Chapter 3

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-Niall's P.O.V- 

"Wait, she's 16!?" Zayn exclaimed in surprise. He looked at El in shock and so did I. 

"Yeah... Why is that such a shock?" She asked on Louis' lap, driving her hands through his hair. Louis is really pissy lately. He's angry with me for what happened last night. He's angry with Liam because Loki managed to chew his shoe. He's angry with Nadyia becayse she scares him a bit. 

I think something else is pissing him like that, but I don't know what....

"Cause she fights with much older people and she doesn't look like she's 16.... I thought she was about 20." Liam said, earning a shrug from El.

"And why is she shaking like that? And she has problems to get upstairs." Harry asked and El's eyes turned a bit darker. She shook her head.

"It's nothing. She's just tired and stuff..." She trailed off with a small smile. Nadyia has stayed here for three days already and we just found out that she doesn't school anymore for some reason. She has online schooling. 

"Tired my ass. She probably just wants attention. Lottie is a bit like that as well, only she's not as good of an actress. Why is she even here? Can't she just stay with her dad? She said only her mum was away." Louis said annoyed. El gritted her teeth and stood up. 

"What's wrong with you? You're so angry lately. She can't stay with her father because-" She stopped and balled her fists, her knuckles turning white.

"Because he's dead." El's eyes widened and unballed her fists. We all slowly looked to see the girl in the door. She was wearing a grey sports bra and a grey flowy crop top with a white writing saying: 'Do you even lift man?' in the front. She wore black skinny jeans a grey high top Supra's. Her hair was curled and she held a bright blue long board with neon yellow tires under her arm. "I'm sorry to dissapoint you, Louis, but I'm a horrible actress and my dad's dead. He passed away 7 months ago. I'm going out to meet Marcus." And then she walked out the door, shutting it loudly.

"You fucking idiot! What the bloody hell is wrong with you lately!?" Eleanor boomed, her eyes landing on Louis. He looked so shocked and guilty now. 

"I... I didn't know.. I'm s-sorry." Louis apologized and looked down, fiddling with his fingers. 

"Of course you didn't know. Nadyia doesn't like to talk about her dead dad or siblings or her mother. She likes to keep everything to herself so she won't get pity or sympathy or anything. She works day and night to get what she wants and hurts herself so she and her mum has enough food, cause they don't have much money. You should just shut your fucking trap and stop judging people! That's disgusting, Louis!" Eleanor scolded him and I've never seen her this angry. 

"Ellie, I'm sorry. I... I'll apologize when she gets back.... Just please stopp yelling at me." Louis begged her. Eleanor shook her head and her jaw was clenched.

"You know what, fuck you Louis. You don't know anything. You're angry at your friends, especially Niall because he found me crying and decided to try an comfort me. You're angry at Liam because your already ruined shoe was chewed on, you're pathetic! Nadyia is a strong girl, but she's breaking now. You wann know why she's shaking and has problem to walk the stairs?" She spat and Louis was near tears now.

"El, stop. He gets it. He's sorry." Harry said, trying to get her to stop, cause Louis was literally crying.

"NO! I never stand up to him. Louis has honestly been treating me like shit and I'm sick of it! It's okay with me, but not Nady. She's like my baby sister. Nady has been to hell and back twice and she's still standing, but she's sick. Nadyia is sick, Louis. She has known it for a while, but didn't tell anyone because she needed to fight this last time, to get enough money for her mothers treatment. aunt Elizabeth has cancer and she isn't really on a businesstrip. She has to go to China to get a special treatment, but that's what she tells people. Mum had to go on a long business trip. Her mum is deadly sick, she's sick, yet she wakes up in the morning and goes on with life. She's a fucking miracle, compared to you! You, Louis William Tomlinson, is an abusive boyfriend who should rot in hell. I'm done with you and since this my house, you can leave." Eleanor ended and we all looked at her and Louis in shock. Harry stepped away from Louis that particular part and looked at him in disgust.

"Louis..." Liam said hesitantly, seeing how the older boy was ready to explode. He was fuming and then he jumped forward. He grabbed Eleanor's hair and slammed her head in the wall. She screamed out in pain and that was enough for us to bolt over there and pry him off her.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL THEM! I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA HURT YOU SO BAD AND THAT WHORE OF A COUSIN YOU HAVE! I'M GONNA KILL HER!" He growled as we pulled him back. Harry dreadfully called 999 and not long after the police arrived and took him, cause he was yelling and punching and kicking at eveyone. They drugged him and sent him into sleep. 

When they left Eleanor broke down in tears and begn crying so hard. She curled up in a ball. Harry picked her up and we got her in bed and did out best to comfort her.

What the hell just happened!? Since when was Louis abusive?

This is one of those moments reality hits you in the face...

"What did he do?" In the door was a boy and Nadyia. The boy had light brown hair, wore a snapback and looked laid back. They had a long board under each of their arms and the boy had an arm around her waist. 

"Please tell me it's not what I think it is." Nadyia said, her nostrils flaring.

"It's not what you t-"

"It's what you think it is." Eleanor cut Harry off and our eyes widened again. She thought he was abusive!?

"I knew it." She spat and put her board down and then walked over to Eleanor and slowly climbed into bed and hugged the older girl. "Well he sucks bullocks. Everyone should know better then to hurt my family." She said and her eyes scanned over the four of us. "That's Marcus by the way, my best friend since birth. The idiot is soooo proud that he's 4 minutes older then me." She rolled her eyes. 

"Hey! I like being older then the girls, since I have four older sisters. Can't I be proud of having younger now?" He whined and put his board down as well. 

"Course you can, Marc. You'll never be better then Smith though." Nadyia said and Eleanor snickered. 

"PE teacher Smith George?" Marcus asked with a raised eyebrow. Nadyia nodded and El's eyes widened.

"No way... He was a twig back in the days. Braces, glasses, top grades but bad body." Eleanor said and the two other smirked.

"Yeah, he is like our big bro now. You know, since the teachers loves us. We also found out Smith had THE biggest crush on you." Nadyia squealed fakely and I think she's mostly doing this to distract her thoughts. Marcus seems to know exactly what she's thinking cause he's acting with her.

"Really and how about now?" Eleanor asked them a bit quieter. Marcus grimaced, but hid it, while Nadyia burst out laughing.

"Oh God, Marcus crushes!" She cackled and then fell back and covered her face with a pillow.

"No, we're not going there!" Marcus said panicked and threw his shoe at her. She just laughed harder.

"Oh come on, it's cute." Nadyia said, making his face go beat red. "You lads have to join the conversation. Lets have some bonding time and talk high school crushes, that's hillarious." 

Oh the joy.... My high school crushes... What a lovely topic! 

-Note the sarcasm there...

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