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"Don't you have a girlfriend to go to or something, Malik?" Lauren rolled her eyes, opening her locker to put her biology book in and take out her algebra one with Zayn leaning on her side, an amused grin over his face.

"I do, actually. But she wasn't able to walk without limping when we woke up today so she decided to stay home." Zayn replied, a small chuckle leaving his lips when Lauren made a disgusted face at the word 'limping'. "So, i thought why not spend my day with my favorite person in the world!" He added, a wide grin spreading over his face as he wrapped an arm around Lauren's shoulder.

"Hands off me, Zayn, or i swear to God, i'm gonna feed you your own balls." With that, the green-eyed girl smiled innocently before walking past Zayn who had his eyes a little wider than they were before and face pale.

When Lauren got to class, she noticed - thankfully - she wasn't late, only a few students were in and she immediately recognized her best friend in the back. Grinning, she walked over before sitting down by her side.

"Hey!" Camila grinned brightly once she looked up from her phone, "What's up?"

Shrugging a little, Lauren put down her books before moving her chair a little closer to Camila's, peaking at her phone. "Nothing really, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. Just on instagram, have you seen Gigi's new selfie with Zayn? Oh my life, these two." Camila sighed dramatically, staring down at her phone in admiration, literally.

"You do remember that i hate Zayn, right?" Lauren asked, arching an eyebrow as she looked at her friend

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"You do remember that i hate Zayn, right?" Lauren asked, arching an eyebrow as she looked at her friend.

"And..?" Camila trailed, looking at her best friend in confusion.

"And we are best friends.."


Groaning, Lauren childishly crossed her arms over her chest, "And best friends are suppose to hate or at least not be very fond of who their best friend hate." She stated, pouting softly as she looked at Camila.

"I'm not fond of Zayn, i simply appreciate a hot dude treating his girl right." Camila stated, missing the small frown that was on her best friend's face for a second before she sighed and nodded, locking her phone, "Okay, you're right. I'm sorry, i won't speak about him in front of you." Arching an eyebrow, Lauren narrowed her eyes at her best friend. "At least i will try not to." Camila added, grinning widely and quickly kissing her friend's cheek who simply rolled her eyes in return with a small smile.

"Can i have some black coffee, please?" Lauren spoke politely, smiling slightly at the cashier in front of her who had his head down, writing something.

"Of cours- Oh, wow." Arching her eyebrows, Lauren looked at the cashier who now looked up and had his lips parted slightly as he stared at her. Uncomfortably, she ran her hand through her hair quickly, "Fuck- I'm sorry, it's just- your eyes, they're really pretty.. and green.. Oh my god, i sound creepy, i'm sorry. Black coffee, right?" Bursting out of laughing, Lauren covered her mouth, grinning and shaking her head in amusement with her cheeks heating up a little.

"Right." She simply replied, still grinning. The guy was cute, she must admit. Plus he was rambling which is also cute, at least to her, so she added, "thank you, by the way. That was sweet."

After a couple seconds of silence, the guy handed Lauren her cup with a small smile and held his hand out, "I'm Brad."

"Lauren." Slipping her hand in his, they both grinned at each other which might have looked weird but they didn't notice or pay attention much and simply shook hands before Lauren pulled hers away, "You're new here, right? It's just i come here literally everyday after school and it's always Ella."

Nodding, Brad took the money from Lauren, "Yep. This is my first day, actually."

Not knowing what to say anymore, Lauren simply nodded and waved with a small smile before slowly starting to make her way towards the door.

"Hey!" Stopping, Lauren turned to look at Brad who was quickly walking from the counter and towards her. "Um, i know this is weird and you're probably creeped out but i was wondering if i can have your number? Maybe we can go out sometimes or something like that, not as a date of course, i've already creeped you out enough-"

"Brad." Lauren breathed out, not able to hide the amused smile that made it way to her face, "Breathe." She added teasingly. "Now, hand me your phone."

Grinning widely, Brad gladly handed Lauren his phone, watching Lauren type in her number before she gave it back with a small smile, "I'll see you around." She stated before turning around and walking out of the cafe, taking a sip of her drink.

"What do you think?" Nodding, Camila gave her friend thumbs up as she eyed her outfit with a small grin. 

"I think you look good

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"I think you look good. Is this the first you meet him?" Camila asked, sitting up on her elbows a little to which Lauren shook her head in reply.

"Nope, mum invited him over twice for dinner but this time he's bringing his son as well." Lauren explained, Camila grinning in response.

"How old is his son?" Furrowing her eyebrows softly, Lauren shrugged, not remembering her mother mentioning her boyfriend's son age, or anything about him in general - well, except for 'i'm sure you two will get along.'

Nodding, Camila squealed once she noticed the time and quickly jumped up, giving her best friend a quick tight hug, "I need to go now, i promised my father i'll be there for dinner, okay? Tell me the details, Lo!" Laughing softly, Lauren nodded with a small grin as she watched her best friend stumble on her way out of the room.

As Lauren was fixing her hair and make up, she heard her mother greeting someone - Yaser downstairs, so with one last glance at herself in the mirror,, Lauren quickly made her way downstairs to greet their guests.

With a bright smile, Lauren walked into the living room. However, as soon as she stepped in, who she saw next caused her to drop her smile as well as her happy mood.

"Lauren! It's been so long since i last saw you, you look great," Yaser - her mother's boyfriend complimented with a wide smile before continuing, "Lauren, meet my son, Zayn. I'm sure you two will get along."


omfg, i already love writing lauren in this one so much. so how was that? it's been so long since i wrote my last story so i'm sorry if it's not good much, i'm tryna get used to writing again but yeah, vote pretty please and tell me what do you think so far? 

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