Chapter 4

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-Nadyia's P.O.V- 

We had all gotten in Eleanor's bed and had candy and duvets and blankets. The lights were dimmed and it was rather cosy. I don't usually like this stuff very much, but I'd do anything to get El to smile again.

I always had this thought that Louis was abusive. He had the same look my father had, cause yeah... He was abusive for a periode of time, but he changed for the better. He wasn't a bad man. Anyways...

"Okay, so everyone sais their first crush and when." I said and then pointed to Liam.

"Sophia Smith, when I was 8." He admitted and then I pointed to Zayn.

"Amelia Beth Blue, when I was 6." He said and then he just looked to the left cause he had figured I just pointed to the next person.

"Do I have to say it?" Marcus whined and covered his face. I swear he's such girl sometimes.

"Yes, now speak up. I know who it was." I smirked, biting back a laugh. He looked down and shook his head.

"Fuck you, Nads. My first crush was..." He was so red now. I know he hates it, but I don't get why... It's not that bad.

"Do you want me to say it and why maybe?" I asked and he nodded. Everyone looked so interested as why it was so humiliating. "It was when he was 7 and his name was Tom Wilkins." I said and everyone looked surprised. 

"Are you-" Niall started but was cut off by Marc.

"No, I'm deffinately not gay. I have gay parents. Two dads and that made me confused as a child. Like, for me it was normal to have two dads. I've never had a mother figure and it was weird to see other kids with their mum and dad, so I thought it was normal. But I'm not gay, not even bi." Marcus explained quickly and everyone's mouths turned into 'o'.

"See, that wasn't too bad, was it?" I asked him and he just glared at me.

"Well, my first crush was Calvin Baldvin and I was 10." She said and then it was Harry's turn.

"Mine was Aimee Torine, she's French by the way and I was only 4." Harry said with a cheeky smile.

"Mine was Emily Christina Wilsan and I was 8." Niall said and now everyone looked at me.

"Yeah, so my first crush was Marcus Daniel Orson and I was 5." I said and Marcus wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Only cause I'm awesome like that." MArcus said cockily. I rolled my eyes at that. 

"No, because you were awesome like that." I corrected and the rest snickered at our small bantering.

"I must've stopped being awesome resently then, cause we did actually date, woman." Marcus said and Eleanor gaped.

"You did!?" She asked and we nodded.

"Mhm.... We thought it would be really badass to sevretly date, so we just started dating when we were 12 until 15 actually." I explained honestly and Marcus chuckled.

"Good times." Marcus winked jokingly. 

"Yeah, not really." I joked and everyone laughed while he pouted.

"Why did you stop dating then?" Zayn asked us. I looked at Marcus and we shrugged.

"Dunno, don't really care either. Only difference is the kissing. Sure, I love Marcus, but I would never want the whole marriage and children and shiz with him." I said and they nodded. "Now, we're gonna best friends so I have to know this..." I said seriously and everyone leaned a bit forward. Marcus and El kinda knew something was coming, but they still looked interested. "How did lose your virginity?" 

Their faces were priceless! Oh my God! I should've taken a picture or a video. Marcus burst out laughing and Eleanor rolled her eyes while the four other boys just went all fish face on me.

"You aready know." Marcus said and I nodded.

"I know. Of course I know, I know everything about ya." I said honestly and he nodded.

"Yeah, you do. We have to filter towards each other." 

"Yeah, now tell me. I want the deets." I said and they kinda flushed and looked awkward about it. "Marc go first. You have no shame left."

"Fineeeee. I was 14 and that is nearly 3 years ago. I know I was secretly dating Nadyia then, but we didn't really care if we kiss anyone else, cause it was an rather unofficial relationship. But her name was Denise and she was 17. It happened in a tent and you know how it works." He shrugged and they nodded. 

"Okay, lets go by age now. Ellie!" I exclaimed and she fiddled with her fingers.

"Uhm... It was with Will when I  was 16 and I has been dating him for a while and it was when I went with his family to Spain." Eleanor admitted and now we looked at Zayn. 

"It was in a friends room at a party when I was 15 with hottest chick in shcool, her name was Scarlett." Zayn told us and then we looked Liam.

"When I was 16 with Sandra in my bedroom." Liam said quickly and with absolutely minimum details.

"Er.... I uhm..." Niall started extra awkwardly and I wonder why? "It was with Gina when I was 15 in... In uh.... Her bedroom." We nodded and turned to Harry.

"I was 14 and it was with a girl called Wittney in her dads car." Harry said proudly and we chuckled a bit.

"Oh gosh... My story is so complicated it beats all of yours." I said, laughing at the memory.

"What, why?" Zayn asked me. 

"Okay, I was gonna sleep with James. He was really sweet and nice guy. We were supposed to meet at a party and yeah, do it there in some room. I didn't find him there and met Marcus instead. He was really drunk, just sayin'. We danced and joked around and then went upstairs and he fell asleep so I had headache, so I stayed in the room with him sleeping. Then James suddenly came and since Marcus was out we got it started there, but then there was a loud craash and such downstairs and people began screaming." I started and Marcus chuckled a bit, knowing this stoary already.

"And what happened next?" El asked me, looking very interested along with the four other lads.

"Someone started a fire and James picked up Marcus and we went upstiars cause we couldn't get down and then we jumped in the pool from there. Marcus woke up then and got a ride home. Me and James just joked around in the pool and then I found out he had a girlfriend, cause she came and screamed and threw a tantrum. James left with her then and I just laid and floated on my back in the pool. And then the boy who lived in the house, Michael saw me and he invited me inside, since the fire wasn't bad after all, everyone just over exaggrated. I helped him clean since his parents would come the next morning and he's a good guy. In the end we decided to go into his dad's wine cellar and opened a bottle and yeah... We got kinda tipsy and one thing led to another." I told the whole story and they all smiled a bit, but Niall seemed a bit different for some reason.

"That reminds me, Mikey said he's coming in two days. I forgot to tell you, he called me two days ago." Marcus said and my eyes widened.

"He is?" I asked him excitedly and he nodded. I grinned widely and hugged the duvet tighter.

"How does Michael look like again?" Eleanor asked me thoguthfully.

"Exactly like Justin Bieber. It's freakish. They look exactly like each other." Marcus said and I nodded to confirm his words. 

"Oh, I remember him. He's such friendly lad." Eleanor said and gave me a high five.

Thank God I got her to think of something other then Louis William Tomlinson. That idiot messed with the wrong family!

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