Chapter 2

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-Niall's P.O.V- 

"Louis, I just f-"

"NO! What the fuck is going on!? Why is she crying and why are YOU the one who's comforting her!?" He spat angrily. He went and picked El up out of my arms and put her in his bed instead. Placing her the farthest away from me as possible. "Get out!" He growled at me, pointing to the door. 

I rushed out and went to my room.

"Fucking Louis and his jealousy." I muttered and climbed into bed. I shut my eyes and slowly fell asleep, but I had this gutting feeling that something was really bad.

-Nadyia's P.O.V- 

I sat on a chair in the kitchen, my mum making me breakfast. I had my hands in my lap.

"Here you go, hon." Mum smiled warmly and kissed my forhead. My food was all cut up and easy for me to eat. I forced a believabel smile and saw how her mood lightened a bit. I took my fork in my right hand and stabbed the food with my shaking hand. 

"Thank you, mum. Go to work now, I'll be going to school with the bus today." I said and she nodded uneasily. She gave me another kiss on the forhead and rushed out.

I painfully ate my breakfast and took it slow. I looked around the empty house and slowly got up, steadying myself on the table. I took the plate and it shook a bit in my hands as I got to the sink. I put it down on the counter since I can't really wash it myself. I got my bag and made my way outside to the bus stop.

In school people congratulated me on my winning. I but on a fame smile the whole day. It was time for PE and this is the class I was dreading. I went to the techer and got out the letter from the doctor. 

"Uhm.... I have a letter for you, Smith." I said and handed the crisp white paper sadly to him. He noticed my sad expression and furrowed his eyebrows, since I'm always excited for PE. He opened and as his eyes skimmed over the paper, his expression changed drastically and he looked honestly sad.

"Oh God..." He breathed out. Smith is only 23 and he's like the big brother I had. I observed as he bit down hard on his lower lip and then he slowly nodded. He signed the paper and hesitantly handed it back to me. "How long have you known?"

I looked down and put the letter in my pocket.

"A while now. Pretty hard not to notice the shaking." I said lightly, holding my hands out and showing my stiff and shaking hands. He took them and I bit my lip. He felt how stiff I was and sucked in a breath.

"Nadyia, told me a long time ago." He said and I shook my head.

"No, I don't face reality. The more people that know, the more real it is. I don't the pity. I just wanna be normal." I told him. "You can't tell anyone." He nodded.

"I know. Be careful." Smith said and I nodded. I began walking to the pricipals office. I hurt like hell to walk and move in general. I got there and got pretty much the same reaction from him. I love my school. Everyone here is so nice. 

"You're only 16." He said sadly and looked up from the doctor's letter.

"I know, but life gives us what we deserve." I shrugged lightly. He shook his head.

"No one deserves such a disease." He said seriously. I smiled a bit.

"I know." I said quietly. He signed it as well and with that I walked around slowly to every teacher I had and they all signed the paper. I told them all not to tell any of the kids in school cause I really don't want all the pity and attention.

After school I stood outside with my best friend, Marcus and waited for Eleanor to come and pick me up. Mum went on a business trip this morning and I'm gonna be staying with El for a whilre. Usually I'd be good alone, but I can't cook in this condition and it's only getting worse, so I can't be alone.

"There she is. I'll see you around." I waved slightly to Marcus as we drove. 

"How are you?" El asked me softly. I sighted and leaned my head on the window. My family and teachers know about my disease now, so El knows.

"Good enough." I shrugged. "I have to quit PE now. But hey, at least I won my last championship." I lifted my shoulders a bit and El gave me a forced smile. I know this is hurting as well. It's hitting the family hard and it makes me feel a bit guilty.

"Don't think like that. You might get better." Eleanor said optimistically. I shook my head and stepped out of the car again. I got the letter out and handed it to her while we walked up to her door. She read it and I'm pretty sure I killed her optimism. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." She then hugged me tightly, but carefully. 

We got inside and I know she lives with her boyfriend and his band just by the looks of the clothes and smell and trash all over the place.

"ELLIE BELLIE-eh..." Louis squealed in the beginning, but then he saw me and his mood totally changed. I raised my eyebrow and El sighed.

"Hey, Lou. Nady is gonna be staying here for a while." El said and led me more inside. 

"What? But this is my house and she scares me! And I don't wanna babysit." Louis crossed his arms and shook his head. Suddenly a slipper hit the side of his face and he groaned.

"Shut up, Lou! I'm Liam, you're more then welcome to stay." Liam stuck his hand out with a warm smile. I smiled back and stuck my shaking hand out and shook his. "Are you okay? You hands are shaking." He said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, it's just how I am." I half lied and he nodded, seeming to believing me. 

"So why are you suddenly staying here? No offence." Liam questioned.

"Well, since my mum went to Asia on a business trip and I'm only 16, I can't stay alone for 4 months." I said carelessly. "Since El is 21, I'm gonna be with her." 

"Oh, well okay. Haz can show you the guest room." Liam pointed to curly and he nodded. Harry began walking and I looked at the big duffle bag El had carried inside for me. Okay, I can do this!

I bit hard on my lip and bent down, took the strap and lifted it up. I gasped a bit, but it was hearable. I managed to pick it up and put the strap on my shoulder, then followed Harry.

He came to a stair case and I sighed. This harder then I thought. I gripped the railing tightly and slowly climbed the stairs.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked from the top of the stairs, looking at how I held onto the railing for my life and walked like an old woman.

"Uhm... Yeah. I'm just tired." I waved it off. Another lie coming out of my mouth like nothing really is wrong. I got half the way and he tripped down lightly and grasped the strap of my bag. Harry slid it off my shoulder and took it over his own.

"You must be really tired." He said before I could proteste. I sighed and nodded. He placed an arm around me and helped me upstairs. We got to my room and I slowly sat down in bed. "Tell me or anyone if you need anything." Harry said with a small smile. I just nodded and then he left me alone.

The room was perfect. El had gotten my stuff moved here. You had one wall that had my collection of snapbacks, high tops, bandanas and long borads, skate boards and penny boards.

All my 137 snapbacks were put up, my 124 high tops were placed in pairs and after brand and colours, a pole was put up with my 290 bandanas tied around it and they had put up specials shelves for my 45 boards. 

That wall had a blue and white print, then there was a red wall which had all my trophies on it. Then there was a blue wall which the bed was against and the big window was there. The last wall was black and it was oposite the striped one. It had two doors, one to the bathroom and one to the closet and it had a big picture of my family on it.

My, mum, dad, Jacob and Lilly. It was the last picture took together, all of us together.

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