dix sept.

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As Lauren continued to go through her revising her papers, her eyebrows furrowing when she heard her phone vibrating. Grabbing it, she saw it was a text.

Brad - 
Are you home?

Titling her head to the side, Lauren typed a "Yeah, why?" before pressing send.

Brad -
We have to talk, i'm coming over.

Frowning slightly, Lauren bite her lip unsure of how to answer, so she didn't. She simply put her phone aside and decided to continue studying until he arrives. Or Zayn arrives. There was only about fifteen minutes left of school. The thought of Zayn coming made her.. happy, she admits.

With a smile, she focused once again on the sentences in font of her until there was a knock on the door. Standing up, she opened the door and smiled slightly when it was Brad. "Hey." He said and Lauren nodded in respond before stepping aside for him to walk in.

"We're not okay, are we?" Was the first sentence he said as soon as he sat down. The question causing Lauren to swallow silently before sitting down as well.

Stopping her car in front of the Jauregui's house, Gigi grinned as Zayn turned to her, nodding. "Thanks for the ride." He said with a smile.

"Thanks for being accepting." She replied, genuinely smiling which caused Zayn to smile a little more before he leaned in to give her a quick hug. As Zayn got out of the car, he glanced at his parked motorcycle and nodded to himself, thinking 'I need to get it fixed.' before shrugging and walking to the front door.

As Zayn leaned slightly to slip his key in - cause yes, Lauren obviously gave him a key in case he came when she wasn't home - his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he heard a loud 'Stop it!' from Lauren. However, his eyes widened when another shout was heard of 'Brad!'

Immediately, he unlocked the door and stormed into the house, eyes going wide and fists clenching at the sight in front of him.

Lauren was on the ground, hands pinned above her head and feet trying to kick Brad who was on top of her, pinning her down and trying to press his lips to hers. When they both heard the door open and Lauren saw Zayn, her horrified eyes immediately turned into relieved ones while Brad's entire face paled, his grip on Lauren's hands loosening which caused her to immediately free her hands and push him away by his shoulders, clumsily stumbling up to run behind Zayn's back. 

However, what Lauren did not expect was for Zayn to slam the front door shut, eyes literally going dark as he spoke, "You're not getting out of here alive." Was all he said before he took one hell of a step so he was face to face with a terrified looking Brad. 

And he deserved that, Lauren thought. Not death but getting beaten up. But still when she saw how Zayn was throwing punches over his face and there was blood starting to come out of his mouth, his nose as he weakly tried to fight back, she shook her head quickly, trying to move Zayn off of him by gently gripping onto his arms with tears streaming down her cheeks not for Brad, she hated him. But because she hated seeing Zayn like that, she hated violence. Speaking softly, she gripping onto Zayn's shirt,  "C'mon, Zayn. Stop. Please." 

"Let go of me, Lauren, he deserves it!" Zayn particularly shouted, glaring up at Lauren but as soon as he was met with her her fearful bright green eyes, his immediately softened as well as his entire tense body.

Gulping silently, she gently tightened her hold on his arm, speaking "Just let him go, he won't come near me again, i'm sure." to which Brad nodded quickly, trying to hide his face.

Taking a deep breath, Zayn nodded but looked down once more at Brad, "I see you again near her, you're fucked." With that, Zayn got off the guy who literally ran his way out of the house. Lauren immediately sighing in relief.

When Zayn looked towards the green eyed girl - who looked ready to pass out - to speak and ask how the hell did that happen, he was attacked by a pair of arms wrapping tightly around his torso and Lauren's face nuzzling in his chest as she mumbled, "Thank you so much."

i'm really sorry for not updating last night but i have the worst throat ache ever and i've been taking non stop medicines since then which makes me sleep a lot. anyways, thoughts so far? thank you for reading, angels! ☺

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