap.

"Finally," I muttered and turned around. "Where are those guys?"

I looked at my watch. We were suppose to be leaving in nine minutes and the others weren't here.

"Well, in that case," I said, smiling. "I have just enough time."

Then making sure the alarm of the van was on, I hurried back inside to leave the "Emmett" mark.

Bella's POV

"Well, I'm glad I was able to find it," Alice said, skipping out towards the car and van that were parked outside.

"I'm surprise it was under the bed in the first place," Jasper said, smirking.

Alice threw a glare at him.

Rosalie and I smiled at each other while Edward chuckled and Jasper kissed Alice's forehead. Alice's mouth turned into a smile.

"Hey…where's Emmett?" Rosalie asked.

"Huh?" Edward went, looking around.

I looked and realized that Emmett wasn't outside.

"Where is that big teddy bear?" I asked as Rosalie placed her hands onto her hips.

"I bet he's playing one more game of baseball," Rosalie said.

Alice smirked. "I bet he's not," she said just as a club staff ran out of the foyer.

"Ms. Hale, Ms. Hale," she panted, coming to a fluid stop in front of Rosalie.

"What is it, Marie?" Rosalie asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mr….Mr…." she panted, placing her hands on her knees.

"In and out," Alice stated, rubbing the girl's back.

Finally, Marie stood and looked at Rosalie. "Mr. McCarty, Ms. Hale, he's at the front desk, miss. He's…He's…" Okay maybe she hasn't gathered her breath yet.

"Let's go," Rosalie muttered, rolling her eyes.

Marie quickly followed along side us as we followed Rosalie. And then we all ran into Rosalie as she came to a sudden stop.

"What the hell?" Jasper muttered, catching Alice. "What gives Rosalie?"

But Rosalie wasn't listening. She was laughing and laughing loudly. I looked at her for just a second and then around her—and I broke out laughing.

There Emmett was, hugging each person he saw, giving the biggest bear hug the person had ever felt. I bet they were feeling their ribs cracking.

"Oh my God!" Alice shrieaked, laughing as Emmett picked up a elderly woman into a hug.

"He's doing that random hugging thing like he did to me!" Jasper said through his laughing.

Emmett let go of the elderly woman who was beat Emmett once with her walking cane but was laughing as she walked slowly past us.

"My, my, such a wonderful young man," she cackled. "He made my day since my own grandchildren aren't coming up to see their own grandmother."

Emmett had just let go of one of the guests when suddenly…he picked up Marco!

"Oh Lord," Rosalie muttered and hurrying towards Emmett.

I laughed as Rosalie punched Emmett in the shoulder and demanded he let Marco go. I motioned that we head over towards them.

With a laugh Emmett put Marco down.

"Well," Marco said, straightening his jacket and tie. "That was something."

"Emmett was just being himself, Marco," Rosalie said, glaring at Emmett.

Emmett just smiled. "I had to leave my mark."

Marco smiled. "Yes, Emmett, you certainly did. The Olympia Country Club will surely miss you."

"Aw," Emmett said, throwing his arms out.

"NO MORE!" Edward and Jasper said, grabbing hold of Emmett's arms.

Alice and I laughed when Emmett pouted.

"Thanks for everything Marco," Rosalie stated, giving Marco her hand of which Marco kissed.

"It has been a pleasure, Ms. Hale." He dropped her hand. "I hope to see you all again soon."

"Count on it big guy," Emmett said, smiling.

"But not too soon," Rosalie said, giving Emmett a glare out of the corner of her eye.

"Well the doors here at the club are always welcome to you at any time."

We all said our good byes to Marco and a few of the staff and loaded up into cars.

We were about fifteen minutes or so into the ride when Emmett suddenly went—

"I need to pee!"


That was Emmett for you!

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